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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 44 minutes ago, Trashumi Fujiwara said:

    are you hello kittying serius? i have been in GB for a couple of months just to find the same problem we got in spain 6 months ago. I cant understand why there are 2 clans with more than 100 people but i cant see their names in any PB, i cant understand why there are 2 clans with more than 100 people and all the PVP/RVR activity is always lead by the same people. do a favor to the nation and start doing PVP/RVR or move to the PVE server.

    btw you should stop complaining about people leaving nation and stop pushing other to do the same in nation chat because that is nothing to be glad.

    We miss you... 

  2. 2 hours ago, Bloody Hound said:

    Spanish Port Battle Fleet for Williams Bay They didn't make it.



    Russian one from Kemps bay when they left the port battle after losing to points? and got caught.


    Plus many of small skirmishes inbetween were various lone Russian and Spanish ships were sunk.

    We had a US fight also, but no one took a screenshot of it. But we won one and lost the other due to the Prussians joining the US :) 

    Fun day guys o7 

    Very interesting. 

    I suppose the Swedes will help you when the pirate ports are attacked.

  3. 15 hours ago, Fenris said:

    No. You had 3 times so many ships as they did. Even you did win, you shouldnt post that pic.

    But its a "heroic" spanish battle. I get it.

    We're seeing that you're hello kittyed up by the result ... I'm glad

    3 times more .... hello kitty another Nobel prize in math ...

  4. 1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

    gank us? You had much more guns, firepower, ships :lol: You must be idiot to say "we thought we will gank you"

    Don't worry, I have 3 more Santisimas. This served well killing many Spanish. I am just happy you didn't capture it :)

    Another one who must learn maths... 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Fenris said:

    Its about the picture, not the battle.

    Otherwise anyone would post a pic where 3 frigates gank an Indiaman.

    jajajajaja, are you comparing First rates with teak 3rd rates ? every time santis  shot in parallel we had  reload shock and removed more than half of the armor. The lessons keep them for those who have no idea what this is ...

    PD. Our Santi was teak too...

  6. 28 minutes ago, Fenris said:

    Lol. Dont repeat my comments .)

    And, MOST IMPORTANT thing..... dont post pictures showing how "heroic" your battle was :)

    Post something like this.


    And i know, my contribution was not big/good enough, but hey, no double BR on our side.

    You feel the difference Jorge?

    Sure, we sank veterans...can you feel the difference ?

    • Like 1
  7. 51 minutes ago, Fenris said:

    Rofl... Double numbers and bragging here. Typical spanish behaviour...this is such a BS, how you even dare posting such pics here?


    Can anyone delete this please?

    Your comment is pathetic, besides I have never seen you, will you be another Hornblower?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, VCNT de Velasco said:

    Veo que todo sigue igual. O peor, si es que esto es posible.

    El otro día hablaba con Pepe sobre este último parche, que no deja de ser uno más en la irrefrenable cascada de chapuzas a que nos tienen acostumbrados, y concluíamos que la única posibilidad de salvar este juego es que venga alguien con dinero, compre la empresa, eche a todo el mundo a la calle y se ponga a hacer algo serio.

    Pero teniendo en cuenta que el juego existe desde hace bastante tiempo y por tanto es conocido, si no ha sucedido ya es que no va a suceder. Y, si ocurre, no será parra hacer un simulador (que siempre tendrá un público bastante restringido) sino otra castaña parecida a la que es hoy, aunque para eso ya están los de ahora.

    Admiro vuestra fe y vuestra constancia. No se merecen los DEV's vuestra dedicación ni vuestro entusiasmo.

    Un saludo a todos.

    Sinceramente,  ya entro al juego por estar con mis amigos hablando por el ts más que a jugar.... Con las posibilidades que tiene y cada vez la cagan más. 

  9. 2 hours ago, ChristenTrash said:

    This situation was isolated to the PVP Patrol Zone and the Patrol Zone only.  Jorge and myself have already discussed the issue.  From the US perspective the PVP zones are a FFA area and any alliances should not be honored as players entering the PVP zone will not necessarily be aware of whom they are attacking and cannot control who joins their battles.    

    @Jorge feel free to correct me here, but I do believe you are of a similar mind?

    Agree, RAI supports FFA in PvP Patrol Zones.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    its endgame content so yes it is not important for new players.

    That's your opinion, I did the opposite from the beginning. I do not know why it costs you so much to admit that those tools would improve the game. I think you are looking for the easy approval of the admin and not the benefit of ALL the players.


    3 minutes ago, admin said:


    Simplifying taxation for 50 members is not on the mind of the player who just bought a store npc surprise
    AND - 
    removing the names actually increases pvp for him - because he does not know about some imaginary agreements that were agreed upon before he joined the game
    we dont want him to ally with enemies. We want him to sink everyone. All captains who dont belong to his nation are nameless bastards that must be destroyed from the face of the earth. And - whats important for pvp:  When they type lol in chat he should only see "kek".  Less communication with enemies = more pvp (+less hate)

    Are you talking about NAVAL ACTION LEGENDS??? 

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