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Just now, Sir Texas Sir said:

US BRITS AND DUTCH HAS MORE PLAYERS THAN MAJORITY OF THE SERVER PUT TOGETHER.   You really only read what you want....I said between you all which means your alliance.  The world doesn't revolve around just you man.  You know if you try different things instead of doing the same thing over and over, you might find out they work.   Seems like your the only one that doesn't want to make changes.   Look how you even talk about your own guys, no wonder why they don't want to listen.  Funny how there story is something totally different than what your story is.  

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH that is all I hear from you any more.  Man your nothing but a joke, go take you meds or what ever you are suppose to be taking.

I only read what i want? HA WHAT A JOKE. If you read what i said, i said people that arent carebears. That actually show up for things. Even between our three nations, we dont have the same numbers as the Danes and Pirates in respect to this. But you know, go on your lying trip more please, and when the whole map is black again, and you kill the server again, go hide behind your "its the past" bull you like to pull all the time. You carebear 

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Maybe I need to start logging in regularly just to check the way the map flow happens over the next period of a month or two. I have the distinct feeling that the whole map isn't going to be black again. 

The server wasn't "killed" because a dedicated group of players was able to run the map. What "killed" the server was very few people actually being willing to put their virtual ships on the line to stand up to them. 

You'd think as a member of the clan that "killed" the server, my reasoning for putting Naval Action down was boredom as a result of being on the "winning" team. Not the case at all.

I quit because I got disgusted with watching a certain group of U.S Players go full coward every time they didn't outnumber their opponents or couldn't quickly flip a port. Was a waste of my leisure time to spend time sailing to where a port battle was happening, only to have the enemy tuck tail and dip the hello kitty out because they suddenly had opposition. 

It was a waste of my leisure time to spend 20 minutes chasing someone, pull them into battle, then watch them run instead of even trying to fight. 

It was a waste of my leisure time to engage in battle with someone who could have easily whipped the shit out of me and my clan-mate if they'd of bothered to.. uh.. fight. Instead the guy put every effort into running, and it was EXTREMELY satisfying watching his plan to try to hide in a post battle screen fail as spectacularly as it did. However, didn't change the fact that I spent a bunch of my free time being frustrated. That was the last PvP "battle" I participated in. 

Prior to that, the last FUN fight I had was against BORK. I knew I was probably going to lose going in, but because Teutonic and Axel aren't complete knobs, it was an extremely entertaining engagement that had me laughing like an idiot in "teh IRL". 

Moral of the story:


Not BLACK. Not Pirates.

Players that group up in Uber-Alliances that consist of the majority of the server population as a means to not have anything that resembles a difficult gaming environment are the problem. They're the disease that needs to be cut out with extreme prejudice. 




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1 hour ago, Rhodry Heidenrich said:

Moral of the story:


Not BLACK. Not Pirates.

For many US back in the day when there was no alliance between Brits and US, BLACK was directly responsible for killing the server. It was just after the time of their zerg that they were ganking along the Sunbury to Ctown route in gank fleets of 5 or more, and then when US would show up with more guys, the rats would suddenly have twice as many. And if they couldn't have twice as many, then they would attack each other being COWARDS in the green on green they were allowed back then.
Everyone has a reason for quitting the game, and everyone can counter each others' reasons. There were many reasons....but yes COWARDS had a lot to do with it....rat cowards hiding in green on green. heh

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35 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

For many US back in the day when there was no alliance between Brits and US, BLACK was directly responsible for killing the server. It was just after the time of their zerg that they were ganking along the Sunbury to Ctown route in gank fleets of 5 or more, and then when US would show up with more guys, the rats would suddenly have twice as many. And if they couldn't have twice as many, then they would attack each other being COWARDS in the green on green they were allowed back then.
Everyone has a reason for quitting the game, and everyone can counter each others' reasons. There were many reasons....but yes COWARDS had a lot to do with it....rat cowards hiding in green on green. heh

BS and you one of the problems cause you think this.  When I switched to pirates we had BLACK pushed back to Atwood and took Mayiguanna Ragged cay and I think we jsut took salina point.   We UNKN a small clan pushed them back in the Bahamas.  They weren't zerging the map.  The reason we left wasn't to join the winning team as at that time Pirates wasn't winning.  They where giving good hard fights where and there while out number.  So we had our last port battle (I didn't make it that night) in the Bahamas and defended a port.  4 UNKN showed up against 10 BLACK members.  7 NPG's showed up to help late.  When the fight was over and BLACK was stopped (didn't get the towers and BR) only 4 UNKN was still standing all the NPG's where killed.  We asked how the hell they all got killed.  "OH we brough green ships from the shop and had no mods."  This was the last straw as we known they did this all the time.  These same folks would be out in front of CT with 1st rates fleeting.  Than when port battles came they show up in 4th rates and below for a line ship battle.  PB lost against smaller Pirate force and they be right back out to fleets in there 1st rates.    This same crap is still going on to this day.  It's one of the complaints I'm hearing from the newer players.  

