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>>> Beta 1.09 Feedback (Released)<<<

Nick Thomadis

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33 minutes ago, The PC Collector said:

I can't speak for myself, since none of my campaigns have lasted enough to see mines in action for one reason or another, but seeing how apparently most of the playerbase finds them an annoyance at best, I think that making them optional once the testing phase ends would be a VERY wise move.

That's not really the problem. I was correctly counter playing against mines, its not that hard to do in theory. The problem is the counterplay, like, isn't implemented yet. And the game thinks there are mine fields where there cant be any, or wile ships are traveling in a strait line they can be hit by mines 1000 miles away.

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You always talk about a lot of feature should be optional / turned off.....Mines probably needs just some balancing. It's there so the player doesn't send bbs and bc-s alone, but with a group of destroyers (like more then 8-12) It's crearly not intended for ships to get destroyed in the middle of the ocean, it's a bug. Once it gets fixed it's gonna be good. Also we are biased to belive that they are a weapon of mass destruction because it's the only notification we get when we hit next turn. Maybe we need to see that minesweaper equipped ships are do in fact working (well i hope so lol...) with a popup of X fleet cleared 18 mines or something like that. I haven't got to the point where i get hydo or sonar yet, but shouldn't it also help with the clearing of mines? (I'm still at 1902 in this run, going forward is hard because of Next turn wait time, so excuse me if later years are that hard)

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I'm probably among the few who think that the game needs a mine system and it's potentially interesting.  The problem is that in the current state it does not work at all. I've been checking it for a couple of hours and I can say the following:

1. The entire task force takes a lot of damage from mines, even with a large (twice as many as ordinary ships) number of minesweepers in the task force.

2. A task force can take damage while in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Okay, I get it, they hit the radius of the port with mines. But then there are two questions - how did the whole task force go to this port, it's just a damn island, there's nothing there. And also why the minesweepers could not ensure the safe passage of the group when there are so many of them. In reality, there have never been so many minesweepers.

3. Yes, I see enemy mines disappear when my ships take damage. However, a minelayer can stand in the port and place them eternally.

I think the game needs an order for the task force "Please don't go to the mines". So that the ships do not enter the zone full of mines, but simply move from one point to another in the most dense formation. I mean, if they're moving across the Pacific Ocean, why would they go to this mined island. Unless I order it, of course.

Edited by Lima
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26 minutes ago, PainKiller said:

You always talk about a lot of feature should be optional / turned off.....Mines probably needs just some balancing. It's there so the player doesn't send bbs and bc-s alone, but with a group of destroyers (like more then 8-12) It's crearly not intended for ships to get destroyed in the middle of the ocean, it's a bug. Once it gets fixed it's gonna be good. Also we are biased to belive that they are a weapon of mass destruction because it's the only notification we get when we hit next turn. Maybe we need to see that minesweaper equipped ships are do in fact working (well i hope so lol...) with a popup of X fleet cleared 18 mines or something like that. I haven't got to the point where i get hydo or sonar yet, but shouldn't it also help with the clearing of mines? (I'm still at 1902 in this run, going forward is hard because of Next turn wait time, so excuse me if later years are that hard)

Yes, great idea, we need a report on the removed mines.

Something like "With the help of God and the Virgin Mary our 20 DDs managed to remove two mines. We also managed to clear 99 mines with the bodies of our ships, 10 DDs 4 CL 2BB lost, 9999 crew died".

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33 minutes ago, Lima said:

Yes, great idea, we need a report on the removed mines.

Something like "With the help of God and the Virgin Mary our 20 DDs managed to remove two mines. We also managed to clear 99 mines with the bodies of our ships, 10 DDs 4 CL 2BB lost, 9999 crew died".

Thank you for the laugh :_D

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Blocade bug I guess

The French have left my shores to fight with Britain and within 9 turns I have more tonnage but I am still in the blockade. When I played for Russia, one turn of Japan's tonnage advantage was enough to lift the blockade.

Also, the US has already lost more than 200 ships, I have 23,000 VP against 5,000 (and that is with 250 free VP every turn), but there are no peace offers.

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I reached 30k VP for the first time in this beta and finally the US offered peace. For another 5 turns after the conclusion of peace, someone blockaded me (all this time I had more tonnage). Then finally the blockade was broken. SPain won, despite all the possible bugs.


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4 hours ago, PainKiller said:

You always talk about a lot of feature should be optional / turned off.....

Well, yes. While I'm not saying this might be the case, enforcing the playerbase to deal with annoying feature is a quite effective way to kill a game. So, as I care for this game becoming succesfull, I think that any non essential feature which could turn to be annoying for a large portion of the playerbase should be made optional.

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So I decided I'd give this game a try again.

And for the first time I actually really freaking enjoyed playing the campaign.

I had such a good time. Until the game decided that 10-15 years per save is enough. After that the turns just get stuck.
I can bypass it by reloading the save and progressing one month. Next one will lock up again. And I don't have the energy to hop in and out of the main menu.

It pisses me off so much because holy shit do I want to keep playing the game!!!

I boot up another game for 30 min then I for some reason hop back in and pray that it will work. 

Putting that aside, it's actually starting to look really good. From the time I've actually played I've loved it.
Sure, even when the turns do work they can be a bit lengthy but I'll let that slide for now.

