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Hotfix for patch 9.97: Land in port battles


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11 minutes ago, admin said:

feature was voted for by the community and for me it solves more problems than your supposed "much win"
if you escaped you escaped + many hours saved for small group players and their gankers. 

VOTED?  When did we vote for things?  I been playing since EA and never once got an option to vote about anything.  The problem is every one will now just speed fit and run unless they have numbers to gank.   So you really didn't solve anything.

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2 minutes ago, koltes said:

Your player base is sinking at a very dangerous rate. Last patch brought some PVP back and voila server population went up. It tells me that more PVP brings more players. Is it not?
I hate to say this, but 90% of your community that is left is PVEers.
90% of those who left are PVPers.

If your development team can see this then your aim is to make PVE game which means I'm outta here.
If your development team can't see this then somewhere your polls, surveys, feedback are letting you down

You just don't see it yet. If you solve the problem of a solo player he might join a group. The feature you are talking about is helping a solo/small group player most. Previous mechanic was forcing him to either wait for hours in Battle result screens or if he escaped, pushed him to escape again and again and again until he was sank by a fleet camping him outside. 

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2 minutes ago, admin said:

It was like that before the feature. It just worked differently and was wasting time. 
You attacked NPC but waited for an hour in the battle result screen or were forced to log off using alt f4. Attacker also wasted time waiting for you outside. 

Roe is not yet final and battle entry might be adjusted soon based on findings in the admiralty events. You might be able to reinforce that AI in the future as it was before the instantly closed battles. 

All what you have said is fixed by the 5 minute force out timer.
Why add teleport to friendly port?
Battle instance is only an instance. In reality its still a battle the open world. If someone managed to get away from the battle the attacker should be able to continue chase.

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2 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

VOTED?  When did we vote for things?  I been playing since EA and never once got an option to vote about anything.  The problem is every one will now just speed fit and run unless they have numbers to gank.   So you really didn't solve anything.

The vote is still open mate. This feature helps me a lot and i know players who will actually fight more because of it. (they mostly are sailing in small groups). 

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10 minutes ago, Kloothommel said:

Oh, here is another one: Cheap teleport home button.

tag AI and teleport to friendly port to escape attackers. Win button.

Great patch, much win, many good, so wow.

Or, see it as a way to end a 'chase sequence' once and for all. You chased me, I managed to escape, now I have other things to do.

I for one think this is a good solution - not a perfect one, but a good one - and it will encourage me to play more on the PvP server again, knowing that I'll have a way to end long pursuit phases or endless retags and that I won't be spending most of my playtime waiting around for enemy ships to never come out of BR screen.

You'll still be able to hunt down and sink other players, but it'll finally reward escape, which up until now was pointless because you knew you'd be endlessly retagged and eventually worn down when faced with a numerically superior force. 

A very welcome change for those players who often had no other choice but to give up their ship when they were still being engaged when their playtime was up and almost stopped playing altogether as a reason.

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3 minutes ago, koltes said:

All what you have said is fixed by the 5 minute force out timer.
Why add teleport to friendly port?
Battle instance is only an instance. In reality its still a battle the open world. If someone managed to get away from the battle the attacker should be able to continue chase.

When USS constitution escaped The Great Chase - it sailed safely to home harbor. The ship was not magically placed to the place of original attack to allow british to have another chance. 


I will phrase it differently. Previous rules (if you knew enemies are outside) forced you to STOP PLAYING. by using alt f4 in a battle result screen, splitting your small group and breaking the flow for you for this day. New feature makes escape permanent and give you the option to play and actually find another battle. Instead of sitting in the result screen venting in chat. 

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Well, at least I'm excited for land in port battles, and thinned out bot swarms.  And being able to leave for good after you escaped was discussed in the very thread linked.  Votes are held in this community all the time.  If you don't remember any either you were not active on the forums or you are forgetting.

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3 minutes ago, admin said:

The vote is still open mate. This feature helps me a lot and i know players who will actually fight more because of it. (they mostly are sailing in small groups). 

Where is this vote you keep talking about?  I want to add my vote.


Oh and what if I go up to Bermuda and attack a player trader and get his full cargo. Well since I'm a pirate my closes port is Kidd's Harbor so all I have to do now is hit telport to friendly port and I got all my goodies home safe from my raids. 

