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Francis Tabernac

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Everything posted by Francis Tabernac

  1. Effective or not, winning or losing, I don't care, I love this guy.
  2. Great to see the Swedes out in force and rattling their sabres again. Congrats on these early victories!
  3. Ah, I took it as the "that's too hard right now" dismissal that seems to pop up so often, that's on me, apologies.
  4. Great, so now the secret bonus teleport is broken, too?!
  5. And I disagree, I don't think it's a poor idea and I think there's plenty of potential on how to make it more interesting. Tennessee88 expands on it quite a bit with ideas that would make it far more interesting. It was a base on which to build. PvE IS boring, you're shooting at easy-to-predict and easy-to-defeat AI enemies, but many people enjoy the PvE aspects of the game and even play on a PvE-only server. This could add a great deal of variety to that and make it far more interesting. That's a good thing, which will make it LESS boring so as not to hurt the game. It's really that simple.
  6. Could and would hurt, why? Is this suggestion forum not meant for suggestions? Not every suggestions must appeal to every person.
  7. "shoot at two immobile objects and then board the third immobile object" as opposed to shoot at absurdly easy mobile objects. I can't see any reason not to add a little variety to the missions. The whole thing can be about timing, where if you waste too much time firing at batteries or take too long boarding then you've given time to the defenders to launch ships that'd sink you. Or the trick to the batteries could be more about learning to maneuver and position yourself to avoid their fire, since one ship going in alone isn't likely to be taking out coastal batteries. Who knows; there're all kinds of possibilities there and variety can't hurt, especially since there are people that play entirely PvE for whatever reason. "Difficult to implement now" doesn't mean it can't be considered later, particularly with the devs saying they'll be implementing land into PBs and the like.
  8. While I can appreciate the effort you put into your post, I wouldn't want to see the game go in that direction simply because it's so "game-y". I get the appeal, and I thoroughly enjoy games like that as well, but it just doesn't feel like NA needs to be that kind of game. To each their own, though.
  9. This statement alone is the crux of the problem, as I've repeated again and again. Nobody here is "destroying the game" for anybody. What a farce.
  10. That'd be that reading comprehension issue I mentioned. I recommend you work on that
  11. I love how adorably you twist this around. I'm making up drama? Sweetheart, I'm not the one that's turned this whole thing into a personal issue from the very start, on TS, on SLMFr forums and then on here. That would be you. I'm sorry that your reading comprehension seems so limited; I'd chalk it up to a language barrier but you've been so vile on these forums since you've "made peace" that it's clear you're just a spiteful little man. If "nobody minded anything", why are you mutts going so far as to come pollute our recruitment post with your nonsense? Pathetic, Gal. Absolutely pathetic. A month ago I'd have expected better, but I see that you've spent so much time yelling "me, too!" into the echo chamber that your ability to self-reflect is non-existent. I've spent enough time PvPing with you in-game to know exactly what to expect, so I understand why you spend so much time doing it here instead. So please, my sad little friend, keep it coming. I'm sorry that you're such a delicate little flower that your feelings are so easily hurt, but go on, continue trying to turn this around into me being the disrespectful one, by all means. I look forward to your next convoluted explanation as to why you hurl vitriol in the name of peace Maybe I just like to PvP on a PvP server. But go on, keep putting words in my mouth, it's cute as all get out
  12. I would just like to state for the record that "Boston Sea Party" is the best US clan name I've ever heard. I still chuckle every time I see it.
  13. If you can't commit to the amount of time and effort required to operate a 1st Rate (in your scenario) then play with something else. It's still coming back to "I should get to do everything no matter how little time or effort I'm willing/able to give" and to me that's unacceptable. I get a few hours of game-time in a week. I don't play much. I'm currently sailing about in Renommees or Frigates. Do I resent everyone that's put the time in to properly sail a 3rd Rate? No, why would I? They put in more time and effort than I did.
  14. I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get this point across too, Puchu. It's like shouting into the wind sometimes though, as has been clearly demonstrated here. You don't find bugs by saying "I think maybe this might happen" and then trying to avoid it, folks.
  15. I think Hethwill's coming more from the point of view that the free Basic Cutters have been used extensively in swarms against other ships expressly because they cost nothing to repair or replace and so offer 100% return for all XP and gold earned, whereas the damage they cause must be paid for by the target. This can be viewed as exploiting the use of the free ship beyond its intended purpose which is, as you noted, to help brand new players get out and level. His suggestion is that they not be used specifically for PvP, which would still allow their use in mission running or AI fleet hunting, which is excellent practice for said level 1 new character. There've been many suggestions on ways to accommodate them.
