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Norfolk nChance

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Everything posted by Norfolk nChance

  1. @Nick Thomadis Thank you for the reply, its genuinely much appreciated. I understand time is a rare resource and you can’t give out certain information. But I think exploiting the Lab-Rat talent pool available may help more than hinder. The NA-OW forum frustration of PCs going around in circles with the same POSTs just though lack of feedback or direction is a waste. Any specific areas you wish the Dreadnaught Rats to look into am sure we are all willing to help... Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
  2. Book: Strategic Studies A Reader Second edition edited by Thomas Mahanken & Joseph Maiolo https://www.amazon.co.uk/Strategic-Studies-Thomas-G-Mahnken-ebook/dp/B00HSMEQEE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1534234121&sr=8-2&keywords=Strategic+Studies+A+Reader Thought I would offer this book as on the previous post other War theorists start to be mentioned. I’ve had a keen interest in military strategy from an early age but never as a profession, well excluding Karate just to qualify my weak knowledge base. The main misinterpretation I believe of reading old war or Game theory studies is usually confusion between what is the “Strategy” and what are the “Tactics” involved to complete the strategic objective. The above Book breaks down just three, Sun Tzu, Clausewitz and Liddall-Hart. This I found fascinating with On War such a complex read while Sun Tzu is always Double-Edged and the profound Liddall-Hart’s stolen Blitzkrig idea... The Book is a primer for the READER to push deeper into strategic studies, not just historic but possible future events. It’s no easy read but gives the best BREAK-DOWN of On War by Von Clausewitz and order it should be read in I’ve seen. In terms of NA-OW or DREADNAUGHT, my three battle skills still remain the same in the same order... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26044-what-are-the-three-most-important-personal-owbattle-skills/ let me know if you like the book (or disagree), or other ones you’d recommend and why? Norfolk nChance.
  3. “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today...?” Fleet Admiral David Beatty Battle of Jutland, June 1916 Thought I’d share some Jutland stuff I was looking at. Great idea for a Campaign @Nick Thomadis maybe? The battle approaching the end of our DREADNAUGHT period the wiki shows Air and subsurface attack craft plus all ships and classes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Jutland Battle details strategy tactics and all and orders of battle. Submarine and Zeppelin deployments. Outcome and assessments. UK Seaplane Carrier and minelayers and German torpedo boats also included. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_UryFjKUsM Battle account narrated by Admiral Jellicoe’s grandson as part as the Centenary Commemorations. Some brilliant map graphics. Covers the strategies and tactics used and the outcome. Highlights the British Senior Hierarchy Admiralty had bred over the years leading to some costly mistakes. Its revealed after the battle Admiral Scheer in a letter to the Kaiser was using Mahan theory. He states a victorious end to the war can only be achieved by wearing down the British economy and not going head to head with her Navy. Scheer wanted to change the focus to an aggressive campaign by using the U-boats on the British trade routes starving the island into her submission. Scheer tried for a year to get the Kaiser and his Cabinet to agree unsuccessfully. Just a few decades later the first two years of World War 2 Great Britain suffered badly at the hands of the Seawolf Packs of the German U-Boats. If Scheer had got his way it just does not bare thinking about... Anyway, let me know what you think... Norfolk nChance [ELITE] Ps @admin and @Nick Thomadis or @Ink come on lets have some input I like this DREADNAUGHT idea...
  4. It seems @admin wants a Tournament style rather than individual duel rooms [DR]. This makes sense from a PvP out of game sales pitch or PC retention mechanic. Where the old style [DR]s were quiet affairs with no details whether training or (jumping with fleet across the map, you guys remember that one, sling shot?) otherwise. Tournament Needs Players... As I’ve mentioned above in my link, using your own ship won’t get players to enter (apart from @HachiRoku and @William Death). Why would a noob or average player enter when knowing he’s up against an [ELITE] ego with all the Books, toys, whistles and bells? ... no Chance... [GL] Tournament Time Management... I loved NA-L, and the weekend tournaments. My worry is how much time will @admin allocate out to it from his very small Dev team? Major NA-OW mechanics are due like UI, Partial Material Wipe with Blue Print rework and a Currency rollout that then beds in with HOTFIXs. That looks like a lot of work to implement and bed down IMHO with a small team. Keep It Simple Stupid... [GL] Controlled Ships and load out to start with. This until everything is bed down have [GL] keep strict control to reduce time on the duels. [GL] offers a choice of 3 rates and the proper NA-OW ship model with Frame and Trim. Cannons and Repair kits already fitted. Like the Cerberus used in NA-L first off. Captain skills and Permeant Mods are disabled, but Officer PERKs will be the only difference between the two ships. If you want a risk or burn factor than have an entry fee, winner takes all plus [GL] chucks in some BLING also? This is low touch while having the ability to advertise the PvP element. League table and POST Battle reports to be accessed by all. I’d like to see this on an Out of Game viewer that builds into the PCs Duel history via API. Later on, then start introducing ship risk mix... Norfolk.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyOaQe9_Mos This might be basic but gives a great introduction. Naval engagements rare and Jutland the only major battle. Need to understand why on this. Below HRH Prince Andrew gives a lecture on the era as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW4WdrDg3Bo&t=49s A study of Jutland I believe is this weekends reading. I'm just soooo old now Norfolk
  6. if this is true that's just p/ss poor planning We need a delivery intention first or we'll find after a time the reference points fall away. NnC
  7. @admin Love the mission improvements. It does look and feel age of sail nice work. Now before you drop the patch in, can we have an updated delivery intention of what’s to come please? Materials and Currency rollout stuff... Maybe a time horizon, general idea... Norfolk.
