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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Money directly translates into manpower. There is no limit to the number of recruits that you have access to as long as you can pay to recruit them.
  2. Do you mean at the start of a battle? Or if you enable AI mode they will try to follow other ships?
  3. This was the case at one point and has not changed as far as I know.
  4. Have you checked your maintenance costs? In the top right of the campaign map there is a red or green arrow that indicates if your maintenance costs are higher than your current funding. You can reduce maintenance costs by selling trophies and ships, as well as moving crew and land units into the reserves.
  5. It seems like there are multiple minimap issues that are in the process of getting fixed. If you're still encountering an issue after a patch always best to report again so they can take a look at it.
  6. Continuing a campaign on the new patch will mostly work. You'll probably see some weird issues with officers and supply, but nothing detrimental. New campaigns are always recommended to get the full effect of all the changes though. In the Mod/Rebalance/AIConfigFile you can increase the value of AIscalingSizeMultiplier to make the enemy larger.
  7. Even with the old code in place 4k AI brigades should never have been possible at Phillipi. Not sure what you managed to hit to see that. The deployments in this battle are likely percentage based. So if you aren't bringing the maximum amount of brigades for the battle fewer units will get deployed and you might not end up with your full corps. You can build minimum size skirmisher units to fill out your corps brigade amounts to 30 to get more of your useful units on the field sooner. Going through the entire Union campaign to fix these percentage deploys is on the list of things to get to, but it's a very time consuming task.
  8. Can't you just scroll around the map to find any ships? As long as they are on the map all ships are visible at all times. Would have to lock the camera to ships to try and enforce this. Given that ship amounts and arrival positions are also locked and easy to memorize, more fog of war type settings probably don't accomplish much in the game currently.
  9. Historically accurate is kind of the opposite of the scaling argument. Scaling is designed to keep game play feeling relevant. Otherwise once the player gets far enough ahead then the game becomes boring since there is no challenge. Scaling only tends to slow this snowball down a bit though in most cases. The early missions where you are only fielding one or two ships the scaling treats especially harshly since there is only a single ship to compare against and the AI has to be able to deal with that. Hence 5th rates = facing 5th rates. This varies by difficulty of course. For example, on easy you would not be facing 5th rates when bringing your own.
  10. I still think that they should just remove the 5th rate from spawning in the shop in the first stage. Plenty of time to get to those later. It's probably possible to buy the 5th rate and then capture another one in the next battle. Even if you take a lot of damage once you have two 5ths you'll probably be set for a while.
  11. Unlike UGCW there is no limit to the number of recruits that you can hire. As long as you have enough money to pay for them you can get as many as you want. Weapons can be purchased in the shop, button to the left of the globe on the campaign map. A basic musket is always available for purchase as long as you have the money. Alternately, when creating or enlarging a unit you can select the weapon for the unit and the cost of buying extra weapons will be factored into the upgrade cost. Additional weapons will become purchasable over time or when you research the related technology.
  12. Only US and UK campaigns will be included in the game. There is the possibility of DLC campaigns for other nations. Custom battles have been discussed, but no indications so far on if they will eventually be added.
  13. Can you provide more details on what you mean by duplicate brigades? Battle, unit name, etc? You're not using one of the mods correct? Sometimes the wounded officers from allied units will end up in your barracks. Usually just a small bonus, but you can always dismiss them if the duplicates bother you.
  14. Salem Church was still being affected by part of the scaling algorithm, but this should be fixed in 1.26.1. The only scaling that was affecting Phillipi was a random size modifier, but this could mean facing 3-4k more units day 2 if you got unlucky. 1.26.1 removed this random value for that battle so it should be more reasonable now. Previously it was very difficult and if the AI charges landed just wrong you were probably dead. Good use of the fortifications outside and inside of town was the key. The trenches have 60% melee damage resist so jumping into them as a charge comes in is very effective.
  15. Wiggle around enough and sometimes you can manage it. Most of the time it doesn't work though.
  16. Yes, names can be added as desired. No guarantees for any special characters though. I'll try to get it into the UI mod within the next few weeks.
  17. I didn't realize that we were only overriding the english names in the assets file. That is going to be a bit confusing.
  18. 1.26.1 changelog: - List of random officer names now in the OfficerName.txt and OfficerSurname.txt. - 2 points in recon needed to see enemy men and guns on deploy screen. - Multiple scaling bug fixes. - Sharps 1859 infantry weapon range curve improved - Scaling standardized at Phillipi Not necessary to restart campaigns.
  19. This post will help with basically all of your questions: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/ Short answers Weapon recovery: You recover a percentage of weapons from any of your units that take damage(rescued) and a different percentage from any enemy units that take damage(captured) Scaling: size and number of brigades affect it, see post above for details. Medicine returns a percentage of wounded men and their weapons to the unit after the battle. Training and medicine give you different ways to mitigate losses. Training tends to be better for building up an army and medicine for keeping it intact. There are ways to play where training is skipped entirely. Medicine tends to be the 2nd or 3rd career stat maxed. Regarding impact of battles see post above.
  20. Agreed, like total war there will almost certainly be mods for this game that slow it down and move it towards harsher realism. If you could rewrite that line to match what you feel the game currently provides what would it be?
  21. It's a bit hard to tell if you're advocating for more of an open world game, which this isn't, or for more freedom within battles. Within battles you have the same amount of freedom to choose your own path as in UGCW battles. The maps are open, you choose how you want to accomplish the objectives. Timers do still exist in some battles, but are generally less restrictive than in UGCW. In many battles you effectively have as much time as you want.
  22. You can left click on a target to manually set an area to target, but broadsides will only fire when a ship is in the displayed firing arcs. Some hotkeys: [F1]-[F5] Sail control [Space] Anchor [F] Engage/Disengage [Z] Hold Left Fire [X] Aim [C] Hold Right Fire [H] Hold Both Fire [R] Round Ammo [G] Grapheshot Ammo [T] Chainshot Ammo Explode AI Shift + # to assign a group Ctrl + # to select a group
  23. To copy paste from an UGCW thread, here are the basics of how routing is handled in the game: "When the AI routs it tries to find a path with no enemy units on it that leads to an area with the fewest enemy units. The AI has very little concept of which area of a battlefield they are supposed to be on. With some practice this becomes fairly easy to manage. If you have a single line of units and engage in melee, the units get entangled and the shortest path to an area with no enemy units can be to retreat towards what the player perceives as their side of the map. This is easily avoided by keeping double lines using detached skirmishers or reserves. AI retreat behavior can clearly be seen when surrounding an enemy unit on 3 sides with a solid line. Once the enemy unit routs, it will always try to run towards the opening, assuming the gap is large enough. If a unit is retreating towards an area you don't want it to, hitting fallback on the units being approached can convince the AI that it should go towards the gap instead. Not overly crowding AI units will help avoid this scenario. Giving the AI sufficient space is especially necessary when the AI unit is against a flat board edge. AI units cannot retreat off the map so their pathing will force them along one board edge or the other and this will override the logic that tries to keep the AI from retreating through enemy units. If you are going to charge enemy units to try to capture them, it is recommended to leave an outer ring of units to prevent AI units from thinking they can escape in a given direction while they are in melee." Since AoS has a new engine, some of the specifics are a bit different, but the fundamental approach remains unchanged. There are definitely some new routing issues where units move in weird ways when routing near shore. I would recommend reporting these when you encounter them so that they can get fixed.
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