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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 15 minutes ago, Malachi said:


    There were more, of course. But just one would have been enough to make your initial statement invalid. 

    What is invalid is your premise, if in more than 200 years it has only happened on very few occasions.


    16 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    So what you're saying is that imaginary pixel 1st rate you are going to be sailing around in should have a "I Win" button?  

    Or that only ships of the same rate can fight each other in the OW?

    Sounds like a fun game.

    Much like in sports, the player talent usually has a bigger factor in success than does the equipment, no?  The difference is, in real life, navies would rarely, if ever, put complete idiots in command of the kings property.

    No, of course not. But neither does the one that uses a frigate have to have an advantage simply by using that type of boat. I guess balancing the game is paramount. Obviously, no one expects band to band with a surprise to sink a victory.

    And as for the captain, you're right but here are talking about some of the best players I've seen in the game and I do not think they need to make it easier to sink less experienced players even if they use more powerful boats.

    • Like 2
  2. To all those who ask the nerf to the thickness of the masts and the hull of the line ships it is seen that they want to sink or capture more powerful ships with the much cheaper frigates. While it can already be done, considering that any type of frigate far exceeds the maneuverability of a line ship, what do you expect? What do these big ships stop using?

    It is true that NA is not a pure simulator, but what can not be is an arcade. In real life not a single frigate would come close to fighting a ship of line because of a single broadside would send it to the bottom.

    Everything that has been said in this thread can be improved, but please do it with a head.

    Edited: If you nerf SoLs, you must nerf frigates too. 

    • Like 3
  3. The agreement you have with the British, in what has benefited you? The answer is ... Nothing.

    You have surrendered your ports of the Bahamas for nothing, while the pirates and the Prussians continue to raze your shores and your ports. And while the British, from their ports congratulate themselves for having rid of an uncomfortable enemy at least for the timers and number of players. In short, a treaty that you do not profit from.

    Personally from my point of view those who have voted yes this agreement should withdraw from political life and continue to doing trade and PvE in the protection zones of Charleston.

    • Like 3
  4. 22 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    So group of us were doing this very long hunt. Just PvP up the coasts just having some fun. When we got to the Florida Keys however our journey was interrupted by a message stating we are about to run into about ten Prussians that were watching the stream I set up to see if anyone intercepts us in-game. Told everyone to stop and unexpectedly ran into a fleet of Espana heading to Jobe. Took us absolutely by surprise since just minutes earlier they were fighting on the other side of Cuba with Danish and Great Britain. Well they came upon us out of the fog and got us in a battle. The fleet us Poles were in was not meant to handle anything of this nature and voted to attempt to make a break for it. The Two Ingermanlands were too slow however since the Spanish ships were all very light builds. Could have been probably a very bloody battle if surprise was on the Poles side with Espana fleet being made up of very light ships but that was not the case. Both Ingermanlands were lost, Surprise and Endymion made it out safely to attack an Espana Snow that left the battle early,  and Espana did not lose any ships just had some significant damage on the Wasa, Constitution, and the Wappen. Great fight guys thanks for making the evening eventful and fun @Jorge


    Good fight. 

    o7 @Davos Seasworth

    Maybe if your light ships supported you the fight would be more fun for all. 

  5. 3 hours ago, staun said:

    See that Spain also just have you as hostil. I just remembet it as it was war once. 

    Yeah RvR and PvP is different things. Was just wondering if the map always have been so kaotic.

    I think the same as Davos, there is no war between Poland and Spain, only OW pvp.


    1 hour ago, staun said:

    No we in generely live in peace. Had a lot of good times with spanish players. Thats count for quiet a lot.

    Vltra will never attack a Danish Port (even from BF) unless they attack us first. As for the pvp, we avoided the confrontation except with BF.

  6. Just now, Norfolk nChance said:

    Be Warned,

    The Church of the Poison Mind [Club] does not recognize this so-called ACT.


    The Church has NO grievance with the US at this time, and it also has no problems accessing your PORTS and goods. We have and will continue to take what we want and do so with impunity.

    This ACT is between two CLANs only.


    By divine right, the Church empowers [ELITE], her allies and her Special Operations sister clan [EDARK] (formally known as [ELAN]) to Serve and Protect God, Great Britain and King George.


    Norfolk nChance [ELITE]



  7. 1 hour ago, Batman said:

    Lass ihn doch die Füße seiner Russischen Lehnsherren küssen. Wenn sich das Blatt wendet, werden die Spanier wie üblich eh wieder die ersten sein, die im Forum rumheulen wie unfair alles ist

    So schlimm ist es, dass es bei Beschwerden in Englisch nicht zu dir kommt, dass du es auch auf Deutsch machst. Ein neues Jahr und nichts ändert sich, Britisch beschwert und weint in jeder Ecke des Forums.

    Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus für die Verwendung des Google-Übersetzers.

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