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On looting system and other MMORPG

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After playing the game for roughly a month I've come to the conclusion that the looting system is unnecessarily hard, especially as the rank of the missions increase(Mainly as players use bigger ships to deal with higher rank missions). The current system have the loots being tied to the ship's hull and as the ship sinks the distance keeps increasing from any surface ships(those who want to get the loots.). As such, there is an implicit window of opportunity to get the loot, dictated by the distance from the sinking ship and the wind direction.  While some might argue that it is one's responsibility to position one's ship in a favourable positions before attempting to engage the enemies, in a hectic fleet missions it is quite likely that one might find the positioning to less than ideal. From personal experience, there are many loots that were not gotten in time. In other MMORPG the loot system is more streamlined, even almost automatic with players being able to pick up loots within a certain radius by double tapping a key, other system leave the loot visible and in an easy location to get to. I proposed a change where the loots are floated up to the surface and remained near the location of the sunken ship instead of being accessed via the sunken ship's hull. This will add a bit more complexity to the game engine as it'll have to instantiate the loot and create more objects to process, but it is not significant enough to hamper performance greatly, or even noticeably.

Edit : Calculate the distance from the sunken using only 2 dimensions would also be welcomed. I.e. Disregard the depth. Assume the looting ship has really skilled divers.

Edited by DustyA
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I do not mind the looting system.. what I mine is that the ships sink like they have been hit by a half dozen torpedoes not like a wooden ship slowly dying...  Ships should very slowly sink over a 10-30 min time frame.. They should be in the way for sailing and shooting....  It would also be nice to have a loot button once you get close and slow and have inspected the ship.. Not the drag and drop. But I can dream

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39 minutes ago, Landsman said:

I like the current system for its realism factor... just the RNG is complete bullshit.

Well for realism you should have to stop next to the ship for 5-10 minutes(time scaled for battle time) and hope there is something you want. The only loot in most cases would only ever be Repairs and rum on Warships and guns...

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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Forget realism....you ain't taking guns of a sinkng ship or most other things.

It a good system at the moment.

I  never sink a ship at range if I want to loot it. Just hold off, close up and finish the ship, then loot. 

Please don't make it arcady screen type. Working for it makes it worthwhile and in combat with multiple ships you take a chance....or don't.

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2 hours ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Well for realism you should have to stop next to the ship for 5-10 minutes(time scaled for battle time) and hope there is something you want. The only loot in most cases would only ever be Repairs and rum on Warships and guns...

Just tell me what's more realstic - the current system or the after battle loot screen? There you have it.

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I like the current system and rate the ship sinks. You get some, you miss some. But I doubt many of us are so short of repairs and random drops that we need a guarantee loot button. 

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canons don't float, hull repairs .. made from iron fittings don't float ..tobacco, sugar,and rum are in creates or barrels which float.. so your limiting loot to rum sugar and tobacco

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3 hours ago, Jim Bligh said:

canons don't float, hull repairs .. made from iron fittings don't float ..tobacco, sugar,and rum are in creates or barrels which float.. so your limiting loot to rum sugar and tobacco

Noted. However, would adding this level of realism on a point that I think is debate-ably unimportant worth the frustration and annoyance it generates? On that note, one can argue, the more heavier objects that we are capable of looting is downright implausible to salvage from a sunken ship given the short time frame we have in the game. Or the fact that unless the items are protected in oilskins or other waterproof material they might not be as useful as they are now(Skill books). Lastly, the suggestion i put up was of floating loots is to match with the motif of floating wreckage( wooden and any other objects that is less dense than salt water) but not to reflect their real world limitations(i.e. their density and the exposure to salt water). What I'm saying is my suggestion was to aim for a looting system that is easier for the players, for after all,  this is a game and as much as we can find realism in it, we can also find aspects that downright defies every laws of physics. Imagine if your ships have to heave to or sail under close reefed topsails in a storm lest you risk having a mast or spar be carried away or even founder the ship, how frustrating would that be? But I digress, it is in my opinion strange to create another barrier for players to overcome to get the loots. 

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12 hours ago, Teutonic said:

I wish the looting system was simply a battle result screen at the end, but then we would need to drastically change how looting works at the moment.

That is exactly how it used to be. I like the current system but really there needs to be a limit on how far the ship sinks or how fast. The window for 1-3 rated hulls is too narrow. Honestly I think sinking to the point one cannot later return to salvage is a bit much. It's a game.

I would like to add to this very important issue,I nor anyone else playing this game really needs skill books from the Admiralty or Den to drop in a mission. If I want that skill,I'll buy it with combat marks. There are a ton of skill books we all need and not just Gunnery,Art of ship Handling or 5 Rings. Plenty of other skills based upon ship class.

I would also like to push for a change to cannon drop type and rate. x15  32lb medium guns from a wreck is near useless filler material,crap we either let sink seconds later or we just trash or drop into a clan warehouse for...reasons?  Really Devs we need a change. A change to all gun types and weights but far fewer of them would be a welcome change. I can see a Santisima or Victory dropping a single 42lb long gun or a carronade. Maybe a pair of 24lb longs. Or maybe a single 24lb medium. 

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I like the current system. But i tend to agree that time to get to the target is sometimes (even with all the time changes we got so far) to short. Wouldnt it be a compromise when after the time is over a sinking ship can currently be looted x% of the cargo gets destroyed but the rest stays there till everyone leave the battle?

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3 hours ago, Landsman said:

Not with this attitude.

Seriously tho, you can take some book or some rum... who takes the useless cannons anyways?

So attitude and realism? Perhaps you could check when you want realism, only when you think it is convenient? Perhaps the loot can come in the form of a note that you can buy in the shop? You know, why would I want to spend time to pick up the loot anyway, just give it to me?


The looting is fine imo, yes, for the bigger ships you have to be in the right position to be able to loot before it sinks (perhaps a bigger window would also make more sense (i don't know how fast a wooden ship can sink (I suspect it can go down pretty fast irl?)). In fleetmissions, you have to account for the added chaos. Sure, missions can end more quickly when you don't have to loot them, but it is a part of the options a player has ... if he wants the loot, he'll have to spend the time to get it (you already got exp, cm's and gold for sinking the ship in the first place). If you don't want the bonus, then don't bother about going for the loot? If you do, just make the effort?

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