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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. You see - this is why we can't have nice things...
  2. In the old system (a week or two ago) I sometimes got put up against two privateers in the lowest level solo combat mission.
  3. They took about 5 regions, but of course not everyone can make it to every port battle for the CM payout.
  4. Noobs are going to hurt. Last night I noticed that the lowest level combat mission with the new Rookie Brig opponent is pretty hard to do in a Basic Cutter, and I couldn't beat it in the Yacht using an amount of hull repairs I'm comfortable expending. With the Basic Cutter the only way I could beat it was to grape its stern to get it below 10 crew and ram its side when it got in irons to allow boarding FTW. (also used some chain early on to make it slower) I'm not getting Rookie Brig in these battles instead of the old cutter/privateer/lynx because of my current rank, am I?
  5. PVE in 5th rates consumes too many hull repairs for my liking. Money is an issue because that 2 million is going to disappear pretty fast stocking clan warehouse, making hull repairs, crafting ships, etc, etc
  6. It took me at least a week maybe more to get to 1 million, and far more hours than I care to remember sailing in loooooong straight lines scanning the horizons for enemies. By the time I got to 2 million I decided trading was very detrimental to being able to participate in the combat part of the game so I stopped trading and need that cash cushion to last a long time. 750k for 3 more dock slots is a serious number of sailing hours
  7. This is a serious problem which should be at the top of the list of things to be fixed ASAP
  8. Both Basse-Terre and Grande-Terre. Plus they took away Leewards to give to their pets Two Guys From Sweden. Three regions under occupation. We did not "attack" - we sailed in to secure the regions that are rightfully ours to begin with. The whole of Guadeloupe is an integral part of France.
  9. In other words, they want us to GIVE them (and their pets, Two Guys From Sweden) at least two of our central regions in return for nothing more than a condescending attitude and a promise they won't "one port" poor helpless France. Then on top of that they have the arrogance to think that after insulting us and taking our ports we will somehow become "allies".
  10. I am not even slightly surprised.
  11. Dear august Viking neighbors, I see that our hopes for a positive outcome which might promote stability are misplaced, as reports are coming in that you have resumed your bloody campaign of Viking Aggression against the good french citizens of Guadeloupe. The blood you have shed in the waters that nourish our citizens strengthens the mortar of their towering Resolve to resist this Barbarian Occupation. Alas, the flowery words of deception that issue from the serpentine tongues of your diplomats cannot mask the naked flames of lust for domination that burn in the raw barbarian hearts of your Viking Warlords. It seems that the time is fast approaching when we may even need to strike at the very root of this problem and take the campaign of Liberation to Christiansted itself, by which time the considerations of humanity will have by necessity become secondary to the needs of War. We are a civilized people, who value patience and diplomacy. But beware that patience is finite, and resolve is infinite. If War it will be, then let the cannons speak their brand of diplomacy.
  12. hopefully you didn't hit the destructive "dismiss" by accident?
  13. Well, when I'm doing it I only teleport in empty and leave full. I'm smuggling out, not in.
  14. Is anybody really going to bother trying if you have to risk your ships going both ways? One way is risk enough when a ship can be identified at draw distance. It seems to me that teleport is the lure that makes it tempting enough to smuggle. (on that note, running a smuggler flag should obfuscate your identity in some way)
  15. I thought DreamMaker was referring to the Danish-Brit pact?
  16. France LOL-update: Dutchies - ROFLstomping Two Guys from Sveden - Dispensing War-Noogies Espana - "Who?" United States - "Who? Ohhhh...almost forgot about those guys." Brits - Making a last gallant stand Pirates - Trying to get along at some level Vikings - Counter-flipping pseudo-war shenannegans France - Not on speaking terms
  17. If we have no friendly ports to go to, the only thing France will have left to do is hunt CCCP full time.
  18. Hasn't the supply of fine Parisian Furnitures, Languedoc Violins and Cognac to Gustavia and Christiansted been interrupted enough? Lets think of how cultured living is suffering from this needless tiff. Our ambassadors eagerly wait to receive their Danish-Norwegian counterparts in the salons of Fort-Royal to begin a new peaceful chapter in the relationship between our great nations! The tea-cakes are warming right now!
  19. Dear courageous Viking neighbors: It is good that we were able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and loss of beautiful sailing ships today. Perhaps our relationship is turning a corner torwards a more positive future!
  20. Dear courageous Viking neighbors: It is good that we were able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and loss of beautiful sailing ships today. Perhaps our relationship is turning a corner torwards a more positive future!
  21. I have an idea! CCCP (how appropriate that is) could just speak respectfully to our representative and work out a reasonable agreement for both sides like real allies would, instead of dictating and threatening like an enemy.
  22. "Lawyering"? LOL, that is precious. You can't even admit to yourself how thoroughly you were outplayed. Game has rules - ignore them, you lose.
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