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Buena vista exploit bug on timer.


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Yesterday Buena Vista was French. The timer was 18h-20h.  English start a conquest in this timer but lost the bp.


During the night the timer change to "any time" so english start a conquest at 2am.


So there was 2 conquests with 7 hours gap the same days.


So a bug fix is necessary, and a transfer of Buena vista to french nation because english "fairplay" players have put 4h-6h timer on this city. 



Thank you



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There was no timer on Buena Vista, that is why we attacked it. It looks like you didn't set a timer at all from taking it before the first downtime. If you set it after the first downtime then it doesn't take effect until the next downtime and it looks like we have taken it back before then (and set a timer which applied form the next downtime). Doesn't look like a bug to me, just a lack of diligence - do you have proof of the 18-20 timer?


FYI 4-6am is not an unfair timer, it is set for our Aussie Clan to defend but I won't get into a debate on timers here.

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Sadly this won't happen the devs wouldn't do it for us yes there is a bug so bug report it sometimes it's a dev thing the devs as I understand it manually change the pb timers themselves therefore it's their mistake and therefore this is moot point.

With regards to the 8 hr cool down I would say that is a bug too which needs fixing but regardless to say if the cool down had worked as its supposed to then we would have taken it after 2am anyways.

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There was a timer on Buena vista and it was 18h 20h.


Your first fleet of attack know it, because they have bought the flag at 18h. 


Sorry there was not a timer. We bought the flag at that time to try and stop you attacking New Edinburgh (which obviously didn't work). Unless you can show that you set a timer, then I'm going to go with what the game displayed at all times to me and everybody in my clan who looked which is that you did not set a timer. On my screen it said "Port may not be attacked between 06-10" (or whatever DT is), whereas for Dariena it said "May only be attacked between 18-20". That is the difference between setting a timer and not.


I appreciate its hard to admit your nation made a mistake, but that is what appears to have happened.

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There was no timer on Buena Vista, that is why we attacked it. It looks like you didn't set a timer at all from taking it before the first downtime.../.... Doesn't look like a bug to me, just a lack of diligence ../..?



The timer was set and checked twice.. now, you might not trust us, that not really important. we had good fight yesterday with britain and we can only thanks you for that.

Unfortunatly for us, you used a bug and exploit it that is just a fact.


Honestly, we can't blame you for that since you weren't able to see that you were using it.

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We are sure there was a 18h 20h timer, when first attack was launched at 18h we was really surprised because every french port are on 20h 22h and city defender made a mistake putting 18h20h, many french players check timer of the city at this moment ( me including) and we all  saw the same thing. 

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I believe it might be a bug Manuva was blamed once of not setting the timer in south Cuba or Haiti.


But it is extremely difficult to check such thing if you see no timer you should assume it is correct.


So right now you should just F11 bug ad do not blame ppl in Tribunal shame on you!

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At any rate, this is not a tribunal material. Even if British knowingly used the bug (which I find unlikely), it's impossible to prove they did it out of malice and not out of opportunist's luck. Luck of the draw, as bad as it might be for us.


I would like to ask other French capitaines to drop the issue. We have our topics for forum PvP, bringing tribunal into is is not needed. Any capitaines who are certain of circumstances need to file a bug report and this is what this issue boils down to.

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agreed. I think you got our back up by accusing us of using an exploit or bug when that is not the case. If you are adamant that you set a timer the correct action is to bug report it so it may be fixed for future battles, but I don't think you should get the port back as that is hardly fair to those who spent the time attacking it (and that appears to be the precedent set in other such issues - though of course I'm biased in this particular instance).

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I never request sanctions against english players.


In my opinion Buena Vista was taken againt the mechanics of the game.


English players saw an "any time" timer and attack it is their right.


But we are all sure (french)  there was a 18h 20h on Buena Vista. 


So dev team need to rule on this question.


That is why we are in tribunal.

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At any rate, this is not a tribunal material. Even if British knowingly used the bug (which I find unlikely), it's impossible to prove they did it out of malice and not out of opportunist's luck. 


Sorry galileus, but i think that is a tribunal case .


What is tribunal?

It is a section of the forum where the community can bring forward cases showing players exploiting/un-sportmanshiplike behavior/players of low moral standing/etc


So :

"players exploiting" : yes it was exploited, maybe they didn't know it.. that's fine for me (but it's still a bug).

"un-sportmanshiplike behavior" : It's a bug Guys ! , putting an 4h-6h on it is clearly an "un-sportmanshiplike behavior" because every one knows that too fews frenches are connected at 4h-6h.


If the port was picked on the first try ( "18-20"), we would have accepted that 4h-6h window.


If we could have the harbor back ? Yes that will be great and fairplay. 

Is that what we asked ? Huumm Someone does, but it will be better if it's fair.


what is a compromise ? 18-20/20-22/22-24 windows set on beuna vista, and let us try to take it back.


Or is there something that i miss understood on what is supposed to be the tribunal ?



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Being petty and then trying to excuse yourself hiding behind ignorance...


