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More on the Cerberus?

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I'm finding in the current game setup that the Cerberus represents a big milestone for players. Or at least that's my experience as a new player here. Its effectively the first foot in-the-door of the frigate world. At least some bigger player organized operations (like port battles) basically have "nothing smaller than a Cerberus" as a mantra when communicating with new players about these engagements likely to include ships-of-the-line and their own wishes for what should join up.


At the same time, it's crew requirement represents a big leap, from the Mercury/NavyBrig/Snows to the Cerberus is a jump of about 60 crew, just as the XP rank grind is starting to become a more vertical climb.


So I'm looking for thoughts on the Cerberus. Especially with an eye toward players who have never commanded anything that large before, or players who haven't participated in many larger battles involving lots of frigates and ships-of-the-line.


I'm also looking for strengths/weaknesses, especially compared to the other frigates.


For example, the very first time I took my Cerberus out, undermanned by about 60 men (learned I'll never do that again), and I found tacking became considerably harder. I am not sure if it is because the ship was undermanned, or if it was because of the inherent sailing qualities of such a larger ship and that's just going to be the norm going forward. But I suddenly felt like learning how to tack manually had become not just a preference but an imperative. The auto skipper just didn't hack it.

Edited by Jon Allen
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At least some bigger player organized operations (like port battles) basically have "nothing smaller than a Cerberus" as a mantra when communicating with new players about these engagements likely to include ships-of-the-line and their own wishes for what should join up.

That's actually a hard restriction placed on deep water port battles in game, not a player wish.

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I also plan on using the Cerberus as a "launching point" next time. In my experience in Sea Trials, she wasn't a bad ship- but certainly there were better ones. I think the Cerb could perhaps have its crew somewhat lowered to address the large gap between the Mercury and Cerberus. 


In terms of tacking performance, ect, I found it to be alright in Sea Trials. Certainly slower than the beloved Snow and Merc, but not exactly slow. I would, as I always do slap on my common lightweight ropes and blocks to make it all easier, but I don't think the Cerberus is a poor gateway to the frigate world. 


I actually stuck to my Mercury past the Cerberus and hopped onto the Ren, even though the grinding process was long and tedious. I didn't want to deal with her lack of quarterdeck guns (something I found tedious for her size, though nowadays isn't really a big deal since I'm not so reliant upon firepower.)

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I used snow until  i had cerb 100% crew.        Snow was  nice  easy to play.    Cerb was all the same but a bit slower.   Now i have a 100% crew Frigate.  It is the same but  even more slower.



Im my case, the bigger the ship the slower it does things.  

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 i will never understand why people incist on having 100% crew back in the day they dont had it either.

in the first closed days of OW i fighted my 40crew Snow agains 2 player lynx  and i managed to fight them off. specially on the lowest ranks having only 40/60 of the needed crew of 140 is no game braker. i gave a new dutch guy an Surprise not hearing that he meant he has only 60crew instead of 160. all loaded up with 4lb longs and we went out into action.

Cerb with 32lb carros is fine agains anything her size and below her newest buff or fix to the sail curve has improved her alot compared to Sea Trials.


Slower than Surp/Renomee but takes more damage. 

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i will never understand why people incist on having 100% crew back in the day they dont had it either.

in the first closed days of OW i fighted my 40crew Snow agains 2 player lynx and i managed to fight them off. specially on the lowest ranks having only 40/60 of the needed crew of 140 is no game braker. i gave a new dutch guy an Surprise not hearing that he meant he has only 60crew instead of 160. all loaded up with 4lb longs and we went out into action.

Cerb with 32lb carros is fine agains anything her size and below her newest buff or fix to the sail curve has improved her alot compared to Sea Trials.

Slower than Surp/Renomee but takes more damage.

I can solo a snow in a privateer. An under crewed one I bet I can use a lynx. Of course it depends on player skill but these players are new and should not be under crewing unless they want to end up back in their smaller ships.

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They both have 9-pounders, but Niagara has three fewer per side, and dramatically fewer hitpoints than even a Merc.


Cerberus is still a frigate, which even Rattlesnake won't be.


Niagara had 18 x 32 lb carronades plus a 2 x 12 lb chasers.




However since the Cerb can mount 32 lb carronades and more of them you are undoubtedly right in the end. I think the Merc v Niagara match is closer with the Niagara having the heavier weight of metal and the Merc more HP. It will be interesting to see if they give her the chasers.

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A few notes on the cerb in game.


  • It has a much bigger profile than the ships before it; it is much easier to hit it and the hull shape makes for easy penetration.
  • The broadside weight increase between the cerb and the brigs/snow is quite high.
  • It has no chasers, catching anything small is a pain in the arse.
  • If you are going to use the 32lb nades; you need to be able to manual sail very well as you need to be in the right range to hit correctly. See point 1.. 
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Niagara had 18 x 32 lb carronades plus a 2 x 12 lb chasers.


However since the Cerb can mount 32 lb carronades and more of them you are undoubtedly right in the end. I think the Merc v Niagara match is closer with the Niagara having the heavier weight of metal and the Merc more HP. It will be interesting to see if they give her the chasers.

No other ship in game has chasers in these sorts of chase / bridle ports (that don't face straightforward). They have almost universally been converted into broadside guns in the game, including on Mercury and Cerberus, which is why many ships have an extra pair of broadside guns. I haven't seen her yet, but I expect the same for Niagara Is she based on the modern replica Niagara or Chappelle's reconstruction? If the former, then it is irrevelant as the replica doesn't even have the chase / bridle ports. Chappelle's reconstruction of Niagara / Lawrence:


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