  8. @jekct1212 Like the idea, maybe as a Campaign. The object is to find or hold areas stopping NPC land forces action. Choke points etc... Just like this guy lectured... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26545-book-naval-strategy-by-captain-at-mahan/ This was a big part of Mahan ‘s lectures. He studied Nelson and the British rise to power. All other countries raising armies while Britain built a navy. Using Blockades, the French never had the opportunity to cross and invade England. Napoleon’s far larger and superior Grande Armee was rendered irrelevant. He used military theories of Jomini applied to a Naval thesis of choke points or FORCED MULTIPLIERS. Holding “Choke-Points” and locking out the main attack he cites examples time and again. Genius... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine-Henri_Jomini Norfolk
  9. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26505-we-duel-tournament-a-doubled-edged-sword-or-the-birth-of-a-legend/ @HachiRoku Well you’ll have a w/e thingy tournament to tide you over after the next patch is delivered... Guessing on when that delivery is you’ll probably be sailing a Dreadnaught its taking that long to roll out... Norfolk
  10. @Ink This is between hidden this is outside
  11. @Louis Garneray I cannot argue at all with your statement. I’ve posted a few times the inconsonance of the Dev’s POSTs conflicting with each and need for a re-write. The other major complainant I have is @admin replying to players in POSTs with additional input. This is not keeping players in touch... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1445816552 My post really was just come out and say “We’ve hit a bump, and its taking longer than we thought...”. The lack of feedback just drives up the players GRIND levels. The POST about w/e Tournament additions again doesn’t help... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26505-we-duel-tournament-a-doubled-edged-sword-or-the-birth-of-a-legend/?tab=comments#comment-568158 Trying not to sound like a wh/ny bitch, but I’m sounding more like Mrs. nChance every day... Norfolk.
  12. @admin I know no date was attached to when this the partial wipe and then the currency deployment would occur, but if you’ve hit a snag or wall meaning it will take longer could we have a comment? I’ve pushed for you and the team to re-write and update this POST currency roll out and the POST on partial materials wipe you made. There is no issue if you’ve hit a problem and it will take longer. However, by no new information just breads more GRIND within the testers... Norfolk.
