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Everything posted by Woody051

  1. First off i'm not telling you to vote or how to vote as this is completely voluntary. I am only wishing to act as an advocate to the game in hopes to see our game population increase. Steam is hosting their annual "The Steam Awards" to be decided this December and there are multiple game categories. http://store.steampowered.com/SteamAwardNominations/ I felt that this is a way that we, the Naval Action community could drum up some support to a game we all enjoy. Visit a game’s store page to nominate it for an award. The “Test of Time” Award This award is for the game that is just as good today as the day you first played it. Newer games may come out, but it doesn’t matter… you’ll always come back to play this one. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” Award Games are fun. But sometimes games become more than that, and touch you in a way you weren’t expecting. This award celebrates the game that blindsided you emotionally. You weren’t expecting to cry. It wasn’t in the plan. But it happened none the less. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award You have an early day tomorrow. You need to get some sleep, so you’re just going finish one more thing before you decide to tuck in for the night. Just one more. Wait, one more. What’s that you say? It’s 2:30 AM? This award is for the game that keeps you playing late. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award Some games melt your face. Maybe it was a crazy plot twist. Maybe you just got your wisdom teeth removed. Either way, this game BLOWS YOUR MIND. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award Some people just need a hug. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “Game Within A Game” Award Kinder Eggs. Peanut Butter Cups. Jelly Donuts. All great things stuffed with other great things. Like a mighty turducken, this award celebrates the best mini game hidden within another game. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award This title didn’t have a huge marketing machine behind it, but you found it and loved it. Then you told your friends about it. And they loved it. And now that little game that could is about to win an award… but always remember: you totally found it first. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award Animals are rad and almost any game is better for including them. However this game used a farm animal in the best way possible. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store The “We Didn’t Think Of Everything” Award (*name pending Selection Committee Decision) There are as many great ideas for awards as there are great games to play. And so we turn to the Steam Awards Selection Committee to come up with their own category and nominee. Senior members of the Selection Committee will review the write-in entries and create an entirely new category based on the feedback provided. Find a game to nominate in this category: Search in the Store
  2. So this is where the Spanish - Belize PB Fleet ended up Mystery Solved..
  3. With another patch announcement such as 9.97 there i once again would like to bring up the opportunity of new missions. These new missions would not only add new content to the game but it could also resolve some of the game concerns such as "materials". Some of the missions i have suggested include trading ship. Also in patch 9.97 there is mention of a new form of currency in that of the "Admiralty Store". Some of the missions i had suggestion are PVP oriented missions and this could be yet another opportunity to reap those benefits.
  4. Defense of Aves - April 25th - Picture Defense of Aves April 28th - Pictures - http://imgur.com/a/wEGNr Defense of Aves April 30th - Pictures - http://imgur.com/a/Zqp4Q Video Coastal Defense of Jamaica - October 7th, 2016 Videos Bermuda Defense - November 11th, 2016 - Pictures http://imgur.com/a/OAFHY Video
  5. Attack of Puerto Escondido - January 31st, 2016 Video Battle of Haitian Bay - March 5th, 2016 Pictures http://imgur.com/a/vGBSs Video Defense of Jérémie March 19th, 2016 Pictures http://imgur.com/a/U8Ol5 Defense of Conil - March 31st, 2016 Video Defense of Ponce - April 20th, 2016 - Pictures http://imgur.com/a/TsZr9 Defense of Ponce - April 23rd, 2016 - Pictures http://imgur.com/a/cuHXy Video
  6. Maybe this is where he got the idea from
  7. Getting on teamspeak with us will not only help us answer any questions that may arise, but it also enables our members to get to know the candidates which can lead to finding a sponsor in no time.
