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Thoughts for Rear Admiral

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If it was implemented that you could get labour hours from combat, then it should definitely not be Rear Admiral exclusive, but something all players got. And it should be fairly equal for all ranks, not like XP where you get more for killing bigger ships. Maybe labour hours rewarded for the time spent in battle... However any system that would send people into PVE-grinding to get labour hours would be very bad for the game. I could vision though, a system which rewarded players with a minor amount of labour hours for actually playing. Tying it to combat however, I am very sceptical of.

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LH system was put in place with the very intent of it being only obtainable through regen, not through grinding.


Any idea that asks for more LH is in straight line against the very reason LH were implemented as they are.

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Not much incentive for RAs to play then.  Just log in every couple of days to craft.  Hence the suggestion just for RAs to get hrs in lieu of XP.


Probably should mention I am talking about PVE.

Edited by CaptBligh
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I could get behind a daily labor hour bonus for logging on for like a minimum of 30 minutes.  Anything to give players incentives to play the game would help.  Say 200 bonus hours max for logging in for 30 minutes, per day.


I don't know the number could be lowered.  Many games like WoT etc give daily bonuses to playing.  This couldn't hurt.  Also it would still keep a cap on labor hours.  


We definitely can't give people access to earning unlimited labor hours without hosing the economy/game.

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I would like to see XP transformed in a meta-currency, so being posible invest and even lose them now you can indeed lose XP -shooting (mistakenly or not) green on green- even to the point of losing levels (demotion) ,


  - Losses would be determined by losing engagements or escaping battles where you have "upper hand".in theory



       As to XP invest I would look at officers, and even the new  crew system.

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Maybe extra admiral ranks with the ability to control a fleet, with fleet size increasing with rank. By control I mean actually being able to direct the AI captains........not what happens now.......watching as they all run amok.

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It's certainly not harmful enough to forbid buying multiple accounts to double and triple your available hours.


You could as well forbid wearing jeans while playing. Good luck executing that rule.

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Make Achievements (epic points) for rear admiral class:


- sink a ship with a single broadside

- ram a ship so that it turns over

- win a fight without firing a shot

- sail from x to y in limited time

- win 10 port battles in a row


and so on ....


Give epic points for battle wins too and publish an epic player rank list ...

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