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Everything posted by Littorio

  1. Probably not...I have seen like 1-5 crew randomly die in missions though each time, where I never even saw an enemy. This might be like that but scaled up as far a bugs go
  2. So some thoughts: 1. The spotting actually seems a tad better. I can see vessels at a little bit longer ranges 2. Part of this appears to be improvements in starting positions since we aren't always too far 3. The AI fights more aggressively and does a better job of both attacking enemy/covering their own merchant ships 4. However it still moves away often - likely because it is trying to find the optimum range at which to engage you 5. This is infinitely preferable though to endlessly sailing around at 10x speed chasing smoke 6. No one ever says it but the music is wonderful in this game and fits well - more would always be appreciated though (don't neglect sound design!) 7. Since the Steam price is $31.49, what will us owners of the Xsolla Limited Edition for $59.99 receive?
  3. If it wasn't stated to be a bug, I would have said spalling. A shell might not penetrate but the impact could create flying shards of metal and/or rivets and bolts flying around.
  4. Excellent overview. I agree that the "fix," assuming one is coming, shouldn't be to eliminate ships fleeing and breaking contact. We just need a balance. I think it is getting better over time. Before you couldn't even get into a stern chase because you never saw the enemy at all! Now, it appears sometimes the enemy isn't actually fleeing. When they flee they usually seem to head directly away...just look at merchant behavior. Instead, as said elsewhere on this forum, it appears to be the AI heading away at an angle to reach optimum range for their respective guns/armor, possibly vis-a-vis your own. The issue of course, circles back to our beloved spotting system which means that at the range the AI considers appropriate to engage, we often can't see each other. Thus, we close, then they turn around back to reach their proper range, disappear once more, and on and on and on... Try repairing your files from the launcher? This doesn't sound right and I haven't heard anyone else mention this issue that I know of. A ship you haven't seen yet and/or spotted. They saw your BBs first, then you spotted one of them.
  5. So my first campaign as 1890 Germany is done after almost 8 years of conflict. I'm curious if this screen has done anything for anyone, but it doesn't seem to be implemented yet. I checked HMS Resolution (my eternal foe who nonetheless survived the war, one of their last three BBs), assuming it would transfer her to me as a war reparation. This would be a really cool feature.
  6. So from the latest update of v98 it looks like I see more than just blue sky which is good, more clouds overall. However... As you can see it is supposed to be a CLEAR day, not an overcast one.... @Nick Thomadis can we have some information on the current weather systems and how backgrounds are generated for certain conditions?
  7. SMS Seydlitz (BC) was hit by HMS Petard (DD) but kept speed. Petard also sank the V29 (TB) with her torpedoes. HMS Marlborough (BB) was hit by a German torpedo of unknown origin, possibly fired by the randomly drifting and disabled SMS Wiesbaden (CL) and had to reduce her speed. HMS Shark was sunk torpedoes fired by by S54 (DD). SMS Frauenlob (CL) was torpedoed and sunk by HMS Southhampton (CL). SMS Rostock (CL) and the pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Pommern were also sunk by massed torpedo attacks from a variety of British destroyer flotillas at the cost of five of their number. The Germans scuttled Lutzow (BC) with torpedoes from G38 (DD). It's also possible that the TB V4 was hit by submarine torpedo but this was never determined and could have been a mine strike. So altogether eight vessels from both sides were hit by enemy torpedoes, with five sinking, a ninth being scuttled by their own side, and a possible tenth from a submarine. Still torpedoes had a large impact on the battle because both sides had to dodge volleys several times, and the presence of a possible torpedo attack influenced the commanders accordingly.
  8. 1. There is a bug with ships stalling out at times when in a certain proximity to other vessels given their respective courses. It has to do with evasion logic and is especially bad where formations are involved. This is being fixed as we speak. 2. If a ship is turning around in a formation, it's likely because it took damage to the engines and/or rudder and is thus dropping out of and back in the formation so as to yield the lead to the next ship in line. 3. I would highly doubt there will ever be a manual fire, "broadside" button or anything like that. It would be ridiculous given the number of cannons of board and clutter up the UI. Maybe someday they will consider something for torpedoes but I wouldn't count on it. 4. If you truly have that much trouble with torpedoes, check: your range, bearing, and speed. Early torpedoes have a very short range, and even on aggressive firing, might not be launched if the target is turning too much and thus you're at a terrible angle
  9. Thank you I look forward to testing these out. I thought I was doing crazy with the anti-aliasing lol. Good to see it's fixed!
  10. To be fair I think most British BBs and CAs had torps, it's just that they were rarely if ever used. DDs and CLs were obviously faster and had an easier time getting into position to try. The larger ships were less often in a position where launching torps made sense.
