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Everything posted by LeBoiteux

  1. I don't have much time to play, thus I like ship DLCs I like sailing beautiful and new ships, thus I like ship DLCs I want a lot of new ships in game, thus I want a lot of ship DLCs I agree with protecting in-game economy, thus I want to limit the number of ship DLCs a player can use each day I have been a casual player in NA as you define it (a player who spend not much time on NA) since before OW was implemented. And my in-game bank account has always been very low, but believe me 'I found a home in NA' as you put it. And ship DLCs help. You players who are against ship DLCs, mainly because you spend a lot of time in game and want to keep those beautiful ships for yourself, just because you have 'big in-game bank accounts' and don't need ship DLCs, you are not nice. 🙂 NB : btw, you give a lot of good arguments in favor of adding more ship DLCs :
  2. Not talking about this very case. I understand OP's frustration. But denying an enemy a friendly loot by trying to pick it up seems quite logical in a Nation vs Nation Age of Sail game, even a captain's duty.
  3. What about resizing one to have Connie and Mini Connie ?
  4. I can't help posting the most beautiful frigate (and ship) of the game imo :
  5. Very interesting, showing how much those red ochres could be different in that time, especially when lightened by the sun, from dull (I) to light (III), while not so different in the shade (that is logical...). The red ochre on the replica of L'Hermione looks quite similar to Lechiche's pigment n° 3, doesn't it ? PS : Lechiche and Les Frères Nordin are current high-quality pigment makers. Thx Surcouf for all this info !!!
  6. Interesting webpage about the layout of the four officers' cabins of L'Hermione, with plan, pics and a video : here. Each cabin is built with two rooms : a sleeping alcove with a wardrobe and a room with a trunk/seat and, in two cabins, a desk. With the usual grey color.
  7. This one (an underestimated one) : Why ? Vey nice looking with a beautiful paint scheme, similar to that of La Renommée or L'Hermione. Easy to get, fun to sail (ok, maybe not the best 7th-rate, but...) She makes me think of the last ship French privateer Surcouf armed, Le Renard that defeated HMS Alphea while being the underdog. Here are some views of her modern replica : And you, what is (one of) your favorite ship in game and why ?
  8. ⬆︎ A masterclass in a few words ! Thank you and please thank the master. 🙂
  9. As a player who doesn't want to fight bots, you won''t be forced to fight them as they are avoidable. But you'll be forced to be watchful in OW/attentive to your environment (to avoid them) as, I guess, you currently are as a PvPer, looking for human preys and trying to avoid too powerful ennemies. Bot aggression adds something new in OW you absolutely have to handle, ie more content.
  10. Like you, I do really like the way the replica of L'Hermione actually is. Her light colors are cheerful. She's great as she is. Don't be mistaken on the purpose of my question. It is just my interest in history that makes me ask about the French historical colors. It seems from what I read in Boudriot's books that they were in fact quite dull. That'd be very nice of you if you could ask Delacroix and get his point of view. Thx ! If I were to buy a monograph in a near future, I wouldn't buy that of L'Hermione first, but rather L'Aurore of 1697 (or maybe Le Saint-Philippe or Les Vaisseaux du Roi) Thx for answering 🙂
  11. Actually, the French name of the ship before capture by the British would be perfectly suited for a second Surprise : L'Unité. 🙂
  12. ⬆︎ Réponse certainement dans une des monographies sur l'Hermione. ⬇︎ On peut reprendre le fil des belles photos et vidéos sur le navire. 🙂
  13. Pavillon blanc de la Royale Modification de pavillon tricolore en pavillon blanc pré-Révolution. Dans cette version, les drapeaux des Neutres et de reddition restent les mêmes (blancs)... Mêmes instructions qu'en OP : sauvegarder le fichier original avant de remplacer emplacement : Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\Client_Data sharedassets0.assets
  14. I like the way DLC ships currently work, as it allows ppl with very short available time to play NA (PvP, PvE, trade). Besides, I thought DLC ships were made to fund the implementation of new ships in game, that is expensive. I don't see how GL can make money with DLC permits. With one DLC permit, a crafter can build a ship for many ppl. Moreover, if those ships are capturable, lots of ppl will have a ship out of one single permit DLC. Thus, will those permits allow only the crafter to sail the built ship, making her an uncapturable/unsellable ship ? Will DLC permits be DLCs for crafters-sailors only ? For the sake of in-game economy, limit the number of DLC ships a player can use each day (but not the number he can buy, meaning add in store as many DLC ships as possible).