And I call BS on the green on green. cause that was removed before i turned over to pirate and before we took over most of US.   Which at the time we hadn't gotten all the east coast ports yet when they removed it as I was still Pirate myself.  And I think it's funny every fight we have of screen shots of we have almost always been out number.  The problem is ya'll remember one gank and than think every battle was that one gank when you forget the 100 ganks that US did having us way out numbers.  That and ya'll love to not count your AI as part of the battle, the over use of AI is part of the reason many of you suck at PvP.  You let them do your fighting while you run away. Are you run to forts and hide under them even when you out number us or you run to the fleet you tagged by you and hide.   These are things the Alliance members are doing now.  How much better is that than the so call green on green that never happen or it was so long ago even I don't think you know what was really going on back than. I hear guys tell stories to new guys and it's no where close to what happend. Hell we see folks that get there arse stomp in a fight tell a totally different story in chat about what happend.  You know what.  WE SCREEN SHOT FOR A REASON.   I notice you guys seem to never have any actually facts to back your BS and delusional state of the game you think is going on. 


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STS, the post i responded to was indeed about the past. So of course I will respond about the past. And you are referring to a more recent past than I am. I am talking about a time when Nyrtle was in NPG (or was it FEAR?); UNKWN did not exist yet. But during the time you are speaking of (Oct)..here is your image

During the time I am speaking of (July and earlier)

May is right after the first time the danes and rats zerged...the image above is right after

And I have no idea how you cannot say that rat green on green was a huge exploit the rats were doing to the US any time we showed up with enough ppl to fight. It was so damn ridiculous that they removed it from the game...and then rats bitched about not having it and some left.

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18 hours ago, van der Decken said:

STS, the post i responded to was indeed about the past. So of course I will respond about the past. And you are referring to a more recent past than I am. I am talking about a time when Nyrtle was in NPG (or was it FEAR?); UNKWN did not exist yet. But during the time you are speaking of (Oct)..here is your image

During the time I am speaking of (July and earlier)

May is right after the first time the danes and rats zerged...the image above is right after

And I have no idea how you cannot say that rat green on green was a huge exploit the rats were doing to the US any time we showed up with enough ppl to fight. It was so damn ridiculous that they removed it from the game...and then rats bitched about not having it and some left.

UNKNN was very much around in JUL.  That was when we switched from US to Pirates at the end of July.  Once again bring stuff back from May....which is over 9 months ago.  Many things come and go.  Hell over 75% of those players prob aren't even around in all the nations .   You guys might get some stuff down if you stop living in the past and worry about the present.  Populations are giong to go up and down on games like this, in game and total.  Nations are going to loose areas and gain them.  That is part of the game.  But ya'll think some one taking one or two regions is a zerg.  Yes there was zergs back than but not one nation was inacent of doing it.  Well maybe spain can say they never zerg any any one for sure.  Poor Spain.

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Well, rats will rule here in 1 month as every nation is gonna jump on the rat bandwagon. We have it planned. Why do you think some recent players switched? This server will be rat only and anyone not a rat will be ganked by 150 player gank squads. Time to break the server and force the old rats to join a real nation....since they want to be one so bad. heh

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4 hours ago, van der Decken said:

DO it, I dare the rats to go to a nation. So do it. I double dog dare you. Rats as nationals would get their hello kittying butts handed to them.

By whom, you?  You're a no show.  Your carebear alliance?  Same guys would kick your butt no matter where they went because you lack the skill, you lack the commitment, and you lack the courage.

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Sheeeyyaat son, those who left their nations to go rat lacked the fortitude and aptitude to stand tall in it and make something good of it. You and those like you took the easy hello kittying way out rather than sticking it out.  And worse, they weren't even good enough to go start a new nation, they just jumped the rat bandwagon because it's the easiest thing to do.

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12 hours ago, van der Decken said:

DO it, I dare the rats to go to a nation. So do it. I double dog dare you. Rats as nationals would get their hello kittying butts handed to them.

That makes no sense at all! LOL

If BLACK rerolled to lets say Spanish, all would happen is you guys getting beaten by ships with a Spanish flag! It would be the same players, same ships, same skill.

Now imagine if BLACK rerolled Danish and fought alongside the Danish clan and we could always fill the 25 spots in a port battle for any time zone?

If you think you guys are having a had time now, imagine if we did that...

