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Francis Tabernac

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Everything posted by Francis Tabernac

  1. Oh yeah, I wasn't calling anybody out over it, it was just a very unfortunate turn of events for my comrade. Such is the way of war. I only mentioned it to point out that, as we are at war, we all engage in harassment of enemy shipping, and we'd be fools not to. He was understandably annoyed about the loss, but also understandable about the circumstances Salut!
  2. My favourite part is that, not only is the dumb mutt (hopefully) going to get slapped for it, but we all get to enjoy the pics of him being so bad at this that he missed his first ramming attempt against two stationary targets. Good stuff.
  3. As gracious in defeat as you are in victory. Ah well, whatever we have to tell ourselves at the end of each night, eh?
  4. It's not so much that, as the fact that most of the "diplomats" that speak for their nations on these forums don't know anything about diplomacy beyond its spelling
  5. Indeed, and here we go for the next round. Looking forward to meeting you gents on the seas and at the ports. Bonne chance!
  6. A quick note on the topic of multiple fronts: bear in mind that the greater issue is one of distance. The entire Danish nation comprised, more-or-less, an area roughly equal to just the French-Dutch front. It goes a long way toward making the "oh no, multiple fronts!!1" argument somewhat moot on the larger stage. Just some food for thought.
  7. The number wasn't my point, my point was that this activity goes on by both sides all the time, and only one side has been name-calling about it, but yeah, it's OW and fights develop over time as Grim said. I'd have jumped that 3rd Rate too, who wouldn't? I suspect part of the difficulty is the belief that all members of each other nation are operating in concert all of the time. SLMFr raids are usually 4-8 ships at most, and if more than 4 then we split into multiple groups, and we (for the most part) only attack ships our size and larger. If you're sailing around in a Renommee/Surprise or larger, you're no longer allowed to cry newb and be safe from combat. This is a PvP server, afterall. That's not to say there aren't other French players out there targeting Cutters, and I don't answer for them. But then we all paint the entire opposing nation with the same broad brush when it happens. And for the record (to whomever it was that said it, I don't recall the name): The first thing we did here was congratulate the Dutch and Danes on a well-coordinated offensive, not cry about broken mechanics, fighting on multiple fronts, or the cost of a decent Burgundy in Paris. I'm not even going to comment again on the absurdity of the statements that the French have never been on the defensive or fought not just on multiple fronts but in multiple theatres of war at once. Honestly sir, what's disappointing about all of this is that we've (both French and Dutch) been able to stay civil on the boards throughout our back-and-forth up until now. I think the Dutch-French hostilities have really stood out on these forums because they're the only threads not full of salty tears and ungracious behavior, which I've been proud of being a part of. It's just a shame to see that break down now, suddenly. Ah well, in these modern times it seems impossible to maintain civility in war, n'est pas? I've said all I can about remaining gracious and entertaining; both sides are doing it now, so I'll give it a rest. I'll still share a beer with ya at the end of all this, though
  8. Oh, don't get me wrong. That picture's been around for ages and I still snicker every time I see it. What I meant was that to call our little hunting fleets 'seal-clubbing' for only going after newbies is silly. We pilot nothing larger than Renommees and the vast majority of our targets are Renomme/Surprise and larger. We don't generally waste our time with anything smaller because it's not usually worth the effort, and we move in fleets of no more than 3-4. You guys also do the same thing, just ask my poor clan-mate that lost his trader full of goods to 8 Dutch ships just after this all went down; the difference is we don't come on here afterwards and call you names for doing it I feel your pain, brother
  9. That's the PvP2-server French. Wrong group
  10. Good sir, tell me we're not still pushing this foolishness I enjoy the implication that France is only for the first time experiencing being attacked in several locations at once, and by superior numbers As for the comment about seal-clubbing.. yeah, I won't even bother. Some people just can't be taught. So much salt; people need to learn to be gracious in both victory and defeat, lest they begin to look petty and ungentlemanly!
  11. It's called a joke (and pretty clearly one), lord but you're all so touchy! If you folks are going to be working with the Dutch, perhaps you should have them send some people up to help you out with that. They seem to understand it just fine
  12. Wait, is this the part where we cry about multiple nations attacking the French at once? Blast it all, I can't remember how to foist this off as cheating! Curses! Well-played, gentlemen. We'll have to see what we can muster in response this evening!
  13. That dream's right up there, next to the one about waking up in the middle of a court martial in my skivvies!
  14. Wyspa, that darling chapeaux, it.. it does things to me. Things which I have not the words to describe.
  15. You're the only one reporting Swedish victories over Danish cutters here, and coming off like a clown. Wow, are all of the Danes this salty?
  16. I love that it's almost always the obvious child that first insists everyone else is a little kid (chat in second pic posted). Adorable.
  17. Disagreeing with you is not a failure to understand, it's a disagreement with your conclusions. The mechanic was clearly used as intended: "pop out, see if the coast is clear, if not then re-dock." Perhaps it's just to represent our ability to walk outside and look with our eyes, since we can't do that while in-harbour.
  18. I love the PvP2 'rats, they're adorable. "Well, uhh.. those are other pirates. Yeah. And they didn't want to take that anyway, because.. reasons. So there. Yar?" Back on topic: I hear Slamz totally hangs dong in the sequel.
  19. That IS crazy! Or maybe not! The drama has me on the edge of my seat; tune in next time to find out!
  20. It shouldn't be difficult to figure out what they mean, and this just comes across as trying to justify being a prick. Here, let's keep it simple: if you don't know the person, don't say something potentially rude/insulting to them. "But in some cultures X isn't rude!" But in others X is rude, and if you know that you may be temporarily banned, is it really worth taking the chance? I'm speaking generally here, not to Justme specifically: What do you gain from being rude? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Does it make you feel enough better about yourself to be worth risking a temporary chat ban? If the answer is no then just move on; if it's yes then take your chances, I guess. Defenses like "some cultures don't think "I banged your mom!" is mean" or "this is the internet, get used to it" and the like hold no water as arguments; they're just poor justifications for insulting somebody. I'm glad this game is trying to keep the community at least relatively civil. It's the game that attracts players, but it's the community that keeps them, and a toxic community isn't going to keep many players around for long, or at least not the sort that you'd want to be around. Besides, we're here to test the game right now, remember? If you're taking your pretend achievements with your pretend internet boats so seriously that you need to insult and offend other players then you're doing it wrong, and perhaps you need to grow up.
  21. Nor is it meant to be an arcade game like World of Warships, and the fact that you don't like an aspect of the game does not necessarily make it "unfair."
  22. Great spot; that's too funny. I find it odd that you complain about the unrealistically powerful nature of chainshot in the game, and then finish the complaint by describing your victory over somebody trying to use it. You'd have done a better job of selling your point had the story ended with "...but they fired nothing but chainshot and destroyed our sails and rigging, and we were never able to catch them." You'd be describing it working exactly as it's supposed to, but it still would have made more sense given your argument.
  23. These papers are always an entertaining read, and they have the added benefit that they don't come with an inch and a half-thick stack of flyers that I just have to throw straight into the garbage.
  24. Shhhh, quiet! The Americans might be listening! >_>
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