  16. I'm half in agreement. I think the purpose right now IS to exploit things like this to prove that they're problems, repeatedly if necessary, as more data can't hurt. To use it and not report it as an issue doesn't help, though, and to use it purely to game the system is pathetic. Exploit problems, document the exploit and the results, and submit lots of bug reports, folks. That's why we're here.
  17. On the one hand yeah, that's pretty disgraceful. The primary thing, though, is that it's been brought to attention so that it can be addressed and fixed in the future. It's a good catch of an exploit.
  18. The point, again, is that what you decide among yourselves is not binding for all players by default, no matter how much you think you speak for everyone. The very fact that members of your clan are posting on my clan's recruitment page calling us pirates for not toeing the line says it all. You can say that you speak for the majority all you like, but if I disagree, as I have every right to, then I'm not bound to follow your decision. The same applies to everyone else that's here playing this game. If you'd like me to do as you want, then feel free to reimburse me for the cost of this game, at which point I'll play it your way. But if my copy cost the same amount as yours did, then I have the same right as you to do as I see fit, and that applies to every person here too. Frankly, if your ability to enjoy the game is contingent on other people following your orders, then I pity you.
  19. Time spent earns rewards, as it should. If you have the skill, then the time taken is reduced comparatively as the rewards for performance decrease the time taken to 'grind', and you'll be able to perform better with what you've earned. As for quality vs quantity, I don't see why you seem to think they must be mutually exclusive.
  20. I'm not trying to pick on you in particular, but this theme of "only grinders get rewards" comes up from you a lot. There's a line between "too much grinding to accomplish anything real" and "rewards based on effort", and higher-level/end-game/whatever items should not be easily obtainable by just any player that makes a bare minimal amount of effort and puts in only a small amount of time, otherwise there's no incentive to try harder. Think of it like your job: should you get a bonus for just getting by, or should you get it for going the extra mile? If you answer the former then you don't want a bonus, you just want more salary.
  21. ....except capture them in the first place. Other than that, though
  22. I believe you mean an old EdR. Here's another clear demonstration of why this is all so pitiful. Morey is an ex-member of EdR, so now they appear to dump on us. Do we find their recruitment page and talk about what a hash they made of the Dutch campaign, or mock them for refusing to fight the Danes because "it seems too much like a job" and then blaming game mechanics for the lost ports? No. Grim and I are ex-SLMFr members, and so they appear here as well to try to nitpick and denigrate. Do we find their recruitment page and write "join if your idea of fun PvP is mission-ganking Snows in a Renommee fleet"? No. And yet here you are. Yes, make sure you point out how criminal our spelling is, we detestable pirates And yet you children continue to do the opposite. Please, continue to demonstrate how the French nation on PvP1 - EU is eating itself and encourage people to roll for a different nation, rather than deal with this foolishness. As I mentioned, the only people that have taken umbrage with us playing our own games the way we see fit are our so-called countrymen; our enemies have given nothing but support, since we provide a fight without the pitiful melodrama. What an utter embarrassment. If you had any capacity for self-awareness you'd be ashamed of yourselves. Edit: Just to make clear that I do not include LeBoiteux in this, who spoke with one of our members in PMs as well (you know, like an adult) and really was just trying to be helpful
  23. Thank you Tatann for making our point for us. Several clans have decided that they speak for the French nation, and if you disagree then you're a rebel and a pirate and they "will make all the things i can do to diminish your actions in the french nation". Play the game the way we say, or you're out! This is precisely the attitude that led so many people on all sides to go their own way; this behaviour is childish and obnoxious and we wanted nothing to do with it. In fact it's exactly this attitude that forced our hand and pushed us away in the first place, and still it continues. Shameful. We are here to play our game as we see fit. We have thus far thoroughly enjoyed our battles with the Dutch and the Dane-Norwegians, and have been met with a positive attitude from them throughout. Good attitudes during combat, enjoyable fights. PvP on a PvP server without the drama that permeates so much of it throughout these forums. The only people trying to stomp out our clan are our own pretend internet countrymen, who continue to berate us not only on the forums but in our own recruitment post. Again: shameful. We fight because we should. We fight because we enjoy it. We fight because it's right. Any proud national who wishes to do so alongside us is more than welcome. Any who don't are welcome to continue to congratulate themselves for "taking back" ports gifted to them and spit vitriol here on these forums instead. Best of luck to all. Salut!
  24. Well-played, gents. Glory to Sverige!
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