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A balance would be nice though....

I struggle to understand some of the players for GB & USA.  They only fight when they have significant numbers advantage and bail out of port battles when there is a chance they might get sunk.  Why the heck did all the USA/Dutch leave the Pirate PB yesterday?  Looking at the screenshot it looked like a perfect brawl was about to erupt.  Why are they playing PvP?  PvE is more suited to their actions.

We are seeing far more PB's where USA/GB don't enter the battle - even though they are right there.  But they are afraid they might get sunk.

I've fought plenty of losing PB's (far too many), but I enter the battles and stay to the end.   I set myself an objective (cap a mortar brig, sink a player, etc.) so I achieve a personal goal even when we lose.

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Look at the mix of rank and skill a large nation/alliance has to deal with in every PB. Unity is hard to come by when you have such a diverse player group of newbs and oldies. Not only do we deal with a bunch more new players and all the spies alts who pretend like they're just new players, but we have more ppl to train and supply. And then often it gets wasted as they give it to their main acct in the rats. Look at every rat images posted and you will see the ranks. It's just like in WoT when ppl lose once or twice by the same unicorn clan, they run off to try to join them.

If rats were really serious about helping small nations, they would've gone Spain, or Sweden, or France and gotten new nationals to the game. If they go Dane, then they're just rat hopping yet again. But no, instead they want to be all high ranking unicorns in a game that doesn't even have player records.

If rats were a tank clan at WG finals, this would be their team shirt, diaper not included, as they'd have to steal it from a national's newb stash.
And here is their flag LOL

And I believe their pledge to be:
As a rat, I will forever be a pocket holder. I promise to love sleeping on my stomach. I promise to love dropping soap in the shower. Butt rat unicorns forever!

EDIT: If anyone finds this offensive, then you are a carebear, yourself. heh

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if everybody is going to change to pirate apart from ELITE. Am gonna need more carebears to come over from PvE. thanks fellas...

The maps and dates posted a big thank you. Well before ELITEs time. But my word.... wow great work.

It will be interesting to see what's going to happen with this server shortly. We (elite) will continue to find PvP, hopefully learning along the way. We won't be gank. And I will allow free passage to all those that won't come out of port time and time again...


Hug a carebear today guys...


we love you


Norfolk nChance




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I'm sorry Decken, but while you make it sound like you bros help other players to do better and I have no doubt that you are a player that does help any new bro that comes to join whatever nation, others don't and unfortunately it seems a good majority of the older players will not help new players because of dumb fears and paranoia.

it wasn't you, but players in the Dutch nation are exactly what caused Axel and I to leave. How do you deal with players in your nation who need/want you to sail with them, but they constantly kick you from teamspeak, or mute you, or shit talk you? What's with some other dutch players who see an enemy doing missions to gain hostility, but their first idea is to just counter mission, instead of going to kill the player? I mean FFS dude, I understand that axel and I could talk more with you folks, but the immediate distrust and the fact that they seem to not even want us there is just straight up cancer.

Sure there is an argument, a real good argument to be made, to go to a different nation and support their playerbase. Unfortunately, You go from one PvE alliance, to another. Lets look at it here.

- we leave Dutch, what are our options for "also" leaving the alliance. Well I guess US and Brit is out of the question because a lot of people love that tri alliance so much.

- Danes? They are nice but out of most players timezone, and honestly already have a good playerbase. and because out of timezone I wouldn't have folks to play with.

- Sweden? badbenny is there, need I say more? also the other clan there is supposedly afk.

- Spain? not enough players to even start considering fighting anyone. they go one inch out of their capital and BOTH the US and Brits take em back to one port.

- France? Elric has done a great job bringing France back with newer players. I commend him, but he must have it rough when the Dutch, who aren't a zerg by themselves, will just roll France whenever because "free kills and no-risk-pvp."

You start looking around and you look at Pirates - they get the most PvP, everyone seems to dislike them, so you assume people will come to fight them in hopes of sinking them. they have a dedicated clan who WILL fight outnumbered, outgunned, and they are NOT afraid to lose ships. Sure they get mad when they do, but it's just pixel in the end.


You, I, and other players I know want a group who will fight and not care about loses, or at the very least will fight anything that comes to them. That's the Pirates because A. you can't ally anyone so you fight everyone and B. the group and players there will fight anyone.

These newer clans, like DD in the US, or SMS and ELITE in Britain are top notch. They understand that you lose ships and it's alright to lose ships, because sometimes when you take risks you also win a battle. You don't win if you don't take risks. Be more like the Clans DD, SMS, and ELITE, and then maybe you'll have fun. Stop worrying about that 1st or 2nd rate you have, because you can build more, because at this point a lot of us have too many ships anyway.

