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Everything posted by Archaos

  1. The simple fact is that the whole ramming to slow down and board is brought about by the games requirement that ships have to be going at less than 3.5kts. What it should be is a lower speed for boarding but this should be a relative speed. That way someone could come alongside without ramming and match speed in order to board.
  2. As long as it is considered further down the line it is a good thing. Most experienced players have had some experience at fleet battles and port battles, but new players will have none and if we get the influx of new players that we hope on release, it will be good to be able to train them in tactics that are not covered in the tutorials.
  3. Well can we have a training room where people can practice and learn from more experienced players. The way I see the duel room shaping up is that people will use it at the start, but when most realize that they have little chance against the elites they will give up and not bother competing. So it will be left to a few elites to compete weekly and soon they will complain about lack of competition and so few players joining. The game seriously needs somewhere that players can be taught various strategies by more experienced players, this also includes simulated port battles. Give the players somewhere they can build up confidence in their abilities before they are sent to be slaughtered by the elites and then maybe there will be some competition.
  4. Thank you for sharing this with us, but maybe on the end you should add "Subject to change without notice" and "E&OE", just so people dont try and hold you to it later 😁
  5. Why would you capture a ship if all you wanted to do was sink it? If you want to sink a ship keep firing at it. Once you capture a ship the ship becomes yours, if you then decide you want to be able to sink it then the same option should be there for anyone who owns a ship. I too disagree with scuttling, but I think it should apply to all.
  6. Combat news is a vital part of the intel for traders to see if there is any possible hostiles in an area. I have diverted to a safe port on several occasions due to hearing of enemy activity close to my destination.
  7. The issue is that someone suggested to have a scuttle button for all to use to deny the ship and cargo to enemy. I disagree with that, but it raises the point as to why once a ship is captured through boarding or surrender does the new owner have the option to scuttle it? They too should be unable to scuttle it and that leaves the issue of what happens to it if the person does not want to take it in fleet for which I proposed it should be teleported to nearest port and the owner notified so that they can claim it back after paying a salvage award.
  8. The Devs already said that capturing the ship should be reward enough. Although in game the reality is that you make more by sinking the ship due to PvP marks value. Personally I agree that it should be worth more taking a captured ship back to port rather than sinking it.
  9. Not sure if this was to me, but you original comment mentioned differences between gameplay and history, where my comments were addressed to someone who on one hand was for scuttling a captured ship for gameplay, but on the other hand did not want to allow ship owners to scuttle because it was not correct historically. I just suggested to stop scuttling altogether by making captured ship be towed to port or abandoned. I was not disagreeing with you.
  10. And conversely many ships were scuttled to deny the enemy access to supplies when there was no chance of escape.
  11. My point was that if captured ships are allowed to be scuttled as gameplay then the person should not object to owners of ships scuttling them themselves due to reality reasons. Either everyone can scuttle ships or no one should be allowed scuttle ships. It would solve at least one problem, and that would be the boarding meta, because unless you really wanted to keep the ship you would not bother to board in order to win the battle. If this was the case then they could get rid of DD. So I would propose get rid of scuttling altogether, you either sink or capture a ship, get rid of DD and if a ship is captured it has to either be sailed back to port in fleet or left abandoned for others to take. If no one takes it before instance closes the ship appears in the nearest deep water port and the owner receives notification to come and claim it upon payment of salvage amount.
  12. Yes but after battle seaworthy ships were not scuttled, so why is this allowed in game if you are playing the reality card. All efforts were made to try and get a captured ship back to port and some sank on the way back despite the best efforts.
  13. Its amazing how the reality card is pulled out when it suits people. Originally you said "I cant think of a single ship that was scuttled during a battle in the age of sail." but now "Ships were much more prized than they are in game". Majority of ships captured in game are scuttled by the person who captured it, why should they have the ability to scuttle but the owner cannot. Personally I am against the scuttle ability but I think it should apply both ways. The reality is most ships were sent home as prizes so unless it is actually sinking it means the ship is seaworthy and should be taken in fleet. You can't have it both ways. You want to sink a ship then keep shooting it till it sinks, you want to capture a ship then board and capture it, but be prepared to keep it with you till you get back to port. There has been a suggestion of being allowed to send a ship away from an instance where it then becomes an AI ship sailing to the destination and can be captured again or sunk. I thought this was quite a good idea, but not sure if it is feasible.
