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The Overwhelming Inbalance on PvP1:

Yar Matey

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4 minutes ago, Impie said:

So first you preach to us how you only want late PB's in the weekend, and when we do that - you don't show up anyway. So tell me, what are we supposed to do now? Ban the US players from the game?

I was kinda hoping someone would throw this comment 

Well, you see that before La Vega, how many attacks in the 6 weeks before, non in weekend? 10-15? Now in the end, one comes on a friday night, and still they can just flip it on a monday/tuesday if they fail. Even if we def every time, they will just resort to fake attacks and now we had enough. So tell me, what is your point again?

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5 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

You do realize my clan switched  cause pirates is dead? and theyare dead thx to coalition system  you wanted (the nations)  and becouse 4-5 nations pushed on pirates for months? didnt see you cry for pirates when dutch-france-usa-brit-sweden-denmark where attacking it with 5 fleets when we where able to pull max 1 , 1 and half  Where was the concern for pirate pop , numbers and equal fights back then? You forced us to switch for keep playng, (in fact pirates since new system come not got a single first rate pb....  and my clan was mainly a firstrate pb clan i bet you can make 1+1)



If my memory serves me correctly, the coalition against the pirates started AFTER they completely wiped the United states down to 1 port and controlled ~half the map.  So, that is why the war against the pirates started.

I agree pirates in the game right now are broken, but this is because pirates cannot have allies.  If pirates try and attack a region, then they have to deal with 3 nations attacking them.  I dont know if this is what the devs want (they did say pirates was supposed to be hard mode), but it doesn't seem like it is working either way. 

The point of the topic was to bring to attention the fact that player attrition on the DSFS side is getting pretty bad. 

I dont know why these threads always end up becoming flame wars, this was not my intention, it was simply to raise awareness of the current issue.  I believe that the current problems with the game are mostly caused by bad development decisions that even you Lord Vicious were very vocal about after patch 9.96. 

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6 minutes ago, Christendom said:

Oh it's coming.  I can't type up a masterpiece and shift on the way home

True, great fantasy novels takes quite some while to write, tolkien spend 12 years on Lord of the Rings. I'm sure you will do a great effort of making it very colorful but, with a lot of imaginative inputs but really it will end up in hollow words of a self-acclaimed victory. I'm looking forward to yet another laugh of yet another story the great war(without battles) you think to have fought. I'm sorry to say, but I think you play the game all wrong because battles are actually a part of it :rolleyes: US is a night-flipping sim nation, nothing more. Have fun night-flipping the rest of the empty ports.

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5 minutes ago, Impie said:

Then don't start bitching at us. Instead, poke the devs to put the cooldowns back to normal. Also, please do remind me where you got that 10-15 number from.

Ain't bitching, but cant sit her and laugh reading through Christendoms comments when we acclaim a great victory to the US. :) I was there many times at night. When they turned to fake attacks most of the times, we just stopped caring because sleep > game. Christendom is convinced that is has nothing to do with server pop and current mechanics. Everything is as it should be in his eyes. Although the reason that US even have ports, is far more simple. That they are allowed to take ports even simpler. So proclaim your night-capped port victory now and prepare for timers :) 

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6 minutes ago, E.P. Juel said:

Ain't bitching, but cant sit her and laugh reading through Christendoms comments when we acclaim a great victory to the US. :) I was there many times at night. When they turned to fake attacks most of the times, we just stopped caring because sleep > game. Christendom is convinced that is has nothing to do with server pop and current mechanics. Everything is as it should be in his eyes. Although the reason that US even have ports, is far more simple. That they are allowed to take ports even simpler. So proclaim your night-capped port victory now and prepare for timers :) 

Would be the same to say that  danes have ports becouse you aggression bomb them?^since the few times you tryed manually to farm aggression you got rekt?  so whats the difference?

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10 minutes ago, E.P. Juel said:

Ain't bitching, but cant sit her and laugh reading through Christendoms comments when we acclaim a great victory to the US. :) I was there many times at night. When they turned to fake attacks most of the times, we just stopped caring because sleep > game. Christendom is convinced that is has nothing to do with server pop and current mechanics. Everything is as it should be in his eyes. Although the reason that US even have ports, is far more simple. That they are allowed to take ports even simpler. So proclaim your night-capped port victory now and prepare for timers :) 

Night flips wouldn't be an issue if we had a much larger server pop.  A nation needs a group of 25 dedicated defenders to attend a port battle.  If your nation had 200+ active players, it would be easy to do a rotation or have some players in a different time zone participate in the port battles.  I dont have the answer to the night flip problems, but my proposal was for the devs to implement a 5 hour lord protector window on each region where no port battle could be scheduled and it was voted on just like alliances. 