Stop blaming the Pirates for PvPing and winning, stop blaming them for stealing your players because you couldn't be asked to actually PvP, stop blaming them for ruining the server when their recent aggression caused so many players to come back and PvP.

those players that left the US or Brits to join Pirates, if you look, they were the same players attempting to get players to PvP, attempting to get players to go out there and risk shit, instead of hiding in ports all day doing nothing but Missions. That's how a player gets bored, and that's how you lose players.

Edited by Teutonic
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22 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

- Danes? They are nice but out of most players timezone, and honestly already have a good playerbase. and because out of timezone I wouldn't have folks to play wit

We want to have players in other time zones, but it's a failure 


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I was going to Edit, but I think it would be better as a new post.

I do want to go to a nation, and a nation that has a lower playerbase. I also want that nation to not suddenly ally everyone they can, I'd prefer war, or only one ally, whatever the case I know that is probably too much to ask at this point.

EDIT: Call me a Privateer, since that's the best description I can consider myself to be in the game atm.

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32 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

I'm sorry Decken, but while you make it sound.....

I agree with you completely. I can say about losing you and Axel is a huge loss to the Dutch nation. I tried to get the Dutch trust up in you both, but it was during the time of the rogue swedes and their new alliance with the Danes that just made the timing bad. And that straight up sux. I mean, you guys came over with your main accounts, and not alts. That should've said a lot to your commitment to the Dutch nation. Sadly, it did not. We as a nation have a lot of trust issues to work on, but I hope ppl can understand why, with the alt spies and the fact that almost anyone who leaves a nation goes straight to the rats, and not another nation. It is a rarity that some like you and Axel and a few others will move to a real nation.

About the rest of your post, I still agree wholeheartedly, save one thing. If rats really wanted to help the server they would go Spain or Sweden and not build the rats even more.

At any rate, sad to see you guys go, but it will be fun for us all near soon enough...pixels be damned! :D

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3 hours ago, van der Decken said:

I agree with you completely. I can say about losing you and Axel is a huge loss to the Dutch nation. I tried to get the Dutch trust up in you both, but it was during the time of the rogue swedes and their new alliance with the Danes that just made the timing bad. And that straight up sux. I mean, you guys came over with your main accounts, and not alts. That should've said a lot to your commitment to the Dutch nation. Sadly, it did not. We as a nation have a lot of trust issues to work on, but I hope ppl can understand why, with the alt spies and the fact that almost anyone who leaves a nation goes straight to the rats, and not another nation. It is a rarity that some like you and Axel and a few others will move to a real nation.

About the rest of your post, I still agree wholeheartedly, save one thing. If rats really wanted to help the server they would go Spain or Sweden and not build the rats even more.

At any rate, sad to see you guys go, but it will be fun for us all near soon enough...pixels be damned! :D

Why should the 20 something of us lets say 30 max leave and start  all over?  It won't change a thing.  We would be the same clan just different flag and folks will be bitching "SPAIN IS TO OP".   I'll be bluntly honest the reason your numbers are down so low is the same reason ours was a few months back.  CAUSE FOLKS GET BORED AND STOP PLAYING.   How many time have you heard folks say they don't like the US/Brit alliance only to be called pirate lovers and traitors and than talked down to or never see again?  Many of them are bored out of there mind so they come over to Pirates, many more just stop playing.  If ya'll stop being a big giant care bear alliance and fought each other some (don't have to go to war) than you can get more experience, more players will show up and well hate to say it prob kick our arse.   We took something recently and used it with the event to create PvP and get our guys back into he game.  Many of them only showed up for the Port Battles and that was it.  Go do the same, see if you can get the guys to show up just for port battles if you need to.  Maybe try to pick some smaller fights instead of constantly attacking some ones last regions and only econs.  Hell simply ask the new guys what they want.   Be open about it and listen. I think we have to many grumpy old guys that don't even play the game or show up but they keep voting for the same thing cause they don't want changes to happen.  Change is good.  You never know if something will or won't work until you try it.  

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I agree with Sir Texas,

even if its the bicker, cry me a river forum thread. I do find the legacy/lore or history still confusing and getting in the way.

That is all too easy for me to say, I didn't have to go through it all. So no matter who it is, from whatever Nation I always have a sympathetic ear.


However our Server must move along. There was some great gameplay had over the last couple of months. We at Elite are going nowhere and can't understand why it took us so long to try out PvP as a small group. The player content like Camel Toe is only going to get better with time and is advert for the whole Server as well as JobaSets hard work.


Hug a carebear today, and I look forward to you all sinking me and my clan in the future...





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