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Focus testing

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Oooh, now it's resume time! ^^ 


I have nothing to say for myself except that I have nothing to say for myself. Good day Admin!


Hmmm, not sure we understand what you meant. Can you rephrase please. Sorry if our english is not perfect. 

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we will open up more slots as we go. currently we are preparing a new patch and won't invite more people for another week or two.


as for requirements here they are

  • being useful on forum discussing game ideas, mechanics, design etc - as we need active feedback from users during the test
  • DX11 advanced video card, as the game is not optimized yet.
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Hello Game-Labs!


I would like to help improve Naval Action by testing and sending a fully detailed report!


My rig is:


-I7 920 @ 2.67ghz

-Nvidia GTX 650

-6 gb ram

-1tb HDD

-1920x1080 monitor 23 inches


I live in Belgium and my internet connection is plenty stable and quick.


I hope you consider accepting me into the focus testing :)


Best Regards.

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Hail OP and admin,


I don't imagine you'll be short of volunteers here but I'd be very happy to help out. I've BETA tested quite a few games over the years so am familiar with the process (not exactly rocket science - granted). PC should be up to snuff too:


i7 3970 @ 4.2Ghz

64GB DDR3 2200

2x 780Ti SLI GPUs

3x 27" 1440p and 1x 24" 1080p monitors

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Everyone will get the chance to test the game.  We will start a new batch recruitetment beginning next year


We will recruit people from this post
and will give preference to those who actively participate in forum discussions.

as we need players who will have to provide detailed feedbacks (its more work than fun at this stage)

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Everyone will get the chance to test the game.  We will start a new batch recruitetment beginning next year


We will recruit people from this post

and will give preference to those who actively participate in forum discussions.

as we need players who will have to provide detailed feedbacks (its more work than fun at this stage)

I look forward to this as well. I keep drooling over the ships in this.

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Hello Mates,


You must be getting crazy from all those folks wanting to sign up for the game. But i will do it anyway: *WAVES* Hey, i want to come aboard, toss me a line, i will swim to the boat!


Living in the Netherlands (Europe that is ;-). Played PotBS for years (Carel de Handelaar / Carel Hogenduyhn, both proud members of Les Lys au Crâne, French society).


- Windows 7, 64 Bit

- 8 GB DDR-2

- Core i3 - 550 (3,2 Ghz)

- AMD Radeon HD 6670 / 512 MB


Hope you will need some testers soon. Keep up the good work!




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I would like to participate participation in the beta too. I have experience as a beta tester and have been playing the beta PotBS.

My system:
Win 7 or 8 64-bit (if required)
16 GB Ram
3x 250GB SSD
2x nvidia geforce gtx 580



Kiky Landskron

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I may be on the far side of the world (points for the Russell Crowe reference?) However if you ever decide to open your doors to Western North America testers, I'd be honored to help out in any way I can!


My current system is:


Processor: Intel Core 15-3570K CPU

RAM: 8.0 GB

System: 64-Bit Windows 8.1

Graphics: NIVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

1TB Hard Drive (Upgrading to a x2 500GB SSD)


Fair winds to you all,



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I am thrilled someone finally is actually taking this period of history more seriously in a simulation. I would also like to request that I be included in future testing programs if possible. I live on the east coast USA and my system will handle this well. I also have a pretty extensive familiarity with the period and naval tactics involving fighting sail. Thank you for taking this project on and doing what appears to be an excellent job in doing it justice!


All the best,



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Oh man, after having seen the images of the Constitution, I'm even more excited about.  Having grown up in Boston, and being aboard her many a time, the thought of actually getting to sail her in game is so overwhelming that I can barely express it!  Pick me!

Ok I didn't grow up in boston, but having been there many times and also having been aboard the Constitution.  I can not wait to sail her either.

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So are you accepting focus testers from the U.K. yet?  Can't wait to get my hands on the Constitution and Victory! 

Edit: notice other hopeful testers are posting specs so I'll reciprocate.

CPU = Intel i7 2700k

RAM = 8Gb DDR3 1866Mhz

MB = Gigabyte Z68X

GPU = Radeon 6970 / R9 290

OS = Win7 Ultimate x64

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Ahoy there Game Labs,


I have been quietly watching this forum for the last few months and would love to beta-test and bug report this inspiring game. I hail from a lifetime of experience of maritime history, being familiar with dozens of books on the subject during the age of naval sail (18-19th Cen) and also having spent years sailing myself. Have modded/played extensively AoS 2 and PotBS. Very familiar with the types of ships back then, armaments, and handling abilities.


•  Windows 7 64 bit 8GB DDR-2

•  AMD Phenom IIx4 970 proc 3.5Ghz

•  Motherboard: M4A87TD/USB3

•  GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6800 1GB

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I also would like help developing the game by testing it. I think the concept is great and graphics I saw look amazing.


I also can share my experiences form POTBS, Age of pirates and other games like those. Furthermore I have a lot of historical knowledge about the Napoleonic war, especially about the war at sea. Also I am willing to write detailed reports about the testing.


So contact me if you need another tester.


CPU = Intel Core i7 965 @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz

RAM = 12Gb DDR3

GPU = 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280

OS = Win7 Ultimate x64



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