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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Changed my mind, The no teleport ship idea could be good even though it will suck having to sail a new ship to outposts, so will just need to build multiple shipyards in Freetowns. As long as you please keep teleporting between outposts.
  2. The last patch was great for privateering, when this comes it will kill it. Right now Brits & US hang out at LA Tortue to PVP against pirates. Some pirates hang out on the US coastline. All you need is to get a larger group together, once this hits, and within a month, they will be all wiped. I have my privateer at Island Harbor (although being a noob, haven't used it much) Map stomping happens bc people feel ports are meaningless, the map is too big for the population size, or timers do not allow for large groups to defend. Work on conquest & port battle mechanics please.
  3. That was Nelsons job. We have real life. This is a GAME. I do not want to spend hours sailing a new ship to an outpost due to the fact I lost all dur on my old one. Maybe allow ship deliveries from your shipyard, the trading screen (if the ship is new only), or the store.
  4. I like PVP but am a noob. I'd rather try in a store bought junky surprise than a yacht. Because there are so many better players out there, as they have more time and experience with PVP, this suggestion seems like I will be back to my yacht whereas right now I'm starting to get used to bigger ships. As a noob, I feel this will deter players like me who are trying to learn.
  5. That's what I'm wondering as well. It seems as it's on any sinking.
  6. Against this as sailing ships to outposts can take too much time, especially for casual players. This will probably reduce PVP Question, So if you sink or explode you will still have the 40 free crew that can't be lost?
  7. When a nation is down to a few ports and so knows where the next pb is, MAN UP & DEFEND! If you are at high enough rank to defend your ports but refuse to, why do you play a nat? Might as well turn black. I play pirate bc I give diddly about conquest (although do take part in pbs for loot). I do not like seeing a black map but would rather see healthy nations who feel comfy cozy so I can hunt their players. What is so pathetic is not seeing national players, especially from large clans, not defend the few ports remaining. (Looking back to when pirates did some USA stomping.) Right now it is too easy to rebuild. Hopefully when conquest gets reworked & ports are of more importance I'll hear of people defending their ports instead of empty pbs. (By then pirates probably will not be involved in conquest)
  8. Hopefully there will be a future patch where players can change nations as easily as it is to go pirate, with some cooldown time.
  9. Omg, look back a few weeks, the US lost pretty much everything, now look at them rebuild, Sweeds lost all their land, look at them rebuild. Map stomping is only temporary, if you don't like how the map is, take a break.
  10. I play pirate and you will probably never see me in a SOL But if we are playing to history then nats need adjustments as well bc there are way too many SOLs around. Or how about no one can craft a ship as 1 person making ships is not realistic. Realize, this is a GAME.
  11. Conquest needs a major rework, the solution I do not have The game is losing players bc it cannot tailor itself to each individual player Some value realism, they complain about ow teleporting and speed on seas, etc Others want more gaminess and complain about battle lengths and having to travel ow map. IMO, early access was released too soon. This should still be alpha. People need to be patient, which I know many are not. But ideas such as 'let's take this broken mechanic and shove it in their face' will not help.
  12. I'm all for pirate mechanic changes. However those that do RVR as pirates will probably switch nations and do the exact same thing. Then we can all sing Paint it Yellow or Paint it Red, etc. What needs adjustment, preferably before pirate mechanics, is port battle mechanics. So don't blame pirate mechanics for map stomping.
  13. The US should battle Brits. I want to see the American Revolution!
  14. If it's true, wow! But I'm guessing it is not. Edit: nvm, delete this post pls. Just saw who posted this.
  15. Many do work together. And now with the clan warehouse, it may be easier.
  16. I think the map is fine. One idea some may like is If a port is not visited by anyone in a week, it is removed. Empty land without any ports nearby can be formed, somehow, into pirate havens. Discovered pirate havens can be captured and turned into ports by nats. This way the map is more dynamic. Not my idea, saw it posted somewhere.
  17. IMO, if people are complaining about length of battles, get out of SOLs. It's completely idiotic to see so many SOLs sailing around. I would love to see more use of shallow water ships.
  18. It did seem quiet last night. Maybe bc a holiday weekend is coming up in the US?
  19. There also needs to be a mechanic to let nationals switch to other nations, not just pirates. Let's say they enter Pitts town, the neutral port, and can choose a different nation with a 30day cooldown timer, so nation hopping for Intel isn't possible. They of course lose all outposts in national ports. But the biggest problem isn't pirates, it's port battle mechanics.
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