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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 8 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:


    This battle has made france cocky. We made a stupid tag and lost 2 ships right away into battle because 1 captain made a mistake. The mortar brigs demasted 2 more of us also early on so gg. 1 Battle Victroy vs us and they think they are succeeding. The trash they beat in our screening fleets and KPR doesnt count. Lets be honest. This is the first balanced fight I was in that I lost to them. I wanted to get this out of the way because one of them pointed it out to me today because this is their great success. 

    Now. Here is the truth. North came to brits yesterday and said the french were pissing him off and he wanted us to help him smash the frogs back to 1 port. Mr Pellew being a newer player talked to him and came to me with this BS. I told him I would leave nation and that there is 0 chance SLRN would ever agree to peace with RDNN and RUS. Its not happening. So knowing this I kicked North from TS because I know his politics and we will never back down even if we have no players to defend ports and we don't want to farm ai flipping them. Well North went straight to france after this and you know how we know? Because we jumped to french TS and he did at same time :) He is desperate and after we told him to f*** off he went crawling on all fours to france lol. Here is the thing. Some pvpers in Brits want to be 1 ported so people will wake up. We don't care how many ports they will take from us. We are off the leaderboards for good now so there is no point even trying to with a half assed nation that doenst bother. 1400 log ins a day my ass btw. 100 people maybe on nation chat, 70 dont want to pvp and out of the 30 pvpers 15 dont want RVR. 

    Dear @HachiRokuDo you want us to cry with you?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Suricato Rojo said:

    En mi humilde opinión de alguien que habrá participado en 2 o 3 batallas de puerto y me flipa como la gente que dirige tiene la visión táctica que tiene cuando yo apenas consigo no darme con el de delante... 
    Si ellos llevan carros y nosotros largos (como fue el caso en general) no deberíamos entrar a una pelea de mele y castigar mas desde lejos (primero velas). Quizás no se gane así, pero entrar a la mele recargando mas lento, haciendo menos daño con los nuevos thicknes es un suicidio.
    Aunque creo que la cosa va mas por llevar carros tambien...


    Lo primero es tener disciplina y obedecer lo que te digan, en el resto podemos hablar de muchas cosas. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    This might help you decide.  Rearranging it by order of population:

    Unique logins over last 5 days

    1. GreatBritain: 1378
    2. Pirate: 672
    3. France: 500
    4. UnitedStates: 494
    5. Sverige: 455
    6. Espana: 334
    7. RussianEmpire: 321
    8. VerenigdeProvincien: 275
    9. DanmarkNorge: 240
    10. KingdomOfPrussia: 113
    11. PolishLithuanian: 96

    Spain 334....more than 290 carebears :huh:

  4. 4 hours ago, ScipioTortuga said:

    Hello forums,

    I have decided to leave the Dutch nation to do something new in the game somewhere else. But I havent decided yet what nation to go to now. Please everyone help me decide! ;) 

    Vltra is your clan... 

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  5. 37 minutes ago, staun said:

    Do you rember the time when the spanish was rolled back on the map,what that did to your player base? 

    Have you no shame left after you become a powerhouse along side your russian ally. Pick on the polish, they moved ports to the south. But thats not enough for you. I thought better of you. The players I once played with I had in High regard.

    Hope and trust the polish will keep building on there nation, despite the spanish actions.

     * I am Sorry for the hard word if you in fact actually are doing them a favor.


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  6. 25 minutes ago, Alvar Fanez de Minaya said:

    Hace mucho que no juego, y estoy usando el PVE para hacer un training con los últimos cambios.

    He visto cambios en el PVE y quería estar seguro que eran los mismos cambios que en PVP.

    Muchas gracias Sigfried.

    Apostaría a que cambian a la vez ambos servidores. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    Ill duel you once in trinco and once in belle or surp. One in my favorite ship and one in your one :) It will be near LT of course and maybe even today.

    I want to see that battle

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  8. 3 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Poor KOTO, they don´t realize GB had a PB some minutes earlier... I`m really sorry if I exploded your buble.

    Really close battle, and we were the attackers. We sank 12 ships and you 15.

    We are nearly there, my spantards friends. Unlike you, we learn and we adapt.


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  9. ........ VLTRA  recruits non-Spanish speaking captains, interested contact me here or in game.

    PD. We must take advantage of the discontent that is seen here ...:D

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