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[PVP 1] Danes got lit up at Tiburon today


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I am so bored about this.

Just had a look on our tool. 13 british timers are set between 0 - 6

Wanna know how many timers are set between 0 - 6 from other nations? 83... Yeah. We. British. Ruin. The. Game. Can you please stop blaming us about something overs are doing also all the time? Thanks.


How many of those were from Denmark-Norway? ;)

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Context doesn't exist in the British nation, only propaganda and deflection.


Oh yeah I like context. I believe in context and good productive conversation. And therefore I quite arguing with a person which is not really interested in solutions but flaming.



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All right all you non west coast US players - I set the timer to a more euro-centric 20-22, And "guess what" - I did it at 6:47 server time.


So at least I was up for the 04-06 time-slot. I really don't see why you can't let a west coast US "lord Protector" pick his own prime time to defend.




Really pretty mean spirited if you ask me.

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