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Naval Action Signature to spread the word inside

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Here is the a pic for a naval action signature that you can see at the bottom of my post here.

I have started adding it to other forums I go to in order to get this little known game some exposure.



Sail your ship as part of a fleet. Devs previously worked on: Darthmod, World of Warplanes, World of Tanks, RaceRoom, IL2-Sturmovik, Metro, STALKER and many other great games..

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I remember reading that some of you guys worked on warthunder, or maybe was it world of tanks ?

I think that's a good initiative from Destraex, it could be nice if we have some sort of those signatures validate by the devs. There is always talented people on making those on every forums i went.

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Thanks for spreading the word

the picture is fine.. but there is no need to talk about games we have worked on. + that phrase was not grammatically correct


better say something like this.

Naval Action. A beautiful age of sail game. 

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No problem. I thought you did work on a game like war thunder? It was world of tanks?

With regard to the phrase it does need work. But I wanted to convey the kind of gameplay this game portrayed.

I think it is important for people to know it is a type not really seen before for the age of sail.

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Signatures worn in other games forums are a great way to spread the word.

Just imagine you wouldn't know of naval action yet but always have been interested in something like it.

And all the sudden you see someone with a beautiful ship in a signature and the apparent title of a game...


100% this person will either click on a provided link, or will insta-google it... and then freak out cause something like this is finally happening ;)


Edit: One note though, for the very most forums, this signature would be too big/high. Try something with ~100px height.

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Exactly. I have done this before for cliffs of dover team fusion 4 and got many people asking me for a link to the game.

They had never known it existed. Some of the forums I travel at the moment include total war and other closely related games.


P.S. The sig is just really big in this particular forum. Because it is the original one I made. It still looks good small.

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This game needs as much exposure as it can get and does not have the budget to get it I expect.

So I don't think there is any harm letting people know it exists and that I support it.


It is not like I have not played the game.


I did the same thing when I was in the war of the roses alpha\beta. Still love that game but even today almost nobody has heard of it.


I only stumbled onto Naval Action by accident myself. While looking at ultimate general forums.


If they do end up doing crowd funding or pre-order access you better hope there are enough people that buy it and are aware of it.


Lets compare this to star citizen and many other projects that advertise in there infancy. Is that wrong?

I am not telling people about features or promising anything. Just saying here is a game you may be interested in. Go have a look.

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Better to leave advertising to the devs... the game is in its infancy.

That doesn't make any sense to me.

The state of the game is completely irrelevant to the ever present need of advertising.


Publicity is always good - no matter if good or bad - and besides... a quite neutral/non invading signature/banner with a single vessel and the game title can hardly cause any negative effect, can it?

Curious to know what you meant though.

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Tbh advertising the games they previously worked on could hurt more than help. WoT and WoWP are considered a joke in many circles. And STALKER- wasnt that the same studio that made 7.62 and Marauder? The same studio that failed and went under?.... hardly good advertising. Although the simple signature with picture and a link is good.

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