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Need Help - pre-purchase confirmation

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Hi.  Paypal confirmation is what is being sent currently..
We planned to send out steam keys once the application is approved by Valve.

Tried to convey this information on the Thank You page (the one you got after you confirmed your purchase) but probably it was not very clear :)


Some confirmation extra might be needed.. we will try to provide it next week.

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Dear support some of us do not use steam. I personally hate steam myself as it is an crappy game site that takes internet connection everyone says it does not but ive traced it and i found out it does. So i am wondering why use steam cant you do it whitout them? I have made my steam accoutn inactive because every game i played treu steam does not redevelop itself nore improves itself.


so i am not preordering the game and that is only just for that reason.

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Dear support some of us do not use steam. I personally hate steam myself as it is an crappy game site that takes internet connection everyone says it does not but ive traced it and i found out it does. So i am wondering why use steam cant you do it whitout them? I have made my steam accoutn inactive because every game i played treu steam does not redevelop itself nore improves itself.


so i am not preordering the game and that is only just for that reason.


your loss as in missing out on the fun..............We will tell you how the game is....and you can later deside to buy off of steam or not

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Dear support some of us do not use steam. I personally hate steam myself as it is an crappy game site that takes internet connection everyone says it does not but ive traced it and i found out it does. So i am wondering why use steam cant you do it whitout them? I have made my steam accoutn inactive because every game i played treu steam does not redevelop itself nore improves itself.


so i am not preordering the game and that is only just for that reason.

 i could be wrong but i think i have read that they plan to also Launch thru EA in the future you can probably wait until then if need be

i am also checking daily to see when it becomes avalible thru Steam as pre-order

so far only on this web site

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Hello everyone


If you are a pre-order buyer (thank you by the way)

Once you pre-purchased you currently get only Paypal confirmation email. 

We will be sending two confirmation letters from game-labs in the near future

  • one with the key for the alpha testing version of the game (limited content used for testing ships, combat and mechanics)
  • another at a later stage with the key for the early access version of the game

This initial pre-orders are paypal only. As it will take some time to get Steam approve the store page and the game. Some time in the future the system will be replaced by steam.

If you have any questions please ask. 

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Just to clarify will everyone who pre-orders be given access to the current build that the testers have access to?


Yes, we will give out Naval Action Beta keys to pre-order buyers. But we are sure not everyone will want to test limited content.

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Yes, we will give out Naval Action Beta keys to pre-order buyers. But we are sure not everyone will want to test limited content.


You'd be surprised at what we want :P


Fact of the matter is that I'm part of a rather large multi-game Guild, of which a fair amount of folks would gladly test limited content (many of us are veteran Alpha and Betas testers).


As it stands, three of us have pre-ordered already, with a couple more sitting on the fence until they see a bit more of the game.


You guys are doing awesome work - the age of fighting sail is largely ignored by the mainstream, and games like these are a peculiar niche which serves a very small (but dedicated) customer base.

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