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Low back spinal fusion


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Ok so week 7 of laying in bed after my spinal fusion because walking hurts to damn bad. Well sitting in bed hurts too.

Other than playing NA after pain meds kick in this is pretty lame and im wondering if it will ever start feeling better.

Any other captains had this done? If so how long before this stops hurting ?

Also admin can you release the new patch already so people will log back in and i have people to shoot?

Any suggestions or tips on pain relief from fellow fusion patients would be appreciated.

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Based on my research it can last up to 3 months. All depends on how quickly you recover. 


A fusion is like a broken bone trying to heal. ... If bony fusion does not occur, eventual failure of the implants can occur, sometimes leading to breaks, pullouts, and chronic pain. A patient may experience recurrent pain many years after a spine fusion surgery.


If it won't stop after 3 months I would contact your surgeon. Also, make sure you supply your body with all needed vitamins to speed up recovery. 




In addition to your normal multivitamin-mineral supplement regimen, you also need to make sure you are taking certain vitamins at least a couple of weeks before and two to three months after surgery. Research studies have shown that taking as little as 250 mg a day of vitamin C after surgery cuts the healing time in half.
I recommend you start taking the following supplements at least two weeks prior to the surgery: additional vitamin C (1,000 mg to 2,500 mg), bioflavanoids (1,000 mg), zinc (50 mg), vitamin E in the form of wheat germ oil capsules (50 mg), and a good B-complex (that contains at least 50 mg of pantothenic acid). Also remember that zinc can become toxic if not taken with vitamin A as well as vitamin C, so it would be best to include 20,000 to 25,000 IU of vitamin A daily.
Wheat germ oil can also help in the healing of any scars immediately after surgery when applied directly to the scar area. (Simply puncture the wheat germ oil capsule and squeeze onto the area.)
P.S. get you medical weed prescription ready.  ;)
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2 Words - CRAFTING , PERCOCET Maybe in reverse order , I hope you get better soon , I have had neck issues for 10 years :mellow:

Yeah i take percocet, morphine, and a nerve deadening medicine. That's the only way i can play naval action.

Edited by Mrdoomed
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I hope you start to be a little more mobile.  I have not gone through what you have - but when I had rotator cuff surgery a few years ago, it took 3 months before I could sleep through the night, and 6 months before I was comfortable and able to fully use that shoulder.

  I also followed the physical therapy regime to help gain mobility and flexibility.


So...  patience is key.

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Sorry to hear about your painful recovery. Did you have more than one level fused? Which level?


+1 to what Wind said. Also do you smoke? Smoking is a major contributor bad results from fusion surgery because it inhibits the bone growth.


Where is your pain when you try to walk? Mostly in the back or also going down your legs?


After a certain point in the healing process movement, physical therapy and stretch will become very important even through it may be painful. Stay in one position to long can lead to more pain and stiffness.


All the best for your recovery.

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Sorry to hear about your painful recovery. Did you have more than one level fused? Which level?

+1 to what Wind said. Also do you smoke? Smoking is a major contributor bad results from fusion surgery because it inhibits the bone growth.

Where is your pain when you try to walk? Mostly in the back or also going down your legs?

After a certain point in the healing process movement, physical therapy and stretch will become very important even through it may be painful. Stay in one position to long can lead to more pain and stiffness.

All the best for your recovery.

Quit smoking 8 years ago, and it was 2 disc in lower back and the pain (sciatic is what started it) was from back and down to both knees. Now its primarily just in back and a little in one leg but damn the back keeps me from sleeping or anything.

Stretching doesn't work yet. Steroids makes all the pain go away but i cant take anymore they said.

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Quit smoking 8 years ago, and it was 2 disc in lower back and the pain (sciatic is what started it) was from back and down to both knees. Now its primarily just in back and a little in one leg but damn the back keeps me from sleeping or anything.

Stretching doesn't work yet. Steroids makes all the pain go away but i cant take anymore they said.


With a double level the recovery could be longer. They should be shooting updated X-rays to make sure the bones are properly fusing and the hardware is in the proper place and not loose. At least they got the sciatica. Hang in there could be still in the healing process. Just make sure you tell the surgeon where you are symptom and pain wise at each follow up. They should be concerned if you have no progress with the pain and function after 3-4 months. Good Luck


Maybe the new patch will take your mind off the pain for awhile!

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All I can say, is I hope you get better soon. Back spinal injuries can take a while.

