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Everything posted by Stilgar

  1. The after-wipe version will be quite tough for beginners. Therefore, I would suggest to allow rank and craft XP transfer from PVE server to PVP server. Basically, the beginners having difficulties on PvP server can be advised to join PVE server, to learn the game mechanics and progress in rank to some extent. When a certain rank and craft level are reached (not too high, say 3rd rank and craft level 5 or 10), these are synchronized for all PvP server. The player then can join PvP server having some experience and a slightly higher rank. This could be a temporary solution, before proper tutorials and new guides are created.
  2. the 3rd rule states: if you do speak about alliances, it's only to give the French false hope
  3. The first rule of the RvR club is: you do not talk about alliances, the second rule of the RvR club is: you do not talk about alliances.
  4. Bart, if you not sure ask Prorok. He knows best!
  5. redii, it's never too late to correct mistakes
  6. May the fate bring us under the same flag again, Bart
  7. Hello, gents. Good to see PFK alive and kicking again.
  8. срупл - мудак. пора бы ему девушку завести или работу найти, а не в кораблики играть.
  9. To some extent I share your concerns, but I am overall positive about chances of single-dura system and accompanying changes. After all, its not just about single-dura vs multi-dura, but also about the combined RoE, battle mechanics, economics, and crafting changes. So, let's look at the punishing part. Loss of a ship means: - loss of ship and perma upgrades (painful indeed, particularly if it's 4th rate and up) - cannons (also quite painful, although crafting should diminish the pain to acceptable level) On a positive side, crew is currently free of charge (when in port) and there is no loss of ship knowledge bonuses. Furthermore, crafting of ships up to 5th/4th rates looks quite accessible, although it is not clear whether compass wood is still a fine material or can be crafted in dedicated building, and whether PVE marks will be required for crafting ships (this would be a big mistake imo). Another aspect of concern is that mismatch in skill between a beginner and veteran will be accentuated by mismatch in ship quality (lack of regional bonuses installed, no or just a few knowledge slots open for beginner/casual player). That would very likely cause a higher rate of ship loss for beginners/casual players. Aside from loosing ship, they will not be getting valuable experience and marks, that would allow them to progress in game. That is why I keep pleading for a balanced approach to ship bonuses of any sort and avoiding of unnecessary grind of ship knowledge. The above situation is all right for experienced player or player sailing regularly in a group/clan. For lonely/casual player it will be more of a challenge and much will depend on their own patience and tenacity, but also on n game economy, e.g. prices on the ship market. Such players need a bit of help from both devs and the community. More specifically, devs have to come up with risk-free tutorial (scripted missions) for beginners, which provide valuable experience and first rewards ! (tutorial was part of the plan I heard, but not sure about risk-free part) Comprehensive manual and guides should be made available and easy to access (official manual and up-to-date community guides and tutorials). Last but not least, the community should try to be more generous with beginners (advice, ships, resources, money sharing), but most importantly involving those players in group operations, if even they are not part of a clan. Fortunately, ganking is not the only thing the community greet the beginning players with and overall I am quite positive about the level of community support. Finally, with above said I am (again) overall positive about the chances of new version. In fact, I hope that the above challenges to the players might change the approach to sailing and fighting for the best. Players will tend to group up. When in small groups faster ships will likely be used. I bet players will actually try to keep the distance in battles and play sailing/maneuvering game to keep the options open. We shall see more organized withdrawals and overall lower numbers of ships will be sunk as in the past. I hope that all in all we'll see more realistic and interesting fights, as apposed to straight-ahead brawls and en masse sinking of the multi-dura times.
  10. I'd rather wait another week or two and have a reasonably playable version. So, devs, hurry up but without haste
  11. Американосы и бриты (австралийские и штатные бриты) на глобале прямым текстом заявили что оне будут воевать друг с другом, так как они понимают что на глобале все остальные нации, с исключением пиратов наверное, будут слабенькими или не существующими (франки все на евро сервере и все евро испанцы, да и евро-датчане и шведы тоже наверное). Бриты на евро сервере немного ослабнут, но у них всё равно народу будет достаточно.