How low of you. British unsportsmanship is as unsportsmanlike as your attempts to force their hand in tribunal.


There is no "fair" in this case. Whatever you do someone is hurt. There is no compromise. Most importantly, there are no offenders to prosecute, there are no people to ban or warn.


This is an EA, this is a game and the possessions are virtual. If so you must - scream "foul!" and try to get the port flipped back, to no avail no less - as it was proven time and again no refunds are given in such a circumstance. It's a bug. In a early access game. If you cannot stand it, might be a good idea to avoid EA games.


I for one value Dev's time way too much to involve them in disputes as low as this and expect them to come down and intervene.


Tsk, tsk, capitaines. Tsk, tsk!

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Being petty and then trying to excuse yourself hiding behind ignorance...


How low of you. British unsportsmanship is as unsportsmanlike as your attempts to force their hand in tribunal.


There is no "fair" in this case. Whatever you do someone is hurt. There is no compromise. Most importantly, there are no offenders to prosecute, there are no people to ban or warn.


This is an EA, this is a game and the possessions are virtual. If so you must - scream "foul!" and try to get the port flipped back, to no avail no less - as it was proven time and again no refunds are given in such a circumstance. It's a bug. In a early access game. If you cannot stand it, might be a good idea to avoid EA games.


I for one value Dev's time way too much to involve them in disputes as low as this and expect them to come down and intervene.


Tsk, tsk, capitaines. Tsk, tsk!


Thanks for talking sense. This needs to go in the support section and have an F11 ticket submitted. Tribunal is for players breaking the rules, no rules were broken as to all British players the port was open for attack.


In terms of unsportsmanship behaviour re timers I'm afraid that it is perfectly within the mechanics and intention of the game to be able to set timers to when you can defend. As stated many times we have AU players ready and active to defend the port during the timer we chose to set,  you not having players who can attack at that time is simply not our problem.

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I checked the timer at 9am straight after maintenance for my clan. It was reading 'Anytime'.


If you are saying that was a bug then fair enough, but try to understand that from our perspective this does look like Lord-Protector failed to put a time on it and we were acting within our rights - this was never considered to be gamey or an exploit. The timing of our assault was actually pushed back further and further due to logistics issues.


As for when we set the timer - I agree its a tough TZ - but that is part of the game right now - we get it in return just as much  - take a look at Jamaica right now, you can't tell me those are comfortable timers to recapture.

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This is an EA, this is a game and the possessions are virtual. If so you must - scream "foul!" and try to get the port flipped back, to no avail no less - as it was proven time and again no refunds are given in such a circumstance. It's a bug. In a early access game. If you cannot stand it, might be a good idea to avoid EA games.




Tsk, tsk, capitaines. Tsk, tsk!




Ok i aggre with a part on your point of view.. This is a Early access game, there are Bugs everyones knows that..but should we all exploit every bug we found ? not really sur of that even if the game allows it, that does not meen you should do it .. 


The tribunal seems to be here in order to talk about it, after that, if we aren't allowed to talk and explain our point of view just tell it ..


I clearly agree that we disagree.





PS:. If you cannot stand it, might be a good idea to avoid EA games.




Please stop spaming that, its juste like player telling to read the fuckin manuel to new players... it's boring..


Dev can do anything with my account, reset the map, my gold, even the french port, that has really no importance for me, it's has you say, it's an EA. I'm here to have fun and do my best to help them improve the game.


French nation already gaves a port back because we won it on a bug.

Now just let everybody use exploit port Timer bug and set a 4h-6h time on all port, and let's see what happening ?


I'm done here, do not expect any responce from me in that thread anymore.

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So you're saying for every single FRENCH player, it said "18-20" on the timer, and for every single BRITISH player, it said "attack at all times" ?


I looked at it yesterday as well, to me no timer was displayed. Maybe I should have taken a screenshot.


Either way, you can't exploit a bug without knowing it's there. It's one of the finer aspects of the verb which you may not know, as non-native speaker.


Exploiting requires intent, or it's not an exploit.

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To eveyone here saying we deliberately used a bug exploit you are wrong or lying. For us there was no timer set, we bought the flag at about 1800 because we wanted to pre-empt your attack on our ports that had 1800 timers (I actually think we bought it before 1800, about 1745 although I am sure the devs can check this). its therefore co-incidence that the timer was 'correct'. we then attacked later in the evening because it allowed us to. we thought that was normal and that enough time had passed. I know this because I bought the flag (SINK Ranger in game) and was present for all the discussions. the word 'bug' or 'exploit' was never said once by one person, anyone who says otherwise is wrong or lying. I did not knowingly use an exploit and if this port capture was possible because of a bug and not because you failed to set the timers correctly then I will happily concede my port (and get my 300,000 back).


We fought well and honorably and jumping to incorrect conclusions and accusing us of cheating is stupid. this nonsense will ruin what is otherwise a fun and good fight. if there was a bug, let the devs fix it, that is simple. stop the nonsense statements of 'Facts' when you have no idea what the facts are. this is the tribunal, not a propaganda channel.

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