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Captain Black

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Everything posted by Captain Black

  1. I was at the time, and that's why he decided to give me all the lip I think. And I will admit I wasn't at my best having been up previous for 20+ hours, though I am quite happy that I didn't blow up at him and remained quite calm after that remark I admit.
  2. Hey, I've just been dragged into combat outside of Kingston after a long run from Plymouth, now I don't mind being tagged and would have enjoyed the battle if it wasn't for the fact that I wanted to go to bed after being up for 21 hours straight. But what I don't like is being thrown attitude straight off the bat for asking for a certain Player, to not drag people in unnecessarily around the port. Here is the full convo - the players name, because plastering his name on the internet would be shitty of me. Me: "Thank you, next time wait for people to move away from the area." Him: "It's part of the game, get used to it." Me: "How about you not being a wimp and handle your own battles." (yes, spelling mistake, and yes a little sharp on the reply) But I was tired. Him: "I don't need you lmao." (This I could of handled, I took it as a joke.) But then...He decided to be an rude little prick across the internet because he's hiding behind a screen and thinks he's big and hard. (otherwise known as a keyboard warrior.) and comes out of no where with this. Him: GTFO ******, go be an asshole somewhere else." (At this point I got annoyed, yes I was fast on my reply earlier, but he took it as a chance to try and act hard.) I however remained as calm as possible. Me: I'm not an asshole, I just don't have time for people who do that next to a port, if your going to fight don't drag people trying to pass through into it." (Nothing aggressive there.) Him: "All of text, save and GTFO." (now he's deciding who gets to stay, hmm.) Me: "Your the one being aggressive, I just asked you know to drag people in." (I know, spelling mistake.) Him: "U still here>" ( I don't mind idiots, but acting like he's in charge really annoys me, but I remain polite.) Me: "Now who's the asshole?" (Obvious question, would you agree?) Him: "You are...U are the aahole lol......like totally." (He knows, spelling mistake.) Me: "How am I the asshole. I simply asked you not to drag people in and wait for them to pass." Me: "How is that being an asshole." Him: "Save it dude, to late to walk back the cat." (Strange, I didn't see a cat.") At this point he was acting up, and I knew it, so I decided to stay calm, but bite slightly back. Me: "Mate, your the loud mouth showing off over the internet." Him: You are still pissing and moaning, who are you trying to impress....surely no one here." (Me...Impress? says the guy mouthing off behind the safety of a computer and probably his mommy.) Him: Just apologize, and we can forget like men." (Mother f*****, please. Me apologize for you being an absolute moron.) After this, a few people commented but I don't care about people who follow an idiot because they think it's cool, moving on and still remaining as polite as humanly possible! Me: I'm not, (referring to apology request) I simply asked you not to drag people out of the blue, your the one with the attitude." (Polite right?) Him: OMG, dude, get off it already, we're trying to have fun here." Some Idiot thinking he's big as well: "Whiny little bitch!" (To this person, I say STFU, you little band wagon monkey, idiots galore I swear to god.) Me: Wow, having fun yet blowing up for me asking you not to drag people in? Ye great fun that is." I think during that conversation I remained as polite as possible. But when I get this attitude in game from a kid sitting behind his computer screen protected by the internet I get annoyed. Yes, I responded sharply, but I didn't loose my temper like I could have because that is pointless, I sent a friend this conversation and he told me to shame him on the forums, so I am, but I wont mention names because I'm not like that. I don't want people giving anyone trouble in a game designed to bring people enjoyment, but at the end of the day that enjoyment is ruined when people like this make a small thing into a chance to get a moment of I'm cool. Your not. Your a guy or kid behind a screen who types things on a keyboard with less intelligence than a spoon. I know the devs will look down on this topic, probably ban it and caution me, but I don't care. Or the player/ band wagon monkey might decide to post a retort, or say it's all false. But I have screen shots of the conversation and I'm willing and able to post them, without censoring your damn name.