Yep Herniated disc between my L4-5 I been living with for almost 20 years.  I was mid 20's the first time i hurt my back and late 20's early 30's the second time.   All I can say folks is never screw with your back.  I can live a decent active life (I'm a Hydralic Mechanic by trade for offshore equipment), but man when it flares up I'm not the best person to be around at all as I don't take meds for the most part (never been a pill popper).


Doom hope you get better man.  My uncle had his neck done many years ago and I know it took a long time for him to heal properly and than he still had to go in and have it redone many years again. Than again that is better than ending up paralyses from neck down the rest of his life if they didn't fix it.   Just take your time and listen to those Docs, some times they actually know what they be talking about.  SOME TIMES.



Though agree we need this patch to hurry up. I just flat out stopped logging in other than to burn labor hours cause it's so dead.   I checked BLACK ts last night around prime time to see if I need to log in and there was no one online.   Yah we all pretty much taking a break until the patch.  Hay at least the US and Brits are getting all the empty dots they seem to love.  Bet they think they are so proud and winning or something.  I'll prob log in a bit this weekend. If I sink any one I'll do it in your name....."THIS IS FOR DOOM."   Just to confuse them....lol

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Yep Herniated disc between my L4-5 I been living with for almost 20 years. I was mid 20's the first time i hurt my back and late 20's early 30's the second time. All I can say folks is never screw with your back. I can live a decent active life (I'm a Hydralic Mechanic by trade for offshore equipment), but man when it flares up I'm not the best person to be around at all as I don't take meds for the most part (never been a pill popper).

Doom hope you get better man. My uncle had his neck done many years ago and I know it took a long time for him to heal properly and than he still had to go in and have it redone many years again. Than again that is better than ending up paralyses from neck down the rest of his life if they didn't fix it. Just take your time and listen to those Docs, some times they actually know what they be talking about. SOME TIMES.

Though agree we need this patch to hurry up. I just flat out stopped logging in other than to burn labor hours cause it's so dead. I checked BLACK ts last night around prime time to see if I need to log in and there was no one online. Yah we all pretty much taking a break until the patch. Hay at least the US and Brits are getting all the empty dots they seem to love. Bet they think they are so proud and winning or something. I'll prob log in a bit this weekend. If I sink any one I'll do it in your name....."THIS IS FOR DOOM." Just to confuse them....lol

Lmao sure put my name out there. All i need is them to hate me more ha ha ha.

Yes i haven't logged in much because nobody is on to hunt. (Exept those 3 indiaman i caped in a day).

And yes after decades i had become paralyzed in both legs and between the worst pain ive ever felt and the numbness and weakeness i couldnt walk.

I think im improving but like a few otherd have said i guess its gonna take a long time.

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Hey Doomed, really hoping things get better for you. I am terribly nervous about having a fusion coming up. Last summer I had a discectomy on my L3 and L4. Since the disc never  repaired and considering a couple older siblings suffer DDD, I've been diagnosed with it also. So in the next 3 months, I also get a fusion. My surgeon gave me a rather grim prognosis. And I've had mixed reports from 4 people I know who've had lower back fusions... 50/50 results. Which doesn't give me much hope of ever being able to return to my active lifestyle.

I wish I could give you better hope, but only 2 of 4 people I know personally say it has healed well enough without pain and within a couple months.

I really hope it all gets better, mate.

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Supposed to not be any or at least no mention of it. My neighbor who is in her 60s had a similar surgery and did have rehab but may have been age.

Hell i cant even walk hardly so no rehad hopefully for a while ha ha ha.

Cant walk because of pain or neurological failures?

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Hey Doomed, really hoping things get better for you. I am terribly nervous about having a fusion coming up. Last summer I had a discectomy on my L3 and L4. Since the disc never repaired and considering a couple older siblings suffer DDD, I've been diagnosed with it also. So in the next 3 months, I also get a fusion. My surgeon gave me a rather grim prognosis. And I've had mixed reports from 4 people I know who've had lower back fusions... 50/50 results. Which doesn't give me much hope of ever being able to return to my active lifestyle.

I wish I could give you better hope, but only 2 of 4 people I know personally say it has healed well enough without pain and within a couple months.

I really hope it all gets better, mate.

Hey bud. Yeah same thing here. Discectomy on L4-6 but both blew back out do to manual labor so had to get the fusion.

My neighbor had to have a fusion and she is 20 years older and had even harder time than me but is now doing good.

Ive got my fingers crossed because like you i haven't heard the best stories. My doctor is the #2 surgery in country for this surgery and says he thinks all will be just fine but its gonna take time.

Thank God for naval action or id be crazy bored lol. Good luck with your surgery and keep me posted.

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