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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 9 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    I agree in spirit, though this situation was a bit more complex.  I think you mistake friends for in-game acquaintances.  Though your friends have a knack for going US and trying to take your ports 🙂

    Some don't and will never share this opinion.  

    Let's see if you find out about a fucking time. We play with, against, how and when we want ... Not to give fun to you and your followers. The same with the French at night. Keep enjoying those empty battles.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Besalem, Robras and Key West weren't exactly empty.  They were missing VLTRA members though.  7up and VIXIT showed up to defend KW against us and ended up donating 1st rates to our cause.  VLTRA, you and Jorge were down around the Belize area about an hour before the battle sinking brits on the very same night.  Unless of course there are 2 different Alucards and Jorges in the game  :-).   So maybe 7up doesn't have all the support you claim it does.  Or VLTRA just doesn't care anymore.  

    Let's see if you find out about a fucking time. We play with, against, how and when we want .... Not to give fun to you and your followers. The same with the French at night. Keep enjoying those empty battles.

  3. 2 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Yo animar a espanoles a defender puertos de francia y piratas.

    Conocer que rusia atacar ayer a ustedes en habana con barcos primer rango. Deber conocer que rusia ya no interesar aliance con espana. Rusia cancelar tratados.

    Flota britanica tomar ayer ambrease caye. Esfuerzo espanol y ruso inutil contra aliance GB-Francia. Ustedes apoyar rusia cuando barcos primer rango atacar habana, nosotros en GB reir. Ustedes no leer news forum.

    Esto es lo que nos importa tu opinion... UNA MIERDA

  4. 48 minutes ago, lobogris said:


    Nuevo golpe al tráfico marítimo español realizado por el capitán de la Oveja Negra Sin Perdón.

    Ayer tras un duro y complicado combate del bravo capitán Sin Perdón hundió un Indiaman español, una vez más los buques de carga de gran porte españoles son hundidos frente a sus costas, la indignación crece entre sus habitantes ante la impotencia de su Armada de poder defender su tráfico marítimo.



    Ohhhh, que grande.... 


  5. 53 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    As I’ve said elsewhere, and my beef with 7up aside, Spain doesn’t deserve the effort they’ve put into making the nation a fighting force.  It’s a shame really.  Spain / VLTRA are poor allies in and out of their nation.  

    About an hour or so before we did the key west / Vacas battles Jorge and Alucard were sinking brits down by Belize.  Neither showed up to help.  Just let 7up and VIXIT die on their own.  

    Some bad hombres.  See you at Robras!


  6. 7 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    My dear anolytic and northie,

    I know you have the strong belief we are fools or you consider yourselves the smartest guys of the server. I'm sorry if I burnst your buble.

    You have NEVER been a pvp clan. RDNN, REDS had always the same goal, port battles. Neither northie or you were known of being in the pvp leaderboard.

    Your imperislism was a result of your own arrogance. And both of you, combined with rediii, have plenty of it.

    Russia WILL have the same diplomacy and goals. You are just trying to keep a low profile until the day russia is ready to deliver the first blow. 



    Anolytic, North Viking, Rediii, Pls your first blow in Hornblower's mouth... Thx

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, LADY CASSARD said:



    Suite à la concertation des vénérables capitaines de la nation (Equipe de jour seulement), nous avons décidé à la majorité d'une position vis à vis de la nation Espagnole pour les prochains jours.
    Nous ne voulons pas d'une guerre contre nos alliés historiques. Nous comprenons que certains clans Espagnols n'ont pas une habitude représentative de la nation Espagnole. Nous ne pouvons admettre une ingérence de ces clans dans les combats contre nos ennemis.
    Pour tenter de laisser une chance à la paix, nous avons décidé d'éviter les combats contre les capitaines Espagnols dans leurs eaux, par contre nous ne tolèrerons plus de bateaux de guerres Espagnols dans nos eaux que nous attaquerons à vue et nous répliquerons aux attaques orchestrées par les Espagnols sur nos territoires.
    En tant que nation unie, nous défendrons tous les ports français quel que soit le clan propriétaire.
    Toute flotte de screen Espagnole se mettant entre nous et nos ennemis lors qu'une bataille de port sera considérée hostile.
    En revanche, nous ne serons pas à l'origine d'attaque contre des ports Espagnols mais nous nous défendrons en cas d'agression et reprendrons les ports attaqués et capturés après cette communication.

    After the concertation of the venerable captains of the French nation (Day crew only), we decided at the majority of a position towards Spanish nation for the next days.
    We do not want a war against our historical allies. We understand that some Spanish clans do not have a representative behavior of Spanish nation. We cannot allow this clans to interfere in the fight against our enemies.
    In an attempt to give peace a chance, we have decided to avoid fighting the Spanish captains in their waters, but we will no longer tolerate Spanish ships in our waters, which we shall attack on sight and respond to attacks orchestrated by the Spaniards in our territories.
    As a united nation, we will defend all French ports regardless of the owning clan.
    Any Spanish screen fleet putting themselves between us and our enemies in a port battle will be considered hostile.
    On the other hand, we will not attack Spanish ports, but we will defend ourselves in case of aggression and retake the ports attacked and captured after this statement.

    Después de la concertación de los Venerables capitanes de la nación francesa (sólo tripulación de día), decidimos en la mayoría de una posición hacia la nación española para los próximos días.
    No queremos una guerra contra nuestros aliados históricos. Entendemos que algunos clanes españoles no tienen un comportamiento representativo de la nación española. No podemos permitir que estos clanes interfieran en la lucha contra nuestros enemigos.
    En un intento de dar una oportunidad a la paz, hemos decidido evitar luchar contra los capitanes españoles en sus aguas, pero ya no toleraremos los barcos españoles en nuestras aguas, que atacaremos a la vista y responderemos a los ataques orquestados por los españoles en nuestros territorios.
    Como nación unida, defenderemos todos los puertos franceses, independientemente del clan propietario.
    Cualquier flota de pantalla española que se ponga entre nosotros y nuestros enemigos en una batalla portuaria será considerada hostil.
    Por otro lado, no atacaremos los puertos españoles, pero nos defenderemos en caso de agresión y retomaremos los puertos atacados y capturados después de esta declaración.


    VIVE LE ROY !!!!

    We miss you Cassard... 

  8. Good evening, I have to announce that as of today Russia and Spain are no longer allies.
    I must thank our former allies for all the support they have given us for so long, and I wish them the best of luck in this new stage.



    Soon we will update.

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Spanish policy is decided by RvR players and not by carebears who might have to face some inconveniences now. 


    Pensar que politica espana decidir por consejo clanes de "real auerdo de indias".




    Ya ves que todos los españoles estan de acuerdo en hundir a los que nos atacan....da igual de que clan seamos.

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  10. 54 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    First loss of the french.



    I will keep reporting.

    lol, you know nothing.....


    This fleet come to La Habana last night....

    Fuckflower screenshot was after this battle. Only indiaman player survived.


  11. 52 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    You waste your time.



    The war has begun, and the spanish have made the first moves.

    Lol, 10 french players come to LA Habana last night with 9 third rates and 1 indiaman plus 5 fleet Indiamans more.... Results 3 spanish sunk, 9 French third rates and some Indiamans sunk. Fuckflower, your news are always fake news... 

    UWS thx for coming. 


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