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2 hours ago, E.P. Juel said:

Yeah, I was not there at Wilmington I must admit, but that was not the one I was talking about. I was at almost all of the "defenses" at Savannah, when you faked, and when you finally didn't, also at La Vega - all night flips. We were outnumbered, you base-cap and win. Amazing victory, amazing organization - I must say you outdid yourselves!

Although in La Vega we got to smash you around before you got points enough, you would have lost the battle despite outnumbering us. Was really fun :) Still you won the port due to night-flip. Lucky for you, you can escape when you reach 1000 points. I dont know what is more hollow, your words or your proclaimed victory. Close call. Now I need you to acknowledge the fact that the server pop is low and multiple reasons is to blame for that, including night-flip. It's just facts. 

My bold emphasis above.

This story that people are pushing about winning on points somehow being dishonorable is a copout.

Before the current 3 circles port battles mechanic people whined about how others would simply chain sails and run throughout the battle, or some whined about the rugby scrum port battles.  So the devs changed it up to requiring fights in the 3 circles.  This forced people to do something other than simply chain sails and run.  It forced fleets to split up from the big blob of ships that we commonly saw. 

It introduced an element of strategy into port battle conduct: 

  • From where in OW should we enter? 
  • How to divide up the fleet into smaller squadrons so as to capture the circles? 
  • Who to shift from this circle to that one as the smaller battles ebbed and flowed? 

The devs changed the PB process up in an effort to address players complaints and suggestions.  You either learn to adapt to the sometimes changing mechanics of the game or you get left behind. 

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7 minutes ago, Lord Vicious said:

Would be the same to say that  danes have ports becouse you aggression bomb them?^since the few times you tryed manually to farm aggression you got rekt?  so whats the difference?

We hostility bombed ports far away, which actually required some organization, millions of gold and lots of ress and LH spent to make warsupplies, then sailing it there in BIG fleets of traders + escort. Still had to fight FULL PB after that, we just wanted to avoid PvE that we now are stuck with since warsupplies has been broken. Night-flips require nothing. Sail there kill AI (no one is there to stop you 2AM), 2 days later 2-3AM at night, still no one to stop you when PB begins. It requires nothing, no organization behind this only very large egos. It must be boring! We put risk in it, US does not. Avoid battles as long as you can, night-flip as long as you can, it wont last forever and our people will come back :) 

Enjoying the british colors? I remember you said once that DK-NO always changed to the stronger side in NA, why did you choose the British, whom are pirates worst enemies. We always fought the brits, other nations changed sides. You betrayed the black and turned to the britsh, who are also the largest overpopulated faction in the game. The very issue this thread adresses. What does that make you? :) 

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15 minutes ago, Chijohnaok said:

My bold emphasis above.

This story that people are pushing about winning on points somehow being dishonorable is a copout.

Before the current 3 circles port battles mechanic people whined about how others would simply chain sails and run throughout the battle, or some whined about the rugby scrum port battles.  So the devs changed it up to requiring fights in the 3 circles.  This forced people to do something other than simply chain sails and run.  It forced fleets to split up from the big blob of ships that we commonly saw. 

It introduced an element of strategy into port battle conduct: 

  • From where in OW should we enter? 
  • How to divide up the fleet into smaller squadrons so as to capture the circles? 
  • Who to shift from this circle to that one as the smaller battles ebbed and flowed? 

The devs changed the PB process up in an effort to address players complaints and suggestions.  You either learn to adapt to the sometimes changing mechanics of the game or you get left behind. 

Still, if its 25 vs 19, as it was in Savannah NOTHING can be done since attackers with more numbers will cap 2 bases. No matter how the defense distribute their fleet, if they have lesser ships they loose before they can sink any opponents. The point system sucks although some good aspects can be deprived from it. I think if 19 determined people want to, they should have the chance of an all in attack on 25 to defend their harbor and win the FIGHT rather than win on base cap.  

This part of the community cannot adapt to this. If we cannot defend at night, we loose our ports and if we defend anyways in lesser numbers, we cannot win because point system negates fighting.

I understand why the US cannot see a problem, as you are really benefiting from lack of players in the since numbers now decides who wins a PB, because you can attack anyone in your prime-time where you outnumber the EU nation and win every PB purely by by base-capping. 

Edited by E.P. Juel
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Well, you could also have decided to not split up your fleet. If you know you'll lose 19v25, maybe don't send around 16 first rates to the other port. The Danes tried holding onto both ports, and lost both because of it. 

Now let's be clear: I disagree as much as you with the current point system. There is no reason why a circle should be considered capped because you have 2 basic cutters sailing around an enemy L'Ocean.

