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Can't join same battle as my friend!??

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We wanted to hunt enemy fleets and trading ships... but nomatter which one of us start the battle the other can not join... simply says "Battle is closed" and nomatter what we do we can't join eachothers battles.

Please read the below part cause I feel like we have exhausted ALL options.

We are on PvE server.

We're on voice chat with eachother to coordinate when testing how/why we can't join eachothers battles.

We are in same group.

We are in same clan.

We are tagging ships in Virgin Islands, Vestindiske Øer, San Juan Ponce and Bowenvinds counties, leagues away from the Bahamas rookie areas.

We are attacking NPC ships.

Neither of us have Smuggler flag on.

We are both in Rattlesnakes (BR50 ship, total BR100 for our group/fleet)

We always stay in the socalled Pull Circle after tagging and when battle starts.

When not getting pulled into combat we click the Battle icon, which says battle closed.

We sail into the Denmark-Norway Join Area, battle is still shown as Battle Closed, then disappears.

We tried attacking ships from BR10 (traders) to fleets (BR100+).

Nothing is working. We just CANT join the same battle together.

Missions work fine and can join as group.

We used to be able to double team fleets and trader ships in past, so why is this broken now? (Happened in one of the later updates).

End result from coming back to game was 2 hours of frustration trying to figure this out. Probably not going to play again until this is fixed. Playing with friends is what makes the game fun. Solo sailing gets old fast.

Really, really annoyed at this :/

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1 hour ago, Ink said:

The problem is right now ROE (rules of engagement) applies to all server regardless pvp or pve. We will check what can be done to solve it

Thanks for a quick reply.

So this means there is no way for me and my friend to actually engage in the same fights together outside of Missions then?

Earlier we were able to join the battles by just staying close to eachother and get pulled in together or join just after it started via the battle icon.

Was very disappointed when this was no longer possible. What is the purpose of being in a group if we can't play as a group?

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It is because you are in the Rookie Zone that covers much of the northern Bahamas.  Move out of this area and you will both be pulled into the battle at start if in the circle.  Using signal perk may also let your friend join after the battle starts even in the Rookie Zone (this part is broken currently).

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34 minutes ago, akd said:

It is because you are in the Rookie Zone that covers much of the northern Bahamas.  Move out of this area and you will both be pulled into the battle at start if in the circle.  Using signal perk may also let your friend join after the battle starts even in the Rookie Zone (this part is broken currently).

How am I in the rookie zone when I am in Christiansted and as far east as Bowenwinds?

We were tagging ships in the area marked in red... and often out on open sea away from ports and other ships.


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Oops, only read your last post.  Just to be clear, you and your friend are in the same nation?  Same clan implies such, but I don't know if PvE players may have formed multi-national "meta-clans."

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Just now, akd said:

Oops, only read your last post.  Are you and your friend not in the same nation?  Kind of an important detail...

We are same nation, same group, same clan, same everything, no smuggle flag etc... I listed the different things we tested and made sure of in the first post.

Heck, we are even in the same ship... so I don't understand why this does not work.

It's extremely frustrating cause one of the things we were planning to do was capture some ships for our other friends who are lower ranks... now we can't even do that as a group but have to go solomode.

For us that play in groups (and I guess there must be ultra-few of us considering this has not been brought up before) this is really gamebreaking. Only thing we can do as a group is grind missions rather than actually sail in the open world and pick out targets.

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13 minutes ago, Hodo said:

PvE, and PvP attacks, if you are not inside the "draw" circle you can not join the battle.  Solution is simple, sail closer to your friend.  You both will get drawn into the battle.  

It isnt really game breaking just difficult.   Because you, if you did not do the tag, cant see the circles to see if you are in it or not.

I know I am inside the circle, and that he is inside the circle, because we have voice chat over Discord.

We specifically asked eachother if we were within the circle or not, and most times our ships where almost ontop of eacother.

Still didn't pull both of us into the battles when the tag timer hit zero.

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Just now, Hodo said:

Yeah that is a problem then... sounds like some weird tagging bug.  I would F11 it and report the bug.  Hopefully it will get fixed in the next patch.  

Good find though.

We tried everything so I wanted to bring it up here in case we missed something, but seems this is a legit ROE bug on PvE then.

Thanks for trying to help though guys. Appreciate it.

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2 hours ago, Ghroznak said:

We tried everything so I wanted to bring it up here in case we missed something, but seems this is a legit ROE bug on PvE then.

Thanks for trying to help though guys. Appreciate it.

Maybe you and your friend can test it out on a PVP server - if you can join, then it is likely a bug related to PvE.

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We attacked both contraband traders of own nation and other nation... and attacked a non-trader fleet.

Either way... even if we attack a contraband trader of our own nation, as long as we are in the same group, it should always pull us into same battle nomatter what.

Otherwise what is the point of grouping?

Edited by Ghroznak
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I just want to be able to join same battle as my friend when we are right next to eachother and engaging a ship... which should be the entire purpose of a grouping option.

Anyways... I've raised the issue... hopefully devs can find out what causes this and find a solution to it.

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