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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. I think we're giving the same message here. Sometime in the future, as release gets closer (and it gets closer every day, no?), there will be further optimizations needed. I'm assuming that Naval Action will eventually support DX10, but that may not be the case?
  2. Spencer, Off Toulon, 15th August, 1804 Sirs, After years of receiving challenges due to my parents' poor choice of names for me, and having wearied of stepping out, I have been redubbed Sir Henry d'Esterre Darby, in keeping with the Naval Action tradition. I trust that those who would once call me triptyx may take joy in calling me by my new name; and I am, with great esteem, dear Sirs, &c., Sir Henry d'Esterre Darby
  3. Let's not rehash that debate here. They're two different games, geared towards two different playstyles. There is DEFINITELY room for both.
  4. Bonden - I'm playing on a laptop with less than that (except the processor, mine is an i7 2.4) and I'm getting 22fps on Low, which is more than playable in my opinion. It won't be amazing, but I think it'll get the job done.
  5. Your big problem is the video card. Because there's no DX10 support in the game, you'll get a pink box with ships magically flying around in it (can't see the water, it doesn't exist), and all effects like smoke, splashes, etc. make giant solid pink walls you can't see through. Effectively, it's like being blind. I've switched to carronades because there is no way for me to see where my shots are flying or landing and I have to fight yardarm to yardarm to be effective at all.
  6. Agreed, One should have to enter survival mode to remove the dragging rigging, and there should be an increased chance of fire while the mast is aboard due to sails draped over matchtubs, etc.
  7. Personally, I'm totally happy with boarding in the abstract. I had a chance to try it today and was almost totally satisfied with the mechanic.
  8. Unfortunately the series cuts off after the third video, but it'll get you a lot of the way there. There currently appears to be some dispute about how fore-aft rigged vessels are performing in the game - they seem like square rigger light instead of exemplifying the advantages of their rig. Unless cracking along at 13 knots, I tend to have to do a square rigger tack in them to get them to stay.
  9. Modern sailing of a fore and aft vessel (usually a bermuda sloop) is quite different from sailing a square rigger. When you have the sails attached at every edge to yards that can be articulated fully via lines, you have the ability to do some very interesting things related to maneuvering the vessel, including holding it stationary to some degree. There are some great videos here that talk about sailing these vessels. You may not be able to do everything they talk about in the videos, but you'll get a far better idea. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVgOMwr_2CO0qStqdsr9RPg Specifically: - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
  10. You can punch the Home key for a free camera, that will have to do for now.
  11. Sure, if you're an autonomous turret. I played subspace, turreting on another ship was quite fun. In this case, you're a cannon, you can't aim anywhere but a limited side of the ship, and you need to wait to fire (and choose what to fire) based on the captain's wishes to allow multiple cannon to coordinate in a way that will fight the ship effectively. It's really quite different IMO.
  12. They've stated that as they get nearer to release, they'll support lesser rigs. For now, they're focused on getting a working product out before they turn around and focus on making it work with older hardware. Please don't think I'm being hard on you - I'm in exactly the same boat as you are and am suffering through playing in a world of pink walls, mostly blind and completely unable to see the aim of my cannon, the fall of my shot, the surface of the water, or even other ships when there is any level of smoke around. But I'm still having some fun and looking forward to better compatibility in the future.
  13. We had a thread on this already. It's not much fun to be clicking a ship part over and over to repair it, nor to man a single cannon and have to wait for the order to fire, nor to be a lookout with nothing to do for an entire battle. I'd rather have 10 ships fighting with me than 10 people manning my ship.
  14. heh, thanks for the heads up! That might have been confusing...
  15. I suppose I had in my mind loud calls of agony and death. If they're a combined part of the general background noise, it wouldn't be different than many other games where it doesn't bother me, just as long as they're not too graphic.
  16. This is a small team of developers, not a major game manufacturer. They're still very early in the development process and are rolling in features in order of importance to the project as a whole. Right now, it sounds like all there is is ship on ship death matches. They're working on a small open world concept, and something like trade will come when they figure out the economy and how it works. Trade is quite important, you're right. But in the scheme of things it's, having a good and valid sailing and combat model , and somewhere to sail between, is more important to get done first.
  17. I use a fair number of terms daily, moreso when I'm actively ready Aubrey/Maturin. I was cleaning a few things off the bed the other night and when my wife asked what I was doing, I absentmindedly told her I was clearing for action. I got a raised eyebrow with sideeye for that.
  18. Fighting during boarding was the worst aspect of POTBS. It is my fervent wish that it stay in the abstract in this game.
  19. Im not really sure I want to dwell on the human cost of these encounters. I'd prefer any wounded/death screams be capable of being muted/turned off by the player.
  20. No to the disconnection idea. It is impossible the detect a true disconnect from someone pulling the Ethernet cable.
  21. A million times this. I don't always have an unlimited amount of time to play. Knowing of a specific and reasonable time frame in which, if I get caught out, I'll be back in port (with or without my ship) is important for playability. The alternative is your opponent suddenly going dead in the water when they shut off the client to go make dinner for the fam after you've kept them trapped in a battle instance for an hour and a half.
  22. Regarding hacking, it's my fervent hope that most of the actual computations, etc. will be server side with the results only sent back to the client a la the World of... series. Unfortunately, I think leaving any of it to the client means a game-killing eternity of hacks, anti-hack patches, more hacks, accusations of hacks (whether warranted or not), etc. And I'll be darned if I'm installing root-kit like anti-hacking software on my computer to play this (or any other) game.
  23. The spyglass analogy is completely flawed (as has already been pointed out) in that you had a bevy of officers to relay that information to you. You didn't personally need to keep an eye on the spyglass to receive reports on how the enemy lay. There's no reason to artificially restrict that information in game by limiting it to the spyglass.
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