  12. Насчет союза Англия-США-Голландии на евро сервере не уверен. США будет слабеньким или даже не существующим. В Голландии разброд и шатание: народ прёт к бритам и к испанцам, насколько я понимаю; часть зависнет на глобале. Скорее союз франков с бритами имеет больше смысл (по колличеству игроков и географии), но они же как кошки с собаками. Только если голландцы воспрянут духом и будут слабеньким, но звеном между бритами и французами тогда может выйдет из этого толк. Короче намечается интерессное кино ...
  13. Я плаваю в группе из 6-7 активных игроков. Из тех же соображений подумываем присоеденится к Испании. Будет интересно увидеть что получится если народ массово ломанётся к Испанцам. Скажем на Евро сервере 30% бриты, 20-25% испанцы, 10-15% франки, остальные кто где? Кстати, шведы и датчане могут пыжится сколько угодно, но им будет трудно в новом раскладе (без альянсов). Они дедовшиной (в пб идут одни старики) распугали "молодеж". Кто скринил за датчан и шведов? Првильно, франки. Может по этому и задумались русо-датчане Я смотрю и на тест сервере RDNN плавают за испанцев. Присматриваются?
  14. I could not board in one situation, but could in another without perk on. Could be the camera angle after all, but I wonder if that is related to a minimum prep one needs to be able to initiate boarding, for I was not preparing at all in the first case and on some prep in the second.
  15. Cool-down time on tp is probably a better idea.
  16. Sounds good! I would go even further and put a cool-down on tp-ing of players between national outposts. Same 3 hrs or so. Complete removal of tp between outposts would hurt players interested in economic production and crafting. Someone mentioned green zones around FTs. That would be a good move as well: want to hunt traders, get out of the port and hunt, don't just jump in and out from safe position to pick easy fights. TP to capital with ship is pretty useless. Can be removed all together. As far as I understand tow requests will be removed as well. This would be good idea indeed. However, I would consider allowing tow requests for empty traders. This would help players interested in economy and crafting. Besides, with this feature in place, traders met at sea will almost always have smth in their cargo
  17. Yes, please limit entrance for SoLs (I would go even further and would allow entrance for 5th rates and lower rates only). FTs should seize being free and safe military bases, often in the heart of the enemy lands.
  18. Согласен, прокачка по рангу кораблей будет проще и веселее. Я почему-то понял что так и было задумано.
  19. I see hardly any problem with the proposed changes. Time to make OW leaving and breathing again, chat/troll less, and fight more !
  20. Have to disagree on fine wood and upgrades.. Fine wood was a good idea on paper, but pain in day-to-day gameplay. It basically failed: everyone kept building golden ships, although the productions of SoL's was slowed down indeed. Note that "fine" materials are still present in crafting (e.g., compass wood for build strength, Cu ingots for speed, etc), but their effect is more subtle now. Finally, as far as I understand in the upcoming patch the production of the 1st rates (at least) will be regulated by permissions that can be bought in admiralty shop for some sort of points. As for upgrades, in current system they are more expensive than ships (no good!). Effect given by upgrades and perks overlap and at times provide unreasonable bonuses. So, some sort of streamlining of upgrades/perks was a long due.
  21. If raiding will be a viable option for getting some live oak (or any other rare resource), then I see no problem. Besides, there will be enough players willing to play contraband game and make some money :).
  22. This looks like the most reasonable solution, if we want as many players as possible back w/o wtf moments and frustration. Besides, this might motivate beginners to stay. I really do not care about everyone getting max rank over night, I am worried about veteran's getting back and having unpleasant surprises, if the redeemable XP is implemented and things go wrong. P.S. Will this granted XP apply to characters on all servers? That would be nice, cause everyone is concerned about proper nation/server choice.
  23. (an admittedly subjective opinion of a PvP player ) Probably for the best. PvE zone sounds like a cool idea, but it might require creating of boundaries, which might complicate the development, I suppose. In a long run creating a PvE world with own content and RoE might extend the game lifetime.
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