I hope you're all ok over in Kiev. Thanks for all your hard work, and stay safe! ❤️

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so sadly the game is crashing every single end of turn for me at the preparing missions phase and i cannot send a bug report as it full locks up.

barring the above the only other issue i seem to be having is that the ai has fleets of submarines roaming around but i cannot get any of my subs whether they be iocean going or not to do anything and im in wartime.

if the end of turn bug was fixed the campaign would be really fun and im actually enjyoying it although their are still many many minor issues like research firing in odd times and the biggest is diplomacy being broken but that is known and i gatehr implemented soon

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1 hour ago, Muppetlord said:

I had such a good time. Until the game decided that 10-15 years per save is enough. After that the turns just get stuck.

Is yours getting stuck on the updating research phase? That's the error that seems to have permanently damaged my save. The other periodic crashes like building ships or updating missions seem to not be consistent but the updating research one is repeatable. I can progress one turn. The second time I end turn it gets stuck and I have to restart.

For those interested, my latest bug report I submitted:

"As previously reported, my save seems to be permanently broken. It gets to the "updating research" phase and then never advances. I can see it update everyone's research in the log in the lower left, but it doesn't progress past. This consistently happens the second time I try to end a turn after loading the save. Additionally, I've noticed that after the second time I end turn and it gets stuck, I can exit, reload the save and it has progressed to the third turn. However, it really hasn't. For example: I loaded my game. It was May 1909. My BB being built had 6 months to go. I end turn. The turn successfully cycles. It's now June 1909, my BB has 5 months to go. I end turn. It gets stuck on "updating research". I exit to main menu and reload the save. It is now July 1909, however my BB still has 5 months to go, most things except research and the date have not actually advanced 1 turn."

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So after sinking 95% of the enemy fleet, I'm having trouble getting victory points.

IMO if the enemy is leaving ports undefended, either because they have no fleet or that fleet is fighting on the other side of the globe, I should be able to punish them for it.

But actually I can't. I can't bombard those ports. I can't invade. Parking my fleet in front of it, either on sea control or invade does nothing. I'm not even sinking transports (and blockade is impossible because it's russia) I have been at ~8k VP vs ~500VP for many many months now, russia is at war with the world (seriously, all but one nations are warring them) and there is no end in sight.

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8 minutes ago, Iuvenalis said:

Is yours getting stuck on the updating research phase? That's the error that seems to have permanently damaged my save. The other periodic crashes like building ships or updating missions seem to not be consistent but the updating research one is repeatable. I can progress one turn. The second time I end turn it gets stuck and I have to restart.

Exactly this. It's heartbreaking. I want to keep playing so bad...

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Beta Update RC1 "Release Candidate" (26/10/2022)

Please note there is a TOTAL SAVES RESET!

- Fixed crash that made a campaign unplayable, related to "Research" phase of campaign turn.
- Fixed bug that made the campaign not able to continue after a battle (When you saw loading phase "Battle").
- Fixed bug that created many invalid saved designs due to extra, wrong change of tonnage, after the save. When it happened for AI in the campaign the designs were discarded and the AI had to spend more time to make a new design, resulting in more campaign turn delays. When it happened for the human player, the design (Normal or Refit) was unusable, could not build anything or it contained misaligned parts.
- Fixed bugs that created inconsistent Refit time calculations.
- Fixed bug that did not allow to change Role for submarines that went out in sea.
- Fixed bug that forced ships to enter a repair phase after commissioning.
- Fixed some bugs for control/attack radiuses of Task Forces/ Submarine groups which could make them very large and create various issues with extra mine hits and problems with pathfinding and mission generation.
- Ship costs / Optimal Hull speed balances, your old saves will have weight differences, if you try to use them. This change will address overpowered ships which were not costed sufficiently and the ability to sustain very large fleets in campaign.
- AI personalities balance for nations which could be more evasive than needed.
- Further formation improvements.
- Other minor fixes.

This version is considered a release candidate. We need your feedback to fix any remaining issues, if needed, so we can release as soon as possible.

Please Restart Steam to receive the new update.

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11 minutes ago, o Barão said:


I have 3 fleets parked outside the major Chinese ports in the region, and still I can only raise tensions trough events.


They run away. 😒


The game got stuck in the post battle loading screen.

NOTE: New 1890 campaign playing with Japan.

If you can relaunch the game, load the save and send in-game bug report it would be very helpful.

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The number of freeze for the building ships has decreased significantly! For 1898, there are only 2 so far. But they have not completely passed. Now you can play! Thank you. It would also be good in the future to make a mode of permanent construction of shipyards. In order not to mark the construction every 2 years to increase the tonnage.
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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

- Ship costs / Optimal Hull speed balances, your old saves will have weight differences, if you try to use them. This change will address overpowered ships which were not costed sufficiently and the ability to sustain very large fleets in campaign.

Why do you keep on making these changes?  This is perhaps the one type of change you keep doing nobody asks for.  All they serve to do is make things more frustrating for players because they inevitably come with various issues.

Edited by SpardaSon21
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Spain 1900 V2. No, it's really very funny. If I don't provoke the USA, they won't fight with me. But Austria-Hungary really wants to fight. I mean, it's obvious that they don't need me, their fleet is off the coasts of France and Italy. However, relations with them are constantly falling and it is impossible to raise them. It's the same with Russia. I don't even know what's more pointless.

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