  13. @Destraex You make some real valid points here. If it’s a single player then I assume a lot easier to build in more realistic rules or mechanics. Aerial combat I thought was mid to late WWI but apparently not... http://www.brianwillson.com/bombing-history-including-u-s-record/ On an MMO like World of Warships [WoWs] they run into a major issue with aircraft Tier 4 -5 or WWI era. It’s the total accuracy when spotting. The lack of fog of war is what kills the strategy. Rather than a “Enemy Destroyer spotted at SQ A7” it gives the live position on the map... Another issue (including NA-OW) [WoWs] is having more realistic fleet mix deployments and fleet strategy. The [WoWs] Carrier runs solo hiding without fleet support. It hides... https://store.steampowered.com/app/321410/Command_Modern_Air__Naval_Operations_WOTY/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2910/Fleet_Command/ These two games although modern era feel better, more realistic? Maybe that’s for @Sir R. Calder of Southwick to answer on pre-WW1 fleet deployments and air support. I know in NA-OW a 73 gun-Bellona never sailed without a fast frigate escort and First Rates carried a small armada when moving anywhere. Air inclusion and Fog of War must be equally balanced in my opinion Norfolk
  14. Let Dreadnought learn from NA-OW... @admin If you want the opinion of someone who knows nothing about the gaming industry and is so old he remembers porn in paper magazines, but is here ready to help... NA-OW didn’t leverage enough off the testers and personally I feel lost a missed opportunity. I don’t mean listening blindly to them, but giving them specific tasks and roles at certain times. Managing your Lab-Rats effectively. Rather than using them just as a database watering hole in the middle of dry desert. DREADNOUGHT lets have some real information... The What When Where How and Who... Don’t want company secrets, or treated like a mushroom either... if it’s a No-Go then Cut it and say it. First Cut is always the cheapest (learned this the hard way). Otherwise I’m keen to devote time if required... Who’s leading it...? @admin @Nick Thomadis Contact Mods...? @Destraex @BungeeLemming @Sir Hethwill the RedDuke First split “Work in Progress...” This thread now six pages in length, but is hiding Dev replies within. Needs opening up. Thread one “General chat”. This is what it says and follows in principle to the Work in Progress. Thread two “Dreadnought Progression” is @admin or Dev starter posts ONLY with player reply follow up like the Patch and Dev News threads. That is all to start with... What Is the Synopsis...? Lose General idea, and what is its “Me 2” equivalent game with the differential hook? Rough and Loose Business Plan (edited). What CORE key things are needed in place in order of importance at what time. Where and when do you want and need Tester input? Let me know if you think its rubbish, or if you can offer a better solution likewise. Norfolk nMahan
  15. For those interested in the Dreadnaught Period might find this book of interest. Norfolk.
  16. Book: Naval Strategy by Captain A.T. Mahan Collection of his lectures given at the Naval War College between 1887 and 1911 https://www.amazon.com/Mahan-Naval-Strategy-Selections-Writings/dp/1591145597 I’m a lucky man indeed, Mrs. nChance bought me a FIRST EDITION a few years back. I believe free editions are available also. His key concepts and theories all laid bare at the turn of the 20th Century all in one book. He shows how most Nations invested and judged their strength by the ground forces raised. The British differently established a strong navy that pushed Great Britain into a Super Power status. The effective use of Port blockades neutralized an army’s ability to conduct operations. Whether that force was many times larger than its opposition it still was of No influence and mute. This Mahan was the first to show from a Global standpoint how an effective Navy can bring any superpower to its knees. His time in history was the end of the Age of Sail and the rise of STEAM to the introduction of the DREADNAUGHT prior to the start of the Great War. It might be dated in terms of tactics but the strategies and thoughts are still prevalent in todays modern world. “Force is never more operative than when it is known to exist but is not brandished.” Alfred Thayer Mahan I’m a big believer in finding the FORCED MULTIPLER in any situation whether a small Clan punching above its weight or facing a larger force. Mahan time and again uses examples that the fight is won well before any Naval Action occurs... Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
  17. To the OP I disagree... Ranging shots are important, but locking other decks is a given. Why are you ranging with the top deck when wanting to deliver Low then Middle broadsides? If sniping is the issue, then that’s the mechanic accuracy applied above the broadside and default reload importance. Sniping is a tradeoff between time taken to lock in the target that then deflates Horizontal and vertical dispersion to firing the ball. Edward Pellew and his sights in real life might be worth a look. Aiming... Aiming normally is top to bottom unless you’ve lockout the upper decks and reload lower first, then the next then the next. Try it, but takes too long. Different cannons will load at different times. If you FIRE a full all deck broadside at the same time then YES, the top deck will always look to reload first... It isn’t, if you have full crew. They all reload at the same time but the top deck will always finish earlier due to size. Also, the progress circle will confirm this. Gunnery crew loss would affect lower decks more than upper as a percentage as they carry more guns with more crew needed per gun. Re-loading... Multiple single sniping results have some issues here. Even closing decks to just one. Re-load time what ever cannon your using say 20 seconds. After that first snipe, with focusing the next shots you should get two other shots away before the first cannon reloads. Once the first cannon reloads, this becomes the NEXT default inline to fire whether you are at 5 or 6 down the list. Also, needs re-aiming etc. Might want to change this to have the single snipe continue to the end? Delivery... Delivering front to back broadsides while travelling in the same direction will result in you missing with the last 30% of your shots. The enemy Player or AI should turn into you increasing angle (shortening boat length) and increasing planking thickness as well. Back to Front will allow for a more effective delivery and turning into the broadside would still result in the front cannons landing... Is it a de-masting issue...? Either, increase the time it takes to focus in on the target. This will affect broadside as well. Or don’t allow for the dispersion improvement from the single shot. Or better still, don’t allow number 1 cannon to override next shot priority... Norfolk.