  11. Good point on the coaling and telegraph stations. It would certainly add some much needed depth to the campaign map. I don't know if they have plans to add anything else to it right now except for more ports, but either way it would enhance the gameplay.
  12. It appears the AI does like this design given what you have said here. Seven 5in guns, all too crowded and with terrible angles of fire. The worst is the single, rear turret behind the others. That's basically useless.
  13. I've generally only noticed this happening when the lead ship has rudder or engine issues. They swing out of formation and cede the lead to the next ship in line. Personally I don't have an issue with this, but I have no idea how to turn it off, assuming that's even possible. I would say for now, even if not ideal, just make them all their own formations and use the "follow" command instead.
  14. Uhhh, I believe you can? I am able to delete plans both from the ship designer, as well as on the tab in the campaign where you build ships from. If you delete it from both places, I believe it's gone for good. Very true, all good points. Too many people, especially in games, just think in terms of "strategy and tactics" and forget the other layers holding everything together. At the risk of reiterating you, strategy is the big picture: top down, overarching goals, what you want to do on the big map and the broad plan to achieve it. In contrast, tactics are what you practice on the battlefield itself, all well and good but not much use if you can't turn your victories into something more cohesive in the long run (see Hannibal Barca for details). Moving out a layer in between the prior two, you reach the operational level. This is what brings you to the field of battle to use your tactics in the first place, and at the same time what allows your strategy to actually progress should you be successful. Here you will worry about the condition and composition of your forces, as well as their training, supplying, arming (though some could argue that logistics is something that even supersedes strategy, but I digress). Once taking into account all these readiness factors, you must choose where and how to deploy your available forces, as you say, the domain of fleet management. In terms of specifics I would like to see here, I think you touched on most of them nicely. Organization is influenced by supplies, which would be determined by base infrastructure (and what your national logistics system can get to said bases to be stored there). You can't have twenty ships in a port that can only support ten. As things stand, we at least have the beginnings of that with the tonnage limit, though I'm not sure that's the most accurate way to go about limiting ship overcrowding. Refitting would be dependent on all of the above. Does a given port have the right facilities, materials, and workers to overhaul a certain ship? I know it would take some work, but someday I would like to see more detailed logistical nuance in the form of fuel and munitions. This was obviously key to real life naval engagements and would add much more meaning to each engagement, however seemingly inconsequential. "Should I use up all my ammo on those transports? What if I have to fight on the way home? Well my speed should be enough to outrun them...unless I use up too much fuel fighting to be able to afford said speed..." Some people would complain of "too much micromanagement" I'm sure, but look, this is already a game with 100 stats and factors; just look at all the numbers in the designer. Proper fuel and munitions mechanics would enhance the designer because now you can take those very real and important factors into account when making ships. One that is armed to teeth with thick defenses is no use if it only has a handful of shells and just enough fuel to putt around the bay lol.
  15. Weird...I only ever have the exact same background in campaign. Maybe it happens only on later start dates or something?
  16. I really want to support GOG more but a lot of the same titles on there aren't updated to the same degree Steam's are. Though obviously for old games that you can't find discs for, GOG is the #1 choice. Epic still makes me a little wary with their Chinese connections. EA is obviously one of the worst companies and I have tried Origin and it's launcher, which sucks. Ubisoft is another company like EA that was good 15-20 years ago but is now a giant conglomerate of garbage pumping out massed-produced shit. Just look at the Assassin's Creed franchise...
  17. I agree and have suggested before elsewhere on here that building transports should be considered, particularly since some of them are randomly armed and some are not. Controlling them? Maybe it would depend on the circumstances. It does seem they flee stupidly sometimes and in rare cases they might be able to contribute to a fit. But 9/10 times transports lose to any real warship.
  18. Fair, but I can't wait to see how they implement bases and patrol areas. It's just odd to see the same random assortments of vessels from different bases operating in such vastly different and widespread bodies of water.
  19. They have said multiple times that moving ships is a thing and is coming. This is literally V1 of the campaign, so i wouldn't be concerned about routes and patrols and whatnot. Capturing ships...not very likely. It was practically unheard of for a ship to be captured on the high seas past the age of sail. In the time of dreadnoughts, any vessel remotely at risk of capture by the enemy would be deliberately scuttled by it's crew. Now, war prizes after a conflict, that's a different story.
  20. Can confirm. The same thing happened to me as well. Once you click "build" there is no going back, which is very annoying because I would like to "build" (even though nothing is actually produced yet) multiple variations of the fleet roster before deciding what I want. 5BB or 7CA? 15CLs or 20? It doesn't matter right now, you need to plan it all out on paper first. It's bad UX.
  21. An interesting observation I made. I have never seen this in campaign before ever but apparently it's in Custom Battles. We need more stuff like this.
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