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Francis Tabernac

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Everything posted by Francis Tabernac

  1. Perhaps some of the confusion arises from the fact that most of the clans speaking out for peace among our 4 nations in the east claim that they did, overall, speak for the nation and have taken to referring to all clans that have continued fighting as "rebels". I've seen it particularly among the French and the Swedes, but it's come up all over. While you may not have specifically said that you speak for the nation (and I don't recall seeing you make that claim, I agree), in general the implication has been that anybody that didn't support this attempted peace treaty was going against the nation's wishes.
  2. There's certainly some possibility there, I think. Moving up to a larger ship and bringing your crew with you would mean that the crew would have the benefit of having worked together and knowing each other well, so even if it's a different class of ship they should still be better off than a fresh crew. The fundamentals don't really change that much. As for Marines, I would suggest that crowding the ship with more Marines should hinder crew performance a little (getting in the way, that kind of thing) if you have many, but I don't think they should take away from your total crew.
  3. Exactly right. You're not made immune to anything. Fire would play the role it did in reality: take all focus away from everything else while the crew saved what was essentially their home. The idea that the crew would continue to blindly ship yards while the ship burns around them unless specifically ordered to stop and fight the fire is just silly.
  4. Having spent a little time with these gents in-game I can't recommend them enough for any Swedish players interested in playing their game as they see fit. Excellent captains, active, and a great attitude all-around.
  5. Always glad to see more men willing to go their own way and serve their nation as they see fit. Bonne chance!
  6. Every morning should start with so good a laugh, thank you
  7. Wait, but... if RUS is Apollo Creed's corner man, then does that make the Brits Ivan Drago?! I think you just blew my mind, Dalriadan
  8. Quite right. It's a very unfortunate trend, lately. As a Canuck that has always loved visiting Australia, and for no reason better than that, it's always nice to see more of you good folks out and about Best of luck!
  9. Indeed, to clear up some apparent confusion (though why they care is beyond me ), the name is a factual and literary (Victor Hugo's Les Misérables) reference to parts of the underground movement involved in the 1832 Paris June Revolution, who were known as Les Abaissé. They were made up of Parisian Republicans who felt that the Constitutional Monarchy established in 1830 had merely given them another King to be ruled by (a simplification, of course, but this isn't a history lesson.) So yes, it is in reference to people, and as an organisation it's not plural I'll grant you, the "Les" as opposed to "L' " is a little poetic license, but I think it's still pretty clear what the intention is.
  10. Had an enjoyable fight yesterday with some Dane-Norwegians near Puerto Rico. We were heavily outgunned but faster, and fought a run-and-gun battle for a good hour or so. France/Sweden: 5 Renommee, 2 Cerberus. Dane-Norwegian: 4 Trinco, 1 Surprise, 1 Belle Poule, 1 Reno, 1 Cerb It was a blast. Ships demasted, formations coming together, breaking apart, and reforming down the line, non-stop maneuvering. Everyone stuck it out to the end and once they realised we weren't running and hadn't stopped shooting, everyone got down to the business of reducing the enemy to kindling. No tears, no crying. Thanks for the fight, gents; win or lose, I'm looking forward to the next one!
  11. Matsje van Leeuwenhoek, the latest victim of the One Drop Rule. Alas! Seriously though, this is asinine.
  12. Did you at least make sure to explain the master plan to him before he escaped?
  13. Never forget, Belize: pretend internet boats are the most serious business of all! That's why people get so worked up over them
  14. I seem to recall hearing that defending all of those ports all the time is a lot of work, and you can't expect people to do it if it feels like work. A fair sentiment, to be sure, and I agree, but not a game mechanics issue
  15. He also makes a delightful Fleur de Sel Caramels with a little.. je ne sais quoi
  16. Speaking of self-righteousness and rhetoric, glad to see the echo chamber's still treating you well, Gal! Yes, that's been established
  17. My good Monsieur Bullet, sadly some of us did speak our minds about this situation, and the vitriol and personal attacks received sent a very clear message: toe the line or find a new home. To be frank I would've been fine with keeping this peace, at least with the Dutch side, and used the two weeks of ceasefire to mess about with my various ships while I continued to enjoy RPing as an agitator. This was unacceptable to some, however, and the non-stop rhetoric on these forums lately demonstrates quite clearly how open people are to opposing ideas. Frankly the whole thing has been disgraceful. I've made my arguments for why I believe things should be allowed to evolve how they will from a testing perspective, and I won't go into that again. From a purely gaming perspective, the most common argument I see is "you're ruining the fun for other people." To that I ask, why is my enjoyment of the game less important than someone else's? Did my copy of this game cost less money than theirs? Why should I forgo playing how I wish (to engage at will in PvP on a PvP server) because someone else wants to keep a quiet area for crafting and PvE, safe from other players? It's been clearly proven that a nation does not require a chain of safe ports to be playable, and that it's possible to take them back despite population disparities. " implore you to resist the urge of rebelling the wish of a few big guilds..." the sooner people accept that guilds speak only for themselves, the better off every player will be. For now I shall continue to enjoy myself as I take the battle to the Danes in whatever capacity I may, and in the process continue to help, in my small way, to test and refine this wonderful game. Adieu, Capitaine; bonne chance! Edit: Apologies to Morey for continuing to engage in non-RP discussion in his enjoyable thread.
  18. Why not just choose to play as you will? If your clan wants peace, then be at peace. If your clan wants war, then be at war. If your clan chose peace/war and you disagree, leave and find one that with a view that you prefer. We as a group need to stop telling each other that "the other side" is playing the game wrong; the self-righteousness alone has grown so thick it's become difficult to wade through half of the threads on this forum.
  19. There are people on all sides that find themselves unhappy with the idea of peace, whatever their reason, and many of us have chosen to continue the fight. Whether we do so for honour, for glory, or for the sheer joy of combat, many of us yet stand tall.
  20. A story to stir the heart of any true man of France, Monsieur. The stage is set.
  21. Indeed I do, mon ami. If only it were so limited in its application, alas. Good for a chuckle nevertheless!
  22. I wouldn't usually like an idea that would limit someone's gameplay options, per se, but as a method of encouraging play with smaller classes of ship just to see a little more diversity it could be worth a try. Easy enough to get rid of the mechanic later if it turns out to be a dud.
  23. Glad to see the argument still rests on "be smart and you'd agree", that's some rock-solid logic. Well-played
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