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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    Except a mechanic to prevent said night flips is available for everyone to use.  Unlike last time.  Such a key mechanic was omitted from your whine posts.  Curious.  Put timers on the ports you want or risk losing them.  Seems like a reasonable request to me.  Hold less territory if you can’t afford a lot of timers.

    Both of you were Russian when night flips were on your side for a while and most of the Belize area was taken from the Brits at night.  Most of the ports Spain owns currently in that region were take directly by the Russian night crew.  It was ok then though?  Maybe you should give them back to GB?

    Another thought is that these are self inflicted wounds.  Spain wasn’t attacked until JAGs and 7up started meddling in the night crews RVR fights.  Perhaps you should be picking your faction leaders a bit more wisely.   Spain directly ended an evening feud or “war” between 2 nighttime groups that have been fighting each other for over a year.  Quite a feat I must add.  Both of you seem to also omit that these 2 factions that stopped attacking each other did so for a reason.  They’ve also been fighting each other since well before the merge.  We stop for 2 weeks and folks lose their minds


    So TLDR, put timers on your ports and stop letting JAGs do diplo stuff.  

    As much as you repeat, the truth is what it is and precisely you are not very close

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Some things what the real spanish hate:

    Enemy ports in front of their capital.

    Lose symbolic ports as Corrientes and all of those around isla de pinos.

    Lose ports with precious ressources (teak, live oak, white oak) as most of them can´t afford a second account.

    Lose caymans, as they often sail from there to gank. They think winning in gank fights make them good players. No port, no fun.

    It is very sad to see that the British encourage other factions to do what they find impossible. They simply settle for attacking neutral ports and defending their ports. Hornblower Empire....

    • Like 8
  3. 28 minutes ago, LADY CASSARD said:
    No problem, it's the game ....
    I hope that we will find common ground in some time for peace.
    But for now I think it will be hard.
    We will talk about it again when we have common interests.
    Good luck and good luck

    See you tonight.😉

  4. 3 hours ago, Knobby said:

    recovering crew shows up as - kills in Ok for the other dude

    look at the 8th round, that's when the attacker started surgeon

    positive kills in Ok just means that his friends were graping the attacker

    True, my fault. Too much sun on my head this days. 

    • Like 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Seems like not all treaties were cancelled.  Russia / Spain / US multi-flip was attempted tonight.  Funny how some things change....yet they really don't.  "Meet the new boss same as the old boss".  

    France managed to stop the Russians / Spanish, while a lucky pirate fleet just happened across some US missions and we were out for revenge scalps.  Props to the ironmen @Graf Bernadotte and @Christoph for getting up and trying.

    What happened to you in Little Cayman?.... 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Forbin said:

    :) Ok then, let's fight Spain, then we will be friends again and we will focus together on perfid Brits, especially Mauricio Pinkflower.

    But for one more week, I'll take advantage of Spanish beaches, drinking Cuba Libre and eating tapas till the end of the night :P

    @Jorge: If you see a kayak fishing in Peniscola, Don't shoot at me, I only trade fish meat ;)

    Je n'attaque jamais mes amis ...I am not very far from there, in Gandia I am these days.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

    To be fair the diplomacy tool we had didn't work very well. It could have been improved for sure but it's now ancient history.

    We all know that this game has huge possibilities, the problem is that it seems that the devs will be busy with more important things ... For months

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Maculosa said:

    Faut que je me connecte sur ce forum pour voir que tu me fais 3 appels du pied. On se connait?

    Depuis que les devs nous ont supprimé tout méca de diplomatie (merci les devs!), les clans font ce qu'ils veulent au sein des nations. 

    Les clans espagnols choisissent de suivre le mouvement des 7up, c'est chouette chouette chouette.

    À titre personnel et n'exprimant que mon humble et quelconque opinion, j'apporte mon soutien plein et entier aux WO, UWS, BLANC. 

    For those who will complain because no translation: 

    .no more diplomacy mechanism.

    .Spain supports 7up, cool.

    .i support myself WO, BLANC, UWS.

    Bye bye

    o7 Maculosa. 


  9. 10 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Please add:

    A letter of apology, written in perfect english, by alucard and jorge.

    The recipe of Graf Bernadote favorite drug´s coctel.

    250 millions in compensation for all the salt. We might have to clean all the salt from (old) spanish coasts.


    More Jajajajajajaja... 

  10. 36 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    i know you have been asleep...… but we have been at war ever since the merge. this is the first time since December we have not hunted vco across the whole map. first in Russia then in the USA. but it would appear that jags has given us both reason to wipe out spain. so enjoy. 

    Wipe out Spain..... In you humid dreams... 

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