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"Made to order" ship construction forum

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I've heard that shipbuilders sometimes have a hard time. They build ships and it seems like no one is buying. At the same time I've experienced situations where there was a ship I really wanted and the primary port(s) I operate from, don't have it. For example for at least a week I was looking for a Snow at WIllemsted, or near it. Never found one to buy.


There's a gap here, between what the shipbuilders want to do (build ships that people actually buy) and the players (who want specific ships at specific ports but can't find them).


To that end I think we need what I'm going to call a "Made to Order" mechanism.


I think we need an easy to navigate/update way for players to post their wants. Like: "Wanted: a Snow at Willemsted (Dutch), preferably Oak or Live Oak built, anytime between now and <insert date here> ."


Then one or more shipbuilders can respond and say they are on it, perhaps even offering an estimated completion date.


"Made to order" is the point I'm making. Not just "here's a random ship I built, anyone want to buy? Oh and you have no idea it's there unless you sail to that port and look" Again this brings the shipbuilders and the buyers into the same sphere.


I recommend a sub-forum dedicated to it here on this site. That's it's sole function, for people to post what they want to buy, and even for shipbuilders to post what they are selling and where. This is obviously the easiest way to achieve this communication process, because it requires no changes to the game itself and creating a new sub-forum here is fairly simple.

Edited by Jon Allen
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I would agree, I'm just saying more so if I wanted to buy a ship, I'd like to pick a builder I know will be on around when I am, and in the same location, as well as I'm getting the best price I can. Much like anyone would realistically buy a ship. I definately see a place for the inverse, you know "I want this, who can give it to me", that's just not what I personally would choose.

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Well I'm a good instance of the latter scenario. I don't know a lot of people here fairly well, I'm pretty new to the community. But I want to find a particular ship with particular characteristics. I want a way to go "hey, who can build me a X."


Today, for example, I'm looking for a Cerberus, either Oak or Live Oak, with as many upgrade slots as the builder can manage. Needs to be at, or a short sail, from WIllemstad (Dutch faction).


That actually happens to be true, but the point is, I don't know who is actively building today. I don't know who would be willing, who has the time, the desire. Who isn't already invested in other building projects. Who might be busy in RL. So I'd want to be able to just publicize that message in a place where shipbuilders keep an eye on and then communicate with anyone who responds to find out what they can do for me so we can have a conversation about the ship I want to buy.


So like I said, that 2-way communication is very much desired. Buyers and sellers need to be able to talk, that's just business.



EDIT: Oh and if anyone actually wants to build me that Cerberus, PM me.

Edited by Jon Allen
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Guys, there is no point to overload official forum. The easiest solution is to create a simple google spreadsheet and put there "watch to sell" and "watch to buy" stuff etc. By the way, it has been done by Dutch players, for example

If there is money to be made, the dutch will make it efficient^^

Spreadsheet is one of many ways :)

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Spreadsheet is nice and all, but I would prefer an ingame solution. Not many players care much about anything that is not directly in the game, so an ingame "marketplace" would reach much more players and thus make it a useful feature.

And I think it's not a huge amount of work to implement it.

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Spreadsheet is nice and all, but I would prefer an ingame solution. Not many players care much about anything that is not directly in the game, so an ingame "marketplace" would reach much more players and thus make it a useful feature.

And I think it's not a huge amount of work to implement it.

As developers have said a couple of times, finalisation of UI will be done after all core features are added, there are other major goals in development at the moment and the dev team is not that huge to work on UI now and rework already done UI stuff in the future

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I think a new in-game chat channel labeled crafting and trade might go a long way. Everyone would know what to watch and where to look if they want something. But then again, say you want a tailor-made exceptional 3rd rate and that's a hell of an investment for a long term. That would be best discussed on the forums, since people who can actually make it might not be around at the time and you'd have to keep asking all over again.


Ideally I'd like to see an in-game UI mechanic in the lines of a craft order. You put it up, choose all the variables you want and a town you can pick it up in, and then the crafters can list through these orders and claim them, complete the ship and drop it off, then you claim the ship and automatically leave a claim order on the payment in it's place.  Lot of work for the devs though, but it seems to me like the perfect solution.

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I would agree, I'm just saying more so if I wanted to buy a ship, I'd like to pick a builder I know will be on around when I am, and in the same location, as well as I'm getting the best price I can. Much like anyone would realistically buy a ship. I definately see a place for the inverse, you know "I want this, who can give it to me", that's just not what I personally would choose.

I want at some time to build ships and would wonder if it would be good to post up in a builders thread on the forum, at least that way we would all be able to see who is building also a time they are likely to be on with the port they operate from.

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