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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 22 minutes ago, SUN said:

    All true Spanish know who I'm and my obvious position about this situation.

    Lets talk now about FACTS, rationality and stupidity


    now look at the map than read this:
    beeing Allie with France give Spain a HUGE strategic advantage for the both side for obvious reasons + HUGE of times we had proven our loyalty to each other
    an alliance with the american give a miserable strategic advantage to Spain + their loyalty is poorly proven to Spain
    an alliance with the Russian give almost Zero strategic advantage to Spain + their loyalty not proven at all over time to Spain

    BUT Spain chose to have an alliance with USA and Russ ENEMY of France = strategic stupidity

    all days clans manage to convince and retain A POWERFUL night clans from attacking Spain for months!!!
    and all France have to live with our allies Spain choices, respected it, and deal with it

    one month a go or little more join Spain VERY WEEK clans and the other clans do not manage to convince them from transforming the alliance in "friendly"
    members of this clans attack us 24/7 at our capital and NO single actions PVP or RVR was from our side FOR WEEKS !!!


    Spain do not chose and protect an strategic alliance of huge interest this a is facts! and this is sadly stupid

    the rest of the story is bla bla bla

    NOW! days clans will decide about this war soon in a meeting

    but let me tell you some other facts:

    1) we are beholden to the night team that respected the day team and retain their own interest from attacking Spain for months and obviously we will support them !!!!
    2) any attack by ANY Spain clan to ANY french port will lead to a total war with ALL France!

    Then you will stop to hide your ports in nightcrew timers?? 

    • Like 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, Rabman said:

    Jags showed up to screen us out, and we responded. We can all pretend that never happened right? Do you want to also pretend that you, me and Alucard didn't talk in circles for an hour trying to repair this ridiculousness Jags dragged us into? 

    As a act of final support to build a bridge with you, we attacked the swedes who showed up at Turneff. No French tagged any Spanish.

    I'm fine with all of this though honestly. Like you said yesterday "we never helped you". You're not wrong, so why be allies.

    I'll make this very easy for you. I have no honor and we are the bad guys. So lets fight, sink ships and have some fun.

    Ok, war with France, any French will be attacked. See you... 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Rabman said:

    France              ==> WAR - WO/BLANC/UWS

    The Spanish have taken things to far. First attempting to screen us from a port battle versus the Americans, and second by attempting to have their Russian Ally BETEP take the open port of Bonnaca to deny us easy access to the Yucatan. They asked for two days to develop a solution. They were given two days and no solution has been reached.

    I don't speak for the daytime French, but I am speaking now for the nighttime French. No safe quarter will be given to any Spanish ships in any region of the Caribbean.

    Excuses too poor, who has been the one who attacked a Spanish Port ?? I see you coming for a long time, as I told you personally yesterday, show me a single image of Spaniards fighting against the French in a rvr battle in recent months.
    I am glad that you see your real image, what you could not do during the day you do it at night, when you know that there are no people to oppose. I have had the pleasure of meeting many French players, honorable and loyal, you are not. I hope you enjoy the empty battles a lot.

  4. 1 minute ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Tonto es el espanol que yo ver.

    Saber ustedes por que polonia atacar a espana ahora? Preguntar ustedes a 7UP y JAGS. 

    Saber por que las batalla de puerto de espana hay mucho 7UP y poco espanol? Ellos no confiar, ellos preferir cualquiera de 7UP a pesar de que no ser bueno como Van Veen, Ketunpoika, Keelhauled...(ellos siempre hundir en batallas) antes que un espanol. 

    Ellos preferir a alemanes como darkjoker y amigos clan aleman SOV (nuevo clan en espana) antes que jugar con clanes espanoles. Christoph, graf, casanova moderne son alemanes.

    Cuando ellos ser REDS no jugar con RUS por que ya no confiar en Babay. Ellos hard core jugadores, espanoles y rusos ser casuals.

    Ellos pasar a espana de rusia por puertos de live, white oak y area segura grande. Ellos no importar nada mas.

    Ustedes siempre pensar que son amigos pero ellos usar a gente para ganar ellos victorias como 7UP.


    Eres rematadamente tonto. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Trashumi Fujiwara said:

    Pues si el futuro del juego se basa en que todos los barcos que nos prometieron que llegarian, son en forma de DLC y salen de la misma manera que estos, conmigo que no cuenten.

    Me parece un insulto y que que se estan riendo de nosotros cuando estan esperando a sacar el parche principal para fixear unos barcos que estan rompiendo varios aspectos del juego ahora mismo(al igual que el stackeo de mods, que es otro canteo) el, cuando ya se dijo que la mayoría de los nerfeos y fix se podrian hacer en cambiando 2 chorradas en el codigo. Y esto no lo hacen solo con estos barcos, siempre que un bug aparecia o un exploit (acordaros de el bug de teletransportar la flota en una batallando) esperaban 1-2-3 mese o lo que tardarán en sacar el parche principal para arreglarlo


    Todo dependerá del vodka del que dispongan... 

  6. Estando de acuerdo en mucho de lo que decís.... 

    El  q pierde un barco si pierde algo, los upgrades, por lo general buenos, que lleva el dichoso barco. 

    En cuanto a lo de las ventajas... Más tenían antes algunos con las cartas mágicas y estuvimos la inmensa mayoría sin ellas, en este caso el barco lo puede comprar cualquiera, las cartas no... 

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