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Everything posted by Sharpe

  1. fun thing to try and do once released; see in how far the map matches the Sid Meiers Pirates game.....
  2. hmm, probably biting off more then I can chew here but: St Eustatius harbor, somewhere during the 1780's Despite my ship of the line being called Hercules and the pride of the navy of the United Provinces, I didn't feel anything like the character of the old Greek lore. Perhaps it had something to do with the little celebrational dinner we had put on last night for Jacob, the first Lieutenant. Or perhaps it was the uniform, wearing the bicorn and coat came with the rank, this much I knew, but the heat of St Eustasius, along with the lack of wind added a load of its own, which made me feel uncomfortable. But that wasn't what was on my mind. The foremost thing on my mind, was curiosity. Why did Governor Pieterszoon want to see me, not at my convenience, but at the earliest possibillity? The admirality orders I had received back in Holland had said nothing about the governor's status nor that I was to report to him upon arrival. I still felt a little uneasy Climbing down into the whale boat, but I was beginning to feel better. By the time the boat pulled up to the dock I was sure I would be close to being sobered up. A small escort of two Marines and a Sergeant was waiting for me at the end of the somewhat busy dock, and those escorted me to the Governor's mansion. For some odd reason I felt as if I was being watched by people who had no good intentions on their mind for me. Just before our small party entered the rather lavish looking mansion I noticed two of the servants scurrying off. Not much later I was in the office of his excellency the governor of St Eustatius, a gentleman trader by the name of Martin, who was rather absorbed by his paperwork. I removed the bicorn and waited until he spoke " You are early, are you not, captain Sybrandz?" It was as much a statement as it was a question, and yet, there was an acerbic tone to it, as if I was an intruder. I didn't like it, at all. I found it even stranger that he hand't looked at me at all. Most officials and even the civil servants at the admiralities looked at you from time, be it rather with contempt at times, but that was another matter entirely. " We had favorable winds, excellency." I kept my voice as neutral as possible. What was going on here? " Yes, I suppose you had indeed. I suppose its just one of those things that can't be influenced." Inwardly I frowned. " Your excellency?" Then he did look up, and I noticed two things. Governor Martin still had very strong steellike eyes, eyes like you find on certain admirals as well. And in those same eyes there was note of both sadness and anger,as if I had gotten in the way of something.....
  3. click on it, it should transfer you to the pve light lobby.
  4. The only thing interesting I can think of is Guild reputation. I figure its going to be easy establish a guild and a guild base. But getting the supplies you need? or selling the goods you have produced at said base? what happens if (for example) a Spanish guild has some of the supplies you need but you cant get them because the Spaniards simply dont like you (because some of your guild mates stole some of their gold) or are at war with you?
  5. Destraex has a pretty good point here. Whats a damage system without a morale system and the abillity to surrender?
  6. a couple of ideas 1: Steam group/forum (which should be free) 2: TS server (which arent free) as far as a name is concerned, what about West Indian Company (esspecially since the first map is apparently a map of the carribean)
  7. Also, I've come across a book called sailing warship of the US Navy by someone called Donald Canney. It has some very interesting details on not only the Constitution and the fellow ships of its class, but it also looks at all the other sailing ships the us navy used up until the Civil war.
  8. Diomedes, there is stuff about guys like Tromp and de Ruyter out there. the only problem is, its in Dutch and it will probably never be translated. As far as other 17th century stuff is concerned, you can Always try and find a copy of Captain Blood, the novel from the same Errol Flynn movie.
  9. Thanks for this one. At least now I understand what happened..
  10. Noticed a couple of things so far: 1:On the lynx there is a small glitch with the wood damage texture being projected on the barrels of the 6 pd guns. (havent spotted it on the cutter btw) at high graphics settings. 2: the HOME key camera doesnt work (or didn't work) after I lost a boarding action.
  11. open sea scenario: HMS Lydia vs Natividad..... As an edit: I would also recommend not only historical scenarios like Trafalgar and the Battle of the Nile, but also some of the battles that were fought in between; esspecially those where the British commanders (before Nelson) broke the lines to name an example. i.e. you could perhaps in that way show how slowly but surely tactics and such evolved through the ages. Also, I realise that this may be just a little bit beyond the scope of the game itsself (and it may even be too early) but what about the battle of Navarino?
  12. Another vote for the Netherlands here, Alternatively, I'd be very interested in either the USA or Britain.
  13. Leviathan, the list with problems and they get from us, might be a site to behold as well.
  14. wouldnt it be simpler just to post screenshots and such to 'other forums' you frequent?
  15. Alpha builds and reading skills dont go hand in hand as far as most gamers I know are concerned.
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