Edited by Impie
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9 minutes ago, E.P. Juel said:

Still, if its 25 vs 19, as it was in Savannah NOTHING can be done since attackers with more numbers will cap 2 bases. No matter how the defense distribute their fleet, if they have lesser ships they loose before they can sink any opponents. The point system sucks although some good aspects can be deprived from it. I think if 19 determined people want to, they should have the chance of an all in attack on 25 to defend their harbor and win the FIGHT rather than win on base cap.  

Reading between the lines, is this what you mean?: 

  • If it's a 25 vs 25 fight the circles are OK, but if there are only 19 on one side vs 25 on the other then we should dispense with the 3 circles and force it into a rubgy scrum.  Exactly how are the devs supposed to code something like that?
  • Or should port battles only occur if the numbers on each side of the battle are exactly the same?
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10 minutes ago, Impie said:

Well, you could also have decided to not split up your fleet. If you know you'll lose 19v25, maybe don't send around 16 first rates to the other port. The Danes tried holding onto both ports, and lost both because of it. 

Now let's be clear: I disagree as much as you with the current point system. There is no reason why a circle should be considered capped because you have have 2 basic cutters sailing around an enemy L'Ocean.

Thankyou. Still, comes down to night attacks where we cannot fully defend, and even if we want to fight the US with lesser ships, they just base-cap and win. It was a mistake splitting our force but the fact that ONE nation in the game having prime-time when rest is asleep, attacking two ports 2AM, being able to muster more people than defender makes you win at least 1 port. We realize this. How come you don't? Some of our guys fell asleep before Savannah as well.

The US won a great amount of ports due to that tactic, but fights haven't been fought. Battle could have been fought in Savannah, but the attackers capped and defended 2 bases. If we moved from A, they would send 1-2 or 3 ships there and still be able to hold 2 other circles. They just took bases and waited. If we moved, they moved accordingly, 1sts are not moving with the speed of light, so I think they can anticipate when we raise sails, we are sailing, with some response time to do so! Naval Action went to Naval candycrush point collecter and night-flips nation win the game. That's why it makes me laugh to see all US guys sit on a very high horse saying they planned and organized and blabla "great victory" blaaaa.. 

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22 minutes ago, Chijohnaok said:

Reading between the lines, is this what you mean?: 

  • If it's a 25 vs 25 fight the circles are OK, but if there are only 19 on one side vs 25 on the other then we should dispense with the 3 circles and force it into a rubgy scrum.  Exactly how are the devs supposed to code something like that?
  • Or should port battles only occur if the numbers on each side of the battle are exactly the same?

The former BR requirement along with points.. Or fight to the death 25vs25 untill one teams players are sunk, captured or surrenderd. The PB of Copenhagen 1801, the British took most of our ships with them and burned the rest, when we surrendered the battle. The British outnumbered us in ships guns (Guns GB: 1058; Guns DK 630), but we still fought the battle, for 4 hours, causing big damage to the British fleet. The night-flipped ports are given away, the point system negates the fight we urge, even outnumbered. I think its a mix of these flaws in the game that makes people leave, especially now when defending in the night is meaningless when the opponent can harass all workdays and muster fleets for 2 PB's 2AM on a monday where we can gather 30. If something doesn't work or defense comes back, please by all means fake attacks will remove the remaining ppl here..

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6 minutes ago, E.P. Juel said:

The former BR requirement along with points.. Or fight to the death 25vs25 untill one teams players are sunk, captured or surrenderd. The PB of Copenhagen 1801, the British took most of our ships with them and burned the rest, when we surrendered the battle. The British outnumbered us in ships guns (Guns GB: 1058; Guns DK 630), but we still fought the battle, for 4 hours, causing big damage to the British fleet. The night-flipped ports are given away, the point system negates the fight we urge, even outnumbered. I think its a mix of these flaws in the game that makes people leave, especially now when defending in the night is meaningless when the opponent can harass all workdays and muster fleets for 2 PB's 2AM on a monday where we can gather 30. If something doesn't work or defense comes back, please by all means fake attacks will remove the remaining ppl here..


Is there a system of port battle you guys do like?  

Old system - Used dirty tactics to kite and time out the battle.  
New system - base camp and win....

Will you only be satisfied when it's 25v25 and just a straight brawl?  Does the game have to cater to your style of gameplay in every aspect of Naval Action?  If you can't win fights with your current method of fighting it's time to change tactics.  

I mean come on......


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I miss the time when ships could do damage to each other from further away then a boats length and battles where line fights with actual fleet maneuvers :-(

If there is fighting now it's always just a brawl... 

Edited by Chimera
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