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1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:


Oh and what if I go up to Bermuda and attack a player trader and get his full cargo. Well since I'm a pirate my closes port is Kidd's Harbor so all I have to do now is hit telport to friendly port and I got all my goodies home safe from my raids. 

bermuda triangle is a unique place fortunately or unfortunately. The way you described it - you just saved yourself 1 hour at least - giving you more time to PVP more. 

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8 hours ago, admin said:

When USS constitution escaped The Great Chase - it sailed safely to home harbor. The ship was not magically placed to the place of original attack to allow british to have another chance. 


I will phrase it differently. Previous rules (if you knew enemies are outside) forced you to STOP PLAYING. by using alt f4 in a battle result screen, splitting your small group and breaking the flow for you for this day. New feature makes escape permanent and give you the option to play and actually find another battle. Instead of sitting in the result screen venting in chat. 

I understand what you are trying to achieve, I get it I really do. You are helping the dude that got ganged.
But you are forgetting that the dude that gets ganged all the time is the one who is PVE casual guy. Most of them dont even know how to manual sail yet while being a Rear Admiral.
Unfortunately your teleport kills it for your attacker group who are active PVP guy/team.
The feature is so severely favors one side and unfavours the other it will make the second to give up on the game not just a battle. Sadly its the PVP guy who is affected. Sadly your PVP guys are driving this game and they are leaving.

PVP2 when pirates were active there was a huge buzz going on. Player from PVP1 were coming in and could not believe that such small population is so active. Fights were going left and right. Now your October patch penalized PVP. Pirates quit. Carebears got nothing to fight. They been playing for 2 months taking empty ports. Server is dead because your PVP base has gone.

Edited by koltes
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I agree with the teleport, it simply force the aggressor to make a proper tag without a magical 2nd chance. If your prey escaped, end of the story.

But can you teleport with items in hold ? If yes, that will obviously lead to a lot of abuses.

My main concerns are still port battles, where you can earn too many points and really fast, without fighting. Old port battle were often lasting 1h30 of long, hard and epic fights. Of course we have to wait more feedback, but it seems PBs will end way faster that before.

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15 minutes ago, koltes said:

I understand what you are trying to achieve, I get it I really do. You are helping the dude that got ganged.
But you are forgetting that the dude that gets ganged all the time is the one who is PVE casual guy. Most of them dont even know how to manual sail yet while being a Rear Admiral.

So... how did the guy escape then?  What is being done is rewarding escaping.  Not rewarding "bad players."  Don't make the mistake of conflating the two.

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6 minutes ago, admin said:
10 minutes ago, admin said:

You just don't see it yet. If you solve the problem of a solo player he might join a group. The feature you are talking about is helping a solo/small group player most. Previous mechanic was forcing him to either wait for hours in Battle result screens or if he escaped, pushed him to escape again and again and again until he was sank by a fleet camping him outside. 

Reading this from you brought tears of joy to my eyes

8 minutes ago, koltes said:

All what you have said is fixed by the 5 minute force out timer.
Why add teleport to friendly port?
Battle instance is only an instance. In reality its still a battle the open world. If someone managed to get away from the battle the attacker should be able to continue chase.

True. But with so many people sailing in gank squads, one is bound to be attacked by a superior force very quickly after leaving port, and even when one does manage to escape, it just becomes a matter of time before attackers eventually win, wearing the target down by re-tagging over and over again. Escaping needs to mean something, otherwise lone players are just sailing around for large groups to prey on, and that's no fun and will eventually hurt and drive away a non-negligeable part of the potential player base.

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43 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

So... how did the guy escape then?  What is being done is rewarding escaping.  Not rewarding "bad players."  Don't make the mistake on conflating the two.

Rewarding??? The thrill of the battle is the reward in PVP game not magic ability to run.

