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Tanky Transports


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Hello everyone I would like to start the topic on the toughness of transports.

For anyone that tried to make a  raiding ship that you would most likely build in the campaign would most likely run into issues. That is that if your raiders armed with anything less than 5" they won't deal effective damage to transports and even if you do the transports take alot of ordinance before they actually start sinking.

This might just be a similar issues with torpedo boats that refuse to die by secondary fire because of the abundance of bulkheads that tank plenty of shells because the damage bulkheads are absorbing shots for the undamaged bulkheads.

Since In campaign we might spend a good amount of time raiding convoys with CLs I recommend that transports damage control ability be drastically turned down. Because right now now they can tank salvo of 11" HE fire and is able to contain the damage in seconds. with the dam con turned down ships would have easier time sinking them

Edited by Tankaxe
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Sounds about right, Uboats with the 88mm (3-4") on the deck would take 30 or so hits to incapacitate/sink a merchie...

Damage control parties in this game are über-elite.  Putting out 6+ compartment fires AND 3 compartment flooding in 2-3 minutes...  🙄

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1 hour ago, Pedroig said:

Sounds about right, Uboats with the 88mm (3-4") on the deck would take 30 or so hits to incapacitate/sink a merchie...

Damage control parties in this game are über-elite.  Putting out 6+ compartment fires AND 3 compartment flooding in 2-3 minutes...  🙄

Bear in mind that the crew would likely immediately abandon ship if brought under fire by u-boat without any support nearby, so there would effectively be no damage control and it could still take a very substantial amount of time to sink a ship with gunfire.

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1 hour ago, akd said:

Bear in mind that the crew would likely immediately abandon ship if brought under fire by u-boat without any support nearby, so there would effectively be no damage control and it could still take a very substantial amount of time to sink a ship with gunfire.

Then a good mechanic to simulate this is if the transports are attacked and all of its escorts are gone each TR will abandon ship when they take damage or a ship gets close

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They are hilariously tanky on the unescorted transports I managed to eek out 15 light cruisers with four 6” guns each. For a total of 60 and they can’t clear the op in time.

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Yeah, unless you get consistent direct hits from large caliber guns, taking out transports is kinda of a pain.

Especially when they have no armour so you would expect a big boom.

But then this is an alpha so we just got to hold onto our bearings for now.


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5 hours ago, debilman275 said:

i find high caliber HE does wonders to lightly armored target, even dreadnought can get engine destroyed by high caliber HE destroying the funnel

this is correct, i was able to beat the armed convoy attack one with 2 CAs with 6 8 in guns each and smattering of 5 in guns but focusing down one TR at a time, completley ignoring the escorts.

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I agree. Once they are heavily damaged they just absorb shells and take little additional damage. I went into a match with two battlecruisers armed with 8 9"-10" triple gun turrets. The first few salvos would completely cripple a transport, but overall it would take at least 4 or 5 accurate salvos to sink them. Any other ship design I tried didn't come close to sinking them all in time. I think once a compartment is fully damaged, it should greatly reduce its ability to contain flooding and fires. 

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Burn them with lyddite I heavy HE shells. I can tear through both the unprotected and protected convoy attack missions by burning those mother fishers to slag using any of the hulls available and just about any gun type 4in and up. Be sure not to be hurling AP at them. Pay close attention to the different explosive stats, lyddite I has a +100% fire chance and the heavy shells have bonuses to HE explosion and fire damage. You can even burn out the armored warships escorting the convoy in the second mission by overwhelming them with fiery HE. 

Edited by Fishyfish
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I've honestly never had an issue with sinking transports with 5" guns so I'm a bit confused here.

Frankly though, the spectacle of essentially deleting a transport with a single broadside of 12" guns never gets old.

My strat is to build as many CLs armed with 5" guns and 17 - 18" torpedoes as I can manage, break them up into formations of 2 - 3 ships each and send each division after a different target in the undefended convoy.  Always beat it with time to spare.

For the defended convoy, I'll build a BC armed with 12" guns and a ton of speed, lead the defenders off in one direction for twenty to thirty minutes (trying to disable one-or-two of their heavier ships in the process), then wear away and double back, run down the transports and delete each in turn.

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On 10/19/2019 at 8:36 PM, Absolute0CA said:

They are hilariously tanky on the unescorted transports I managed to eek out 15 light cruisers with four 6” guns each. For a total of 60 and they can’t clear the op in time.

Torpedoes work very well against transports.  The unescorted mission was the easiest Ive done but they do seem tanky to shell fire.

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