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Charles Caldwell

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Everything posted by Charles Caldwell

  1. I agree its the GPU thats the best upgrade...
  2. Can you explain in more detail the [] keys please Sir?
  3. We shall Beat to Quarters!

  4. Excellent choice Sir, both in name and fleet.... with whom do you sail with?
  5. Hmmm sorry but when I hear the term World of Tanks, I think of World of Sofas.... stack them high, sell them cheap!
  6. I read that every shot its tracked so surely there is a chance of hitting the powder stores...
  7. One day Im going to go to my email and bingo, the invite will be there!

  8. Charles Caldwell


    Before they succomed to cheap buffs, gimicks and the lure of disney pirates!
  9. No finer group of men you'll meet.... and one which I am proud to sail alongside.
  10. Question: This is solely directed at the Dev's and their future plans..... Will it be possible to run a standalone battle, unrelated to the world, a form of MP Sea Battle only...allowing two groups of players (or more) to select from the vast array of vessels you offer, select nationality, weather conditions and map? For my part and those within my clan, this would not only be an invaluable training aid but would also increase its appeal and sell-ability for those who dont necessarily want to get involved in the sandbox mode, but would rather use the combat engine as a stand alone.
  11. Real customers!!! I happen to agree with RAMJB completely... when the next big thing comes along or when they are just plain bored the 'Real' customers will leave....whilst the dedicated fans will stay, supporting and developing the game. Who are the 'Real' customers then?
  12. I'm fascinated to see if this game and its sim status attracts the older player.... Perhaps its just a stereotype but I'm assuming it will!
  13. Thats normally ok, you always get a few idiots shouting, but they are booed silent.
  14. Tiny? There are countless adjectives & nouns in the English language... so where do you get this tiny list from? As for flying to Istanbul, why when the internet is quicker! For me and its only my opinion, having HMS L33roY J3NKinS is unacceptable, so who do the Dev please? Ultimately its up to the Dev's, so we'll have to see which school of thought do they side with.
  15. Welcome aboard Sir.... Its an honour and pleasure to meet you.... If you are willing to take the Kings Shilling, you may find a welcome home with the Sea Lords VF. Until then, may the wind be ever at your back.
  16. Perhaps you are missing the point - why even allow the option to add 'L33roY J3NKinS' ?
  17. We are in the process of emailing all 408 members of our Fleet... they in turn will email their friends. Its a small start.
  18. Trying to stop looking at my gmail account!

  19. A database 'Nation' specific surely is the answer, its monitored, controlled and keeps the game within the period! 12K players..... great, Im sure the dev's like your prediction, lets hope for 24k, but ok 12k was plucked from the air... the English language alone has a million plus words. Im sure a hefty list could be created, along with their Spanish, French and Dutch equivalents. So ok have a limit on number of uses too, say each name can be used 3x which in effect turns 1 million into 3 million choices. Its not too uncommon either for ships having the same name, both the French and British navies had the same ship names eg: HMS Redoubtable for one...and ok on a list of 12k players 2 or 3 may have the same name, what are the chances of them being in the same battle, in the same sea zone, in the same ships? Even if it did happen I can live with a 20 gun ship being called 'Valiant' and in the same battle a 1st rater with the same name. Moving on, so lets say 4 people want the same name.... 2 users are inactive, so set a offline time limit on names (agreed to in the T&C's). 1 month of inactivity and the name goes back in the pot. I'm sure people a lot cleverer than me can think of an effective method of registering and using a set of database names effectively..... But lets not stray from the ultimate point here, its about keeping this game unique, special, different from the ones that have come before and making 'Naval Action' different from the pack. Also you have to take into account that currently its a small team of devs, 4-5 I think. Adding cosmetic features may be at the expense of gameplay or some other equally important aspect of the game. Do you want customisation at the expense of gameplay? I dont!
  20. I dont understand this impression that immersion = less fun! The name issue is something I actually would like, I agree 10 Victorys in a battle isnt that desirable...however for the sake of immersion, having a database of lets say 12k suitable names, is a compromise. The naming of a ship is a very personal and important one, its the birth of the vessel but it must be controlled so as not to detract from the game and allow abuse, afterall if you have your heart set on customising the whole vessel and are not keen on immersion, play potbs!
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