  3. I posted yes, but I think it should be an option in the settings for player to choose.
  4. Hello, I have been playing the game for 3 days now and I enjoy it very much but I have a few suggestions. Here are they are: 1. Ship Management. The ability to manage certain aspects of your vessels, for example. Food stores, Ammunition stores and Weapon stores. This will add a more in depth feel to commanding a ship, having the player maintain levels of stock to keep the ship in order. 2. Crew Management. Add the ability to manage aspects of your crew such as, Crew rations and pay which can effect the morale level - therefore effecting the overall effectiveness of the crew and therefore the vessel. making sure to pay your crew, feed your crew and so on will make the game more fun. 3. Decks. As a player and lover of this era I can say with certainty that ships of the line didn't have such clean and uncluttered decks, I'd like to see roles of hammocks used to shield crew from shots, hanging hammocks across the rigging, more and busier crews on deck. It adds a level of immersion to the game that I feel would give a nice feel to the overall experience. 4. Ship Customization . I'd like to have the ability to change my paint scheme, nothing fancy just red black, blue yellow, black, red, dark brown. Nation colors etc, Changing sails, from old and patched to new and unused. (these could provide speed increases of varied types). Perhaps figure heads but that might be to much of a pain. 5. Weather changes. I'd like to see a higher number of weather conditions, at the moment we see a lot of fog banks, storms and such but I would like to see a few of the following changes: Smoother sea's, Dead wind, Light - Heavy storms Thick fog that cuts visibility down to a short distance, all of these should be encountered in and out of combat also. 6. More areas of the world. The game at the moment is based in the Caribbean but there a lot of people who like the idea of different areas to load into that would expand the game further into the world. I have selected a few of my choices but there are many different opinions. Examples: Philippines http://www.destinati...ippines-map.gif Mediterranean http://maps4designer...iterranean.jpg� I'm not suggesting add the world, but areas that are similar to the caribbean, condensed area with a lot of ports and good travel times so that way players have 3 big areas to discover. These are my suggestions guys, feel free to discuss and hopefully we can get these types of ideas to the devs and see what they think.
  5. I don't think the devs are just going to hand over anything to you. I highly doubt any company would, you could just put an idea forward instead. Say if you provide a vessel within certain stands of quality and all relevant information on that ship then they can texture it and all that good stuff. But as far as giving away materials to a complete stranger....I'd think not.
  6. I understand what you mean about the higher amount of guns, but she's so pretty. I just want her because of that, screw guns lol I want her because she's gorgeous to look at. Besides, I could see her being a good match up for the Bellona. I hear she packs a punch, regardless of the fact that she handles like a bus. I'm looking to purchase Naval action this week, but with Paypal being a bunch of asses I'm looking at a wait.
  7. That's all well and good, but doing that is basically stupid in the sense that this game is said to eventually be open world. What is the point of an open world game if your only sailing for random encounters and port approaches. I don't see the point, I'd rather sail from place to place than have a fast travel with chance of event based travel.
  8. Could you not perhaps have it so all details about friendly and enemy units are displayed in a Telescope, sort of like this: That way player could hide their hud but still be able to determine strength of their enemy, and current level of effectiveness, the only visible things I'd need to see then are the aiming icons, but even then they can be used via this method also, that way you have a nice clear view of your game for those who love realism and immersion, and still be able to gather proper information.
  9. I think cutting out avatars might be a good idea all together, i posted a little while ago in little things we want added, that I'd like ship interiors and cabins, let me explain what I mean before I go on. Interiors and cabins can be made, but I wouldn't add a character to walk around. Maybe a view of the gun deck, hold and cabin, that might be used to see how things are fairing, such as the amount of reserves, supplies and food in the hold. Access the crew information, ship logs etc by clicking various objects in the cabin rather than walking around. Back on point. This game would be better focusing on the ships, the sailing, the combat and the exploration. It doesn't however say you can't have it when visiting a port or location on an island. By all means have an avatar you can explore with, but we could also have a system that sends landing parties that explore for you, mapping out locations you might not be able to freely travel to with your avatar or might take to much time. Not only that, but in those situations it leaves your ship very vulnerable to attack. So with that in mind I suggest that they focus on ships etc, and use avatars only when in port or important locations.
  10. my list of small features would be: Ship customization. Ship interiors. Full crew. 4-5 men per gun. Visible ship damage. Visible water pumping. Night time lanterns. Crows nests. Captain on deck. Diseases, plagues, illnesses. Rouge waves, swells. Maelstroms. Shallows, river ways. Different water clarity depending on areas. Beautiful Islands, Skies. Ambient life, Sea life, Birds, Natives etc. Ports, Docks for players to moor, or anchoring in the bay. Option to open/ close gun ports. Option to use boats to move ship in low winds. (Only lasts a few hours) Option of role. Naval officer, pirate, explorer, privateer, smuggler, whaler, trader. Authority system, certain roles have consequences: Pirate - Capture and/ or death. Smuggler - Imprisonment. Naval Officer - Target for warring factions. Whaler - Target for pirates. Trader - Target for pirates. These are just a few of the ideas I would like to see, but the others can be posted on relevant topics that are for those ideas.
  11. I to would love this feature, I played Age of Pirates 1+2 and always hated how lazy they were in giving us that option.
  12. For night battles the only thing I would ask is that the night time is more dangerous than the day, yes your hidden but that doesn't mean you can't be found. I would like the night to hold a range of possibilities that can threaten any player, no matter how experienced they may be. In the day, you see any enemy coming, you can prepare and fight back with at least some degree of knowledge, or choose to run. But in the dead of night, not to mention fog and the likes, your a sitting duck. If your spotted by lets say a player. They might be able choose to dispense any light sources that might give away their position and possibly make you aware, creeping up on a lit target is by far an easier task than you'd think if they are not aware of you. Having the deck crew go silent cuts out any noise issues, and before they're aware that their is a ship on their ass or side they've eaten the first of many broadsides. Not to mention navigational issues, no knowledge of certain areas can cause major issues for a captain with not idea if he's heading into shallow waters, not to mention if they happen to end up facing an unholy storm. Shit happens at sea people. But there is one thing that I would like about night time game play, and that's the crew and ship. I'd like to see small lanterns at the stern of the ship, and maybe a crewmen pacing the deck with a hand held lantern, maybe the captains quarters are faintly lit as he works to manage his crew and chart his map? All these little things are what make a game.
