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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 23 minutes ago, admin said:

    Clan management tools are not a priority at this stage
    Before that - If clan member is not willing to file the tax in person - kick him. As a 18th century guild leader you should not ask what you can do for your clan member, ask what a clan member can do for you.



    16 minutes ago, admin said:

    You don't understand one thing
    Game need players more than advanced mass tax tools
    Amount of players interested in mass tax tools is extremely limited compared to players interested in the tutorials and new player experience.

    If game ratings improve we can expand the scope of things we work on, but until then our hands are tied.

    Lol, really?? 

  2. 8 minutes ago, van Veen said:

    @Liq Yes, it's good fun having a real 1v1 in a port battle :)

    I would have gotten away easily, but decided to make a last charge for a circle. It was clear from the wind direction and our position, this meant getting into a close range fight with you. I knew chances are low with a fir/fir in a 1v1. But by that time we were so low on points that I had to get a circle or die trying. The rest of the fleet couldn't do much being locked up downwind in the brawl. So it all depended on this duel in the end :) 

    You got that "lucky" shot dismasting me and that put a nail into the coffin. I certainly could have made other decisions, e.g. seek the decision earlier or tack through the wind to return to the circle instead of jybing. Maybe I could have kept a larger distance to you like this. Against any other captain this is just a minor mistake, but you certainly know how to make use of even the smallest mistake. 


    You did fine but as you said Liq is at a higher level and any error against him can be definitive. 


    3 hours ago, trashiiii said:

    this was the worst PB I watched in recent months


    I am completely sure that you would have done better ... Even the wind would have turned in your favor every time :P

  3. This morning when I was sailing with mytrader brig between La Tortue and Mortimer town, I met a pirate in Pirate Frigate, his name Teach Edward, from the WTF clan.  I start maneuver and engage an AI fleet, the pirate entered the battle from my side, beginning to attack me, shooting my sails and hull. I imagine that his intention was to slow down so that the AI's would sink me.
    I've recorded it on video and I hope the punishment is severe.

    I did a F11 report too.


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  4. 1 hour ago, Celtiberofrog said:

    Lo siento Jorge, a pesar del gran respeto que tengo para ti, no me parece rasonable seguir pasando horas para construir cosas que no tienen todavia consistencia.

    Te prometo que volvere a combatir con tigo en los mandos; pero cuando el tema estara finalizado de una puñetera vez.

    Bueno, respeto tu decisión, pero no te olvides que tenemos un Ts para que vengas y hablemos de lo que quieras

    • Like 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, Alone Hunter said:


    -Usamos algunos errores con los cañones desde octubre de 2017. También creamos RUBLIbot y lo usamos. Puedo vender RUBLIbot por 1500 $, abrir algunos secretos y errores por 100 $. Solo PM :D

    -Wir benutzen einen Fehler mit Kanonen seit Oktober 2017. Außerdem erstellen wir RUBLIbot und benutzen es. Ich kann RUBLIbot für 1500 $ verkaufen, einige Geheimnisse und Bugs für 100 $ öffnen. Nur PM ich:D

    -私たちは2017年10月から大砲でバグを使用します。また、RUBLIbotを作成して使用します。 1500ドルでRUBLIbotを売ることができます。100ドルでいくつかの秘密とバグを開くことができます。 ちょうどPM私:D

    -Biz 2017-ci il oktyabr ayından bu yana toplarla bəzi səhvlərdən istifadə edirik. Həmçinin RUBLIbot yaratmaq və onu istifadə edirik. RUBLIbot-ı 1500 $ sata bilərəm, 100 $ üçün bəzi sirləri və hataları aç. Just me PM:D

    -Мы используем некоторые ошибки с пушками с октября 2017 года. Также мы создаем RUBLIbot и используем его. Я могу продать RUBLIbot за 1500 $, откройте некоторые секреты и ошибки за 100 $. Только PM мне:D

    Certainly at the time when the Spanish Empire did not wear the sun, it was certain that these languages were spoken and even more so, in Spanish territory.

    What you can do is respect the use of the current Spanish and stop gilipolleces.

    B) gracias... 


    Ciertamente, en la época en que en  el Imperio español no se ponía el sol, era cierto que se hablaban estos idiomas y más aún, en el territorio español.

    Lo que puedes hacer es respetar el uso del español actual y dejarte de gilipolleces.

  6. 5 minutes ago, DesMoines said:

    This thread were for WO and BLANC Clan...Not French Nation. As we said you before, we haven t a lead for French Nation. Just a Council where we try to play between EU and US players.

    I understand your position and i m sorry for that but don t say all french nation will pay for US players. May be we aren t Zerg but may be we can do some "collateral" damage to spain if you try to attack others clans. You know we aren t your enemy and we try to play with some agreement for 80% of French Nation and we are enjoy to do this.

    We had ask to KoC to not attack others town than VCO clan. We aren t God or anything else for give to him Orders. Now if you want try to punish french nation....Believe that you will have ansmwers to your questions. I m not for this options....but when we can have some PVP...i m ever RDY ^^ (and others)


    Perhaps the best option to avoid this would be to base the game on clans and not on factions

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