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Recently GB has had several of its major clans switch nations, or even worse, servers entirely. Are any other factions facing this? PVP2 has dropped from around 800-900 players around 3pm CST to roughly 200-400 and thats all players on all nations. 

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The piratrs imploded and most went to britain or france but like most pirates said , good ridence they will just quit on them too. Thats probably all that happens.

Pvp1 definitely is more appealing because is larger pop. Im guess one of the day thr devs will merge the servers like eve and be one large sandbox.

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In a sandbox game, it is not the amount of people that matters. Its what those players do.

If 900 people mission run, fleet grind, then pvp won't be as big. That's what i see/saw in PvP2. Enter stupid diplomancy and people will get bored. France was pretty lucky that the pirates came to play early. Our diplomacy was we wanted "a $hit $torm". It was PvP every day and night and fun. The problem with boredom in a sandbox game is people expect action to just appear on their doorstep.

People can move around all they want but players create content. If they expect someone else to create it for them (like devs) in a sandbox, then they'll get bored wherever they go.

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When I play on PVP2 during weeknights Pacific time, there are usually about 450-500 online when I logon (around 7:30-8:00pm Pacific) and that dwindles down to maybe 200-300 by 10pm Pacific or so.

I do play for GB but I focus on Privateering in waters controlled by the US, so what other GB players are or aren't doing is kind of irrelevant, as there are still plenty of Americans to keep me entertained :)

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where do you get those numbers form?


Well most French are clan affiliated, the "Free French" population is only about 10 max but they aren't online every night, at my best guess.  So I know for sure the numbers for my clan, and when the clans form up for joint operations, which happens ever couple of days, then I can see the total active numbers for all clan affiliated groups, since every French clan works together actively (there are 4 "large" clans of about 10ish active on a night and 2 "small" clans with less than 5).  Last night we had 35 clan members from different clans (5 out of the 6 were there for it), in a joint action, and that included about 3 Free French as well.  So these are my guesstimates from seeing numbers from all clans in one TS server and the random unknown for Free French.  Most of the French know of each other being a small nation, so non-affiliated/new players stand out when we see them, which is not often. 


We do get defectors from other nations, most recently a British clan has switched over.  Don't know their numbers for sure but they may bump the total French count by 10, is my guess. 

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I just talked about this problem in another thread.


I checked the server pop numbers a short time ago today and they were.


PVP 1 - 1,756 players online


PVP 2 - 252 players online.


A lot of people including some moderators have been encouraging new players and existing players to go to PVP 1 instead of PVP 2

This has caused a huge imbalance in player numbers between the servers ........ it's now about 7 to 1.

Edited by Bert Beard
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The difference in server pops has probably been at least somewhat useful for the devs in terms of server tuning etc.

But I don think they will need to decide soon whether to merge the servers or risk losing even more of the player base for good.

Not having played on PvP1 i don't know the real situation there... but judging by the map that larger population is allowing for a much more balanced game there.

This seems far more likely to sustain player interest, especially given the lack of game content at this stage of development. 

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alot of people quit due to grind, others switched to PVP1 for better server pop.

Stop posting your crap propaganda on every thread. The grind is not that bad if you would just enjoy playing the game for what it is. Take your terrible sour attitude back to Halo and get your instant gratification from there.

I have actually seen a lot of GB players around Mort area. Their numbers may be dwindling, but the ones that are active are actively seeking PVP... Unfortunately they come to mort with 4 Consti's during low pop time and never get engaged. Come in something that we can fight and we'll fight you!

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This has now gotten ahead of the developers and gained critical mass.

Rather than silence or encouraging the movement of players from server PVP 2 to PVP 1........... the moderators and developers should have had a plan and told us about it.


I'm USA on PVP 2 and my clan leader has just sent an email to all members that an exodus has been under way from PVP 2 to PVP 1 and he will hang on in PVP 2 as long as he can but it's looking like our clan will have to start again on PVP 1.

We are in a dying server that has been left to die by the developers and unless we like solitude we will all have to start from scratch on PVP 1.


A few minutes ago PVP 2's population was under 190 ........another drop from the day before.


I wonder if the developers realize that this kind of thing will piss off a lot of players from PVP 2 and more than a few will say the hell with this........I'm not starting over again after 2 months because of something this ridiculous...........And quit.


This is basically the same as a complete server wipe on PVP 1 where you lose everything including your XP.

Edited by Bert Beard
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I've been splitting my time between PVE (USA), PVP1 (ESP) and PVP2 (GB).


I'm at Lt. Commander rank, have < $100k gold and 3-5 outposts on each of those servers.


If I'd focused on just one server, and on grinding PVE to rank up, I'm sure I'd have a lot more stuff.


But you know what? I definitely wouldn't have had as much fun.


It's gonna be OK.

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This has now gotten ahead of the developers and gained critical mass.

Rather than silence or encouraging the movement of players from server PVP 2 to PVP 1........... the moderators and developers should have had a plan and told us about it.

I'm USA on PVP 2 and my clan leader has just sent an email to all members that an exodus has been under way from PVP 2 to PVP 1 and he will hang on in PVP 2 as long as he can but it's looking like our clan will have to start again on PVP 1.

We are in a dying server that has been left to die by the developers and unless we like solitude we will all have to start from scratch on PVP 1.

A few minutes ago PVP 2's population was under 190 ........another drop from the day before.

I wonder if the developers realize that this kind of thing will piss off a lot of players from PVP 2 and more than a few will say the hell with this........I'm not starting over again after 2 months because of something this ridiculous...........And quit.

This is basically the same as a complete server wipe on PVP 1 where you lose everything including your XP.

It seems we will all be forced to eventually move to pvp 1 which sorta sucks since my friends and i have spent all of early access building a great network of pirate hidouts and ports and amassed a fortune in coin and ships and crafting goods.... sure wish that if they wont stop the exodus or encourage more to stay and wait that we can transfer our stuff too.

Either way its fine since a wipe will come and thats when we will go over but i would just prefere a server merge.

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This is sad to see so many jump sever as i have already invested so much time in pvp2...i know our lvl stay when switching but  losing all my assets is going to hurt if i have to switch. but if that's the price for a higher population?   idk..hard to make a choice right now.

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This is sad to see so many jump sever as i have already invested so much time in pvp2...i know our lvl stay when switching but losing all my assets is going to hurt if i have to switch. but if that's the price for a higher population? idk..hard to make a choice right now.

Soon you will be you vs me and we shall duel endlessly for world domination

Edited by Mrdoomed
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I checked and I did keep my XP going to PVP 1 .........which I didn't realize.


You will also have the same labor hours.  Those also appear to be tied to the steam account and not the game account.  Burn hours on PvP2, can't use on PvP1.  


It's a good control to keep people from double dipping XP across servers.

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I play on both servers PvP1 and PvP2. It is nice to have the choice.

When I'm looking for a higher population server I log on to PvP1.

If we suddenly get a big flood of players it is reassuring to know I can use PvP2 again.


I even have a place on PvP3 - just in case.

Don't use PvE 1 (mostly because I'm concerned that I may delete my PvP character if I use it)


Seems like a great situation with lots of options and flexibility.  IMHO I don't think removing choice and forcing conditions on people improves things.  There are always exceptions.  Currently I'm glad the option for people to create a slot on each server is still available.

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