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Everything posted by Sharpe

  1. Same thing happened on both PVE and PVP. Can not select any character to play with. Ping to 2 visible shards is 118. interesting note in the logs: SendWebRequest: error while getting response from : couldn't connect to host
  2. guess what; those 2 files werent downloaded......
  3. When I log in using my steam ID the character selection screen is empty. When I want to create a new character (using my steam id again) it says the character is already in use. However, I can not select this character, nor can I even delete it..... what's the fix for this?
  4. authentication error here as well. edit: restarting steam got me into the game which allowed to start the download for the beta.
  5. I know what that Lobsters reference was about; they meant the regular infantry, and NOT the Marines. I think it was funny that the regiment in casu was the 95th though.
  6. hmm, for something really off the beaten path (and also from Asia) try finding the movie that details the last voyage of the battleship Yamato....
  7. My uncle did the Family tree a number of years back. Seems Im related to a Flushing harbor Pilot of that era.
  8. depends, i know the US calls them Devil dogs/jarheads. I never really heard a British nickname for the Royal Marines though.
  9. another NW regimental player checking in. The downside to this game is that you're currently somewhat limited to both Britsh and French ship crew and marines
  10. I feel the need, the need for (virtual) speed!
  11. 1: no 2: no 3:maybe, it would depend mostly on the angle of my opponent. If there 's a chance that I'll hit him, Ill hold fire.
  12. Max, I dont want the Ohio in there either, but I am rather curious about ships like the Independence and the Washington.
  13. same as Kao, with the added difference that I'll play when I feel like I want to play.
  14. out of curiosity ( and after a little reading up on the matter) would you include those early US SOL that served in the Med against the Barbary states?
  15. would it be possible to introduce flares and/or rockets to ships equipment as a means of reestablishing contact with your fellow players on maps like the storm map? a recent experience in a PVE where I was sailing around looking for my teammates has me wondering about this.
  16. I think I'll stick with Naval Action. I just can't shake the feeling that somehow Star Citizen is overhyped. I've fallen into that kind of trap before.
  17. the HBO stuff like Band Of Brothers is pretty damn good. There should also be a series called ' A Piece of Cake ' out there on youtube. Although the book is about a squadron of Hurricanes during the phoney war and the battle of France, the tv show managed to assemble a bunch of Spitfires since there were no Hurricanes available.
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