  18. @Nick Thomadis Really enjoyed Darthmod, Napoleon TW you really made that game work. Naval Action and @admin I’m a proper fanboy. So, let us know when testers are needed on Dreadnoughts (or spell checkers) Norfolk.
  19. @admin stopped reading this way back... Closed minds never come with closed mouths Norfolk.
  20. @Liq I want a more open sandbox with a restricted Civil War mechanic etc. but you'll never get the Dev's to disband nations. The only way to solve this is having a fixed backstory underlying each main Capital region while a clan maintaining a Nation brand. So, using a Swedish clan as an example they invade Surrey. They can take all the PORTs apart from K/PR. The Swedes have a restricted title of "Occupation" in the taken PORTs with the GB flag remaining. They move onto Cornwall once again capture all ports. This works as normal, with all PORTs turning Swede with all rights and flag showing. no idea how else to do it
  21. @Banished Privateer Am still tired late-night work, I just don’t understand the middle paragraph. Will look at it later. It’s totally me too tired and also away from the in-game. I’ve missed a mechanic or play issue my fault am sure. ^^^ That's why RvR is irrelevent in NA and port ownership is a PUNISHMENT, not a REWARD. You're punished with expenses, you're obligated with defending and casualties, etc. THIS I TOTALLY AGREE WITH... Tis why @admin should read why I want @Jeheilback and read my note Comparing Apples to Oranges droll... Otherwise my dear Pirate, if he doesn’t the only thing you’ll be able to BUY in Cartagena is Lemons. Norfolk.
  22. @EliteDelta This time I just can’t agree with you. Judging by the replies ALTs are still not fully understood by all. I have a solution that might work for all, but good luck getting the Dev’s to deploy it with the summer go-slow gear fully locked in. First things first... Personally, if used correctly with the right control mechanic overlays in place ALTs are a great vehicle for any game. We have a range of views from very aggressive anti-ALT ownership to players that use the weak in game control to gain some cheating advantage. With all other views in-between these two extremes. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917654264 Game-Labs[GL] will never ban the use of ALTs. It will only ban bad ALT behavior. This then leaves it to a control mechanic issue as I’ve stated before and is exactly the same as what YOU seal clubbers do out there. No difference. If the game offers you an over balanced reward for minor risk taken, then it will be exploited by some with bad behavior. The combined DLC Package (ex-LeR) is roughly the same price as a new Account or in other words an ALT. This I believe was more by design than accident to help those anti-ALT players like @Intrepido to financially contribute to [GL] over their original purchase. This is a great move with counter balance and not just flags or colored sails. The 34 total redeemable parts operate like a LITE-ALT for a Solo Player thus mitigating a lot of the ALT advantage over the Solo PC. Anything past this is a mechanic issue to whatever degree. A hard-won PORT... You want the spoils of a hard-won port battle. Seeing other PCs coming in taking what they want with impunity leaves a bitter taste right? I can see that, so close the PORT to all apart from friendly clans list. Solo Players, fcuk ‘em, same Nation or allied-ish, fcuk ‘em. And if the PORT as a unique feature you simple can’t get it if your names not on the LIST. Fcuk ‘em... There is no way in Hell this would EVER get approved. You need to balance out the Gameplay mechanic. Starting with PORT friendly clan list... Balancer... Balance starts here with Trade Income tax revenue collapsing. The volume of traders as shrunk to just those on the list. Reflects loss of AI component traders (next patches expect AI PORT trade buffs to help the currency bed in). Second balancer now in effect. Tax level applied to PC internal PORT trades with shop or another PC auto defaults to a fixed higher level. The running costs of your PORT normally covered by the Income from trade now needs supplementing. The TAX Revenue normally received by the clan will now only receive 25% of that value. Clan Port Ownership I’ve always being a big buyer of this. The ability to improve it in all sorts of ways that reflect back in trade or safety or whatever is very important. That seems like a very distant dream looking at current progression. Clans cannot LOCK OUT solo players of same NATION status, full stop. Same Nation Clans that are not on the list could receive a POLL TAX of an additional 20% of the original tax bill. Also, same nation not on the list PCs receive a PARKING levy on PORT entry and is recharge per server cycle per ship docked. 100% of these funds go directly to the owner clan. ALTs/DLC Pack use... You’ll probably think this doesn’t go far enough with ALTs or ALT-LITE users. I’d agree and that’s because of the control mechanic reward system against risk taken... Norfolk.
  23. @Jeheil I couldn’t have pulled off the OP using any other Vet name. Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
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