  14. I have to say that looking at the video, people had about 30 seconds from when he went into fireshock till when he exploded and during that time a Dane was still firing broadsides into him. Once in fireshock he has no control of the vessel and while waiting to go into fireshock he did not deliberately steer towards friendly players. Others round him should have been more aware what the risks were and maybe if they had braced they would have survived. Agreed he should have warned people on his team that he was planning to blow up.
  15. By the same token attackers should not be allowed to sink captured ships. They should either have to take them with them in fleet or leave them behind so that they return to the original owner or can be picked up by someone else.
  16. Again this is the way you interpret the data, which without the full facts can give a flawed picture. You say that players cannot kill a rookie brig in 65% of battles, but is that in battles where they were trying to kill the rookie brig or was the rookie brig just present in the battle and escaped before anyone could turn their attention to it? Not many players deliberately sail round in rookie brigs looking for PvP, so it is more likely that it is a new player that has capped it from a mission. Maybe someone can clarify, but as far as I am aware the rookie brig cannot be crafted and only appears in lower level missions. So if this is correct then the player either captured the rookie brig or maybe they were even jumped in their mission that was against a rookie brig. Without the full details of the raw data we do not know and the percentages may not be telling the true story.
  17. The data is not clear when only looked at in percentages without looking at the raw data. Add a new ship to the data, this ship has just been introduced and has the same stats as a basic cutter, lets call it basic cutter 2, it has taken part in 1 battle maybe against a basic cutter and wins. Work out the percentages for this ship and you get Death Ratio 0%, PvP ratio 100%, PvP K/D ratio infinity. Does that mean it is a super OP ship? Always be careful when dealing with statistics, they can lead to the wrong assumptions. I will agree they did say they will monitor the figures over coming months, but I still say the current figures should be treated with care if you are not seeing the underlying raw data.
  18. Like all data it can be used to show whatever you like. With showing percentages it fails to show how many battles the ships were actually involved in and it does not show how many of the battles were against superior opposition. In the Le Requin I am willing to attempt to take on far larger targets than my BR would normally dictate, so the chances of getting it wrong sometimes are higher and I may be sunk. If a new ship was introduced today and had only been involved in 1 battle and won how would that show up as percentages? You say the Rookie Brig has some good percentages, but how many people actually have used it in a PvP battle. The simple fact that the Le Requin and Herc are the go to ships for majority of people raiding green zones shows that they are OP. Many players who very seldom went solo hunting in other nations green zones now feel confident enough to do so in these ships. I know because I am one of them. It may be a good thing in some ways that they have generated more PvP but the bad thing is that it is only really generating it in the green zones which is killing off new players. Bring back proper safe zones and majority of the issues with the DLC ships will disappear. Edit: Maybe they can show us the figures behind these percentages as they would probably reveal some interesting facts as well.
  19. Thanks, I thought it was 1 VM per port.
  20. The VM's issued this week are still not correct. I should be receiving VM's for 2 ports yet I only received 1 VM. I had 3 VM's yesterday when they were not issued, I spent 1 and so after the resolution of the problem I should have been up to 4 VM's yet I only have 3.
  21. The reason that they risk the 10 minute battle entry rather than the 3 minutes outside the zone is simple. In the zone your side get unlimited positional entry to reinforce you as compared to limited entry point for limited time. If your reinforcements are not with you they have little chance of reacting and joining the battle outside the zone and if they do manage to join they are probably far away. If you are fighting AI in some quiet corner of the map then the 3 minute risk is fine because you are hoping there is no one around, but close to green zones for the heavily camped nations the chance of getting caught is higher. Personally I do my AI farming well away from the green zone, but many do not like to stray far from this zone.
  22. So what happens if you catch a trader that was using the expanded hold perk, but you do not have that perk? The ship suddenly becomes overloaded and sinks??? Maybe the hold optimization should be a permanent mod rather than a perk. At least that way you can never catch a ship and find it has suddenly become overloaded.
  23. The second example you give is a classic case of Determined Defender in action, and should be used any time anyone complains that DD is not realistic. 😁
  24. I guess sell some of the cargo back to port or wait till tomorrow.
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