  13. I'd like to see a more in depth communications aspect, in my opinion the gaming community would enjoy immersing themselves in this type of game to the greatest extent. I myself would love the option to determine how much of my HUD I would allow to show and the option to hide it all together. Having the option to communicate in this way would be fantastic to say the least.
  14. I hope they at least consider her, She is a pure french ship, and I for one would love the chance to sail her around the world of Naval action. My hope anyway is that they add many more ships to this game, not only fighting vessels but Traders, whalers, smugglers and patrol boats etc. I just really want this one
  15. I just want to see the open world, I'd be disappointed if i can't sail to and from places and have to fast travel instead. I don't like those features in open world games, I played silent hunter 4 and five and never touched the fast travel aspect until i had to cross massive distances of ocean. I like seeing where I'm going, possibly getting into some trouble on the way, it's all a part of the fun.
  16. This is a great idea, i would like to aspects such as fishing in game, not only that it could provide income for a crew but maybe a small percentage could be added to the crews rations.
  17. Hi I'd like to request a ship that I a have fallen in love with since I saw her, she's an absolutely wonderful vessel and would be a joy to have in game. here she is, the name is Sirene according to the Royal Museum. The design of the figurehead would suggest a name such as ‘Nereide’ or ‘Sirene’, both of which are to be found among the frigates of this class in the first half of the 19th century. The former was, however, not launched until 1836, whereas the fleur-de-lys in the stern decoration is not possible after 1830. However, the mirror on the stern counter is more appropriate for the ‘Sirene’, which was built at Toulon in 1823. Measuring 171 feet along the waterline and a beam of 45 feet, she was the French flagship at the battle of Navarino in 1827. She later served as a troopship in the Russian war of 1854-55 and was eventually removed from the Royal Navy active list in 1861. here she is, what a beauty. I would love to see her in game.
  18. I've been looking around at the different nations and they all seem to have their own look, being a very big fan of this era in our history I wanted to ask a simple question and post a few ideas on it. Firstly the question at hand, In Naval action, is there a ship customization aspect to the game? Now to my ideas. Firstly I'm going to list a few things I'd like to see added to ships, and list a few reasons as to why. 1. Deck clutter - During a period that any ship of the era was out at sea, they were homes for the crew aboard. This means the ship would look more cluttered and homely than fresh out of the factory if you get me. 2. Damage - I've never seen a ship sustain fire like those ships did and not show signs of damage and wear, would it be to much trouble to show a miserable looking ship after a long battle if they managed to survive. 3. Crew - The ships in this era are not manned by a skeleton crew, the cannons, 4-5 people, not to mention those working on the sails, the marines etc. Are we to expect a full deck of crew in future? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now onto ship Customization. Here I will list a few things that I and I think a fair few others might like to see. 1. Ships colors - hull colour choices to fit nations of the era. 2. Bow figureheads - would be nice to have a choice. 3. Sails - maybe a choice look, clean, dirty etc. 4. accessories - Boats
  19. Hello, I'm new to the forum and I was just wondering if ships are the only thing the game focus on? What I mean is that your making this game on ships, and exploration and it is by far the most fantastic take on this type of game I've seen. But considering your focusing a lot on exploration in game, are you implementing an actual character that you'll control when off ship? if so then are you releasing any details on that side of the game. If this is a feature your adding then what sort of micro features do you intend to add along with it. For instance: Character creation Character development Character items, such as weapons and clothing. Gender choice and so on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, there is a lot of lore to do with this era, are you perhaps adding things for us to take part in that directly relate to historical things that happened during this time period? I think it would be nice to see players embarking on some of the most famous routes taken by explorers during the era, revisiting these routes could provide rewards, titles and help players establish trade routes. But I also think it adds to the depth of the game not only in the sense of immersion into that era but could teach much more about the history of these routes and the people who sailed on them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map, I'd like to think the map is the entire Caribbean, and that the time it takes to get around is considerably high. I've played silent hunter 4-5 and I can definitely say they have the biggest map of any game. (The entire world) but this in tern meant that any hope of having a decent world is pretty much put on hold. I'd like to know if the size of your Caribbean is just a test to see if you can balance size with depth of content. I'd like to know if your focusing more on size than content. Which if you are that's fine, but is there a chance to you might increase the map to include more of the world or are you simply focusing on the Caribbean?
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