  8. I miss the old days too! That was just prior to Aves and we were living in the bay of Haiti
  9. I feel this is most definitely exploiting and unethical alike. If the purpose of the game is to be a naval combat simulator i don't see how it would be allowed for a hostile entity to do something like this without repercussions. The game mechanics allow "Smuggler" status as intended for moving trade goods but when it's equipped to ships-of-the-line it's a little absurd as you know it's not for economic purposes. To exploit the game mechanics in this way to literally sail straight to the enemy port and dock there or log off directly under the eyes of the forts and towers unmolested is absurd. It was bad enough when the first day of the patch there was no means of driving down hostility in Bermuda as there was no option in-game to take missions and there was an absence of NPC fleets. It took a patch to fix this however the hostility level remained. This to many people was strike 1 on the exploit list but speaking fairly they may or may not have know we did not have the means to combat this aggression. But now to amass enemy fleets directly under the nose of the port that is "about to be" contested with intent to log on seconds before the timer is just stepping way over the line. It would be one thing had they chosen to stage at Kidd's Harbor as this would be a plausible jumping-off point for their assault. But to sit in the port itself or directly under the fort/tower guns at their own leisure is just ludicrous. Yesterday afternoon, Sunday October 23rd myself and a few others from my clan caught [RUS] Clan from the Danish Faction logging off in front of Saint George's Town, Bermuda in first rates knowing full well that today October 24th that there will be a port battle. Maybe a means to a solution is that a player has to "touch" (Dock/undock) a friendly/ally port (maybe even neutral port) to be "combat ready" before they can enter a port battle. Another idea could be to bring back a flag or banner item (battle standard/battle colors) but specific to the player and it can only be purchased in a friendly/ally port that takes up little or no cargo capacity but is on a limited timer (Say 2 hours) and if the player(s) don't have this item in their cargohold they cannot enter a port battle. This way if a player logs off at sea ahead of time they cannot enter as they have not went and obtained the item first. Same idea as buying a ticket to a movie or a theme park. You can't sneak inside and then just pop out and get away with it, no instead you pay your fare and you have a limited pass during those hours of operation. In NA, the player would buy a flag, battle colors, battle standard (or w/e you want to call it) and it would be specific to that player and he/she now has a pass to enter eligible port battles during the hours of port hostility. The item is limited to 2-3 hours before it would expire and a new one will have to be obtained in order to deter pre-logging in front of hostile ports.
  10. Now that there's new opportunities for aggression and combating aggression there is a lot of potential for opening up some new mission types.
  11. The day is Friday, October 7th 2016. National politics as of recently has shown that the Pirates has been working together with the Spanish, French, Danish, and Swedish Nations. On almost a regular basis large groups of enemy ships of varying sizes have been spotted off the coastal waters of Kingston/Port Royal the British Capital of the Caribbean. These enemy armadas have coordinated and have become accustomed to relying on one-another to support them as they attempt to intimidate the Royal Navy. Although many smaller defense fleets were formed a main coastal defense fleet was assembled consisting primarily of 1st rate ship-of-the-lines to combat the enemy threats. Video 1 - The main British fleet body finds the enemy French fleet directly in front of the Royal Capital and catches them off-guard despite the enemy having potentially more numbers pooled between the factions. Video 2 - The main British fleet body engages and is victorious against the enemy French Fleet directly in front of the Capital. Immediately after routing the French flotilla the Pirates have positioned their first-rate fleet and is ready for the next engagement. The Royal Defense Fleet fights on despite the enemy having potentially more numbers pooled between the factions.
  12. We have mentions of the new map and the re-work of the new towns/free-towns http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16468-important-final-map-player-action-required-for-both-pve-and-pvp-servers/ I would still like to advocate trading posts and other less obvious areas of commerce for players to seek out in the open world.
  13. Hooray contracts! Maybe this can elaborate on the new delivery order mechanics? http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16751-important-october-patch-information/#entry319403
  14. I haven't seen any mention of anything similar to this yet in any upcoming patches. So i'm still suggesting this.
  15. Some people speak of some ports that are freetowns now are to be switched into another nation's possession. I don't know whether this is true or not and this is why i turn to the forums. As for some of the other freetowns, yes some of those may be remaining the same. There needs to be more definition of what is happening or not happening and what is happening in September VS happening in October (or later). I thought i was sure that i understood that all national ports were going to be reset and that the freetowns were going to remain untouched with an exception of pittstown. Then theories and other interpretations started to surface and now all i am looking for is a more black and white answer.
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