The below would fix this problem:
1. Ships battle sailing profile mirrored in OW so One Renomee can outrun the other in OW. Right now if my Reno does 16.5 kn in battle it still runs the same speed in OW with a Reno that does 14kn in battle.
2. Keep kick out timer from battle screen 5 mins
3. If player Alt-F4 closed then his ship kicked into the OW for normal 2 mins before it logs off.
4. The exit from the battle instance is reflected to where you sailed in the battle so you will not reappear at the same place 


No more BattleScreen camping. If he is in the fast ship he WILL get away pretty quickly getting outside tag circle. Everyone is happy.
This promoting pvp, not avoiding pvp

Edited by koltes
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15 minutes ago, Pelennor said:

I agree with the teleport, it simply force the aggressor to make a proper tag without a magical 2nd chance. If your prey escaped, end of the story.

But can you teleport with items in hold ? If yes, that will obviously lead to a lot of abuses.

My main concerns are still port battles, where you can earn too many points and really fast, without fighting. Old port battle were often lasting 1h30 of long, hard and epic fights. Of course we have to wait more feedback, but it seems PBs will end way faster that before.

Yah no one will sail anything any where.  They will just tag and AI trader or something and than teleport there cargo to the closet friendly port to save on the trip across maybe dangerous waters.  We already have a hard enough time with AI ships and towers when trying to hunt traders.   This needs to be limited some how or it will be abused as an easy way to just ship things.

15 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

So... how did the guy escape then?  What is being done is rewarding escaping.  Not rewarding "bad players."  Don't make the mistake on conflating the two.

The tag timer needs to be shorten it favors to much for the one being tagged to change it to fast when your read and you attack some one you should be done with it and battle starts not wait 20 secs.  A lot can happen in 20 secs.  It needs to be dropped to like 10-15 seconds.  Maybe try 15 and then move it to 10 to see how it works.  That would allow you to get the good tag of the battle you want and not have a suddenly bad tag cause you have to wait longer.   

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On 12/19/2016 at 7:17 AM, admin said:


Other changes

  • Some upgrades, perks, regional bonuses increasing ship speed were reduced. 
  • Speed adjusted for 2nd rates, 3rd rates and HMS Trincomalee

So exactly what was changed?  Would be nice so we can compare the ghost changed stats to the new ones or something.  So now most of us that had builds won't know what was changed to test them.

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4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

78 voted yes and 36 voted no?   So your making a new mechanic off the votes of 100 players?  Hell never seen this post pop up.  Shouldn't it be some where more noticeable if you want an actual count of your player base?

The question in the poll is controversial
Log off camping/BR screen camping is a problem
I voted yes because THERE IS A PROBLEM. However I did not agree with the solution. They need to remake this poll with proper questions

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I think its worth playtesting this fix, as I see it there are 3 different viewpoints to the current solution :

1- as the one being attacked: get the choice of either getting out and try your luck again, or teleport to safe city. Teleporting to nearest safe could be a setback, as you might have been on a long voyage, and may have to re-sail it again. Anyway, you were attacked and slipped away - you earned it.

2 - as attacker/pirate in foreign home waters: first attack may or may not have failed, but you get a choice: get out and try again (and possible Face the music if a "posse" has been gathered) or teleport to safe, forcing you to sail to the distance yet again if you want to attack someone again.

3- as the counter attacker ("posse") against subj form 2): they escaped you, you will now wait max 5mins to see if they come back out, and if they dont - you could anticipate their possible return and setup a suitable ambush.

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16 minutes ago, koltes said:

The question in the poll is controversial
Log off camping/BR screen camping is a problem
I voted yes because THERE IS A PROBLEM. However I did not agree with the solution. They need to remake this poll with proper questions

We never said the solution is going to be perfect. For a perfect solution instances must go away, but it is only possible if the world is split into 100 player instances/servers like Rust does. 

Current solution while not perfect gives full clarity for both sides. If the person has not exited to the OW in x minutes he is gone. You don't waste time and he does not waste time. 
Another problem is group splitting. Lets say there was a 5v7 battle. Group of 5 lost 2 ships (they are in the nearest friendly port) 3 ships of their group escaped. Their group is gone now because 3 sit in the BR screen and 2 wait in port. If 3 ships who survived exit - they will be re-attacked and sank. If 2 ships sail to them to help - they will be intercepted and sank. In the new mechanics they meet in the same port and sail again together. Giving both sides another battle potential. 

The feature is counterintuitive but we believe it will work. Because previously that person was logging off from BR screen anyway denying gameplay for both sides.

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