  15. @Sella22 I see you chose your side... You could have said the Septinsular Republic and chosen either the Russian or the French side : Or even the French departments of Greece. But no ! you chose this one : Ok ! I will remember that 😉😁
  16. On ne peut jouer que sur les textures, j'imagine (?). Une texture transparente pour le "drapeau de reddition", c'est certainement faisable, à condition de trouver... le fichier et qu'il existe. Pour l'instant, je n'ai trouvé qu'un fichier : "flag_9999_NoTeam.tex" qui est le drapeau neutre. Si c'est le seul fichier pour les Neutres et la reddition, il faut une texture commune pour les deux situations. Si un fichier 'reddition' existe, il faut le trouver. Le plus simple, c'est de tester : changer la texture de "flag_9999_NoTeam.tex" et voir ce qui se passe en jeu (si ça modifie ou non le 'drapeau de reddition'). Tout ça nécessite des tests, du temps (beaucoup pour moi qui ne suis pas un pro). J'ai pas trop le temps de faire tout ça. Mais, c'est faisable. Je vois qu'à deux, on est déjà pas d'accord 😂, ce qui n'est pas bien grave (un mod peut se modifier pour chacun). Pour obtenir un drapeau "d'une couleur neutre", il suffit de prendre l'actuel et de changer sa couleur (... si le 'drapeau de reddition' existe de son côté).. NB : et s'il n'y a qu'une texture pour les Neutres et la reddition, une texture transparente est peut-être le mieux.
  17. Le tuto est là. Ce n'est pas compliqué, surtout dans le cas du pavillon blanc de la Royale : il suffit d'utiliser/renommer le 'drapeau' blanc du jeu. C'est un blanc déjà 'texturé'. Par contre, l'idéal serait de modifier également, si c'est possible, le drapeau neutre des villes (par ex, en utilisant le drapeau de Venise) et le pavillon de reddition en instance (en changeant sa couleur ?).
  18. Indeed. NPC aggression will be content on both servers for : PvE-ers as it'll simulate aggressive human enemies PvP-ers, traders and other players not willing to be attacked by bots as it'll force them to be more active/watchful in OW to avoid them
  19. Il y eu, un temps, l'idée non pas de faire du pur clan vs clan, mais de donner la possibilité à un clan de se retourner contre sa nation pour prendre son indépendance et créer sa propre nation, une façon de simuler l'indépendance des Etats-Unis, par exemple ; et qui pourrait peut-être s'apparenter au soulèvement vendéen ou à la prise de Toulon. Dans l'idée, ça aurait été un mode hardcore (un petit clan vs une grande nation), plus historique que du clan vs clan qui n'a pas trop sa place dans un jeu réaliste-historique (selon moi). J'imagine que le projet a été depuis (longtemps) abandonné, en tout cas pour NA1. ...
  20. De toute façon, dans NA, on peut pas jouer aux Royalistes vs les Révolutionnaires, il nous manque le pavillon b... bl... bla... blan... (j'arrive pas à l'écrire : j'ai promis de plus en parler 🙂)
  21. Pour ma part, ce n'est qu'un clin d'oeil historique. Du second degré. Rien de personnel ou d'agressif. Désolé si ça a mal été pris. 🙂
  22. ^ ça s'est mal terminé à Toulon pour ceux qui ont pris le parti de l'Angleterre ! 🙂
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