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Everything posted by Molder169

  1. as long as I get ganked with pretty woman and vodka haha. I speak basic Russian. introductions greetings etc. other than that i am mute haha.
  2. Privet! I have just booked a hotel in St. Petersburgh In From late March to early April (12 days). I will be partying as much as possible and being a tourist. Some of you know me others do not but if you are near the area and would like to grab a drink or show me some stuff I am all in! I have plans to visit Moscow as well within that time and will be staying there for a night as well! Hit me up!
  3. about Perdinales. we let you take it.
  4. that experience number you have gained goes towards the ship you are sailing as well. of course if it is maxed out as well then it is useless at the moment. Dev's have hinted towards something more we can grind for those of us who are max rank.
  5. base stats on the Imp are better than the redoubt. Everything else is all about how you build it.
  6. What was the hotfix/update for today? I did see we had a 6.7mb download at reset.
  7. title and video states most of it. I can see the boat but no damage appears numerically.
  8. I have read quite a bit of these threads and believe it's time to say my piece. A few points/thoughts I would like to make. Player retention is at an all time low. You must address this before you can address anything else regarding release. We see this same thing every Christmas. Interested players enter the game and then fall off within the first 30 days. Retaining maybe 10 percent of new players. Yes you will have an influx of new players upon release, but what will be any different from any other time the game has gone on sale? Those same players will leave once the current state of the game content is known. It disappoints and nearly angers me that we have spent years testing, and then told we have to buy dlc TO TEST, only to get told we as testers will lose everything. I don't mind a wipe, but do and ship XP? Sounds like you told me to run up a mountain just to run down and back up again. I've only been playing this game knowing my exp would not get wiped for boats I have to re-earn and grind to build. A lot of players are not saying until the wipe happens. A lot of players continued to do so. Will the players who come back post wipe even out with the number of players who do not come back? Please do not release until you have fleshed out major issues in gameplay and player retention. Otherwise you are going to see a community project pop up soon and chalk NA to the private servers and open source codes.
  9. So i was moving up to this boat to loot it after it had sunk. I just barely touched it and suddenly my ship got tossed to the right, flipped on its port side and then proceeded to capsize. I have never before seen this bug. It is a major one. It was F11 reported. As you can see i have nearly full structure and no leaks. I sincerely hope the devs/ @admin see fit to give me my purple santisma and the poods back. I could care less about the upgrades. That was my RNG baby :(
  10. got it, however as i stated, this would have to be explained in the tutorial somehow, which adds more work imo. o7
  11. Currently the test bed is down. This is the first test bed I have been privy to (I missed the last one). Should the test bed come back online at any point within the next few days I will be sure to add more to this. These are thoughts/bugs encountered in a short time of playing (two combat missions). Bugs: When looting, confirm is greyed out. While moving loot does get confirmed. Players must press escape to close the window as per usual. Feedback: Gun control: What is water and parallel suppose to mean exactly? I have been playing for well over a year and I do not even know what this means. Switching between these two does not appear to reveal a difference in cannons where as the old (current) options describe exactly what I need to know both from a new player perspective. If it is kept that means you must provide a way for players to learn what these are in tutorials and I think you may be just making yourself more work with this edit. Boarding: Looks fantastic, I love the way it sits on the screen now. However I must say that now, Boarding is, instead of being almost rock paper scissors, IT IS rock paper scissors. I can see what the enemy uses for preparation and when/what their firepower is and such, which still gives me opportunities for outplay. However this now tells me I must learn the exact math of every option in boarding, and calculate for possible mods, and good luck on new players learning boarding at all before the perma-log off. Already I hear of too many new players getting insta-boarded by A.I. and quitting. But I digress. The Battle UI: You may not like me for this but here it goes. The UI looks good, but it is very underwhelming. The icons have changed and it looks a bit smoother which is nice. Wind power on the compass was a nice touch. Wind inclination was a nice touch. The mini map still looks like dev tools status. Throw a boarder or something around it. while you are at it do the same around the compass. (maybe you kept it so it can be seen through?) Icons: It is not clearly obvious where my crew is allotted. Please make it clear at a glance. Maybe a red border around the icon's when crew is turned off for that particular slot. My wind direction still does nothing to alert me of a wind change. Make it wave in aspect change or something. Realistically if i was on a boat I would feel the wind change, only thing i can do through the game is feel the cannons through sound. I hope the test bed comes back up soon so i can stretch the limits a little. I really hope @admintakes the time to read this and understand that this is just feedback an attempt to der'mo na nikh. o7
  12. This is simple. Fix the post battle rewards in Port battles. Add a longboat perk, where players can opt to use one of their perk slots to loot nearby ships without having to be directly next to them. But that would require coding....
  13. @admin I have never had this issue before. i have played on multiple accounts on the same computer for well over a year now. This problem began with two computers on the same network and continued for about 5-6 hours before I logged off for the night. I did all the mandatory requirements. Reboot steam Verify the integrity of game files Re-install the game I also did check to see if steam was having issues or if i did have an authentication problem Eventually I found that after about 5 minutes-10 minutes I was receiving packets from your servers and was able to log back in. I wish I was able to give you log's or submit a bug report as this is all the information I can find. As I mentioned, Everything was green on my end.
  14. I am adding edits with screenshots at the top, unfortunately keeps happening.
  15. So I was not able to log in to Naval action. Had been playing for multiple hours with my friend. Twice we got booted and were not allowed to log back in. First boot took 3-4 minutes to allow us back in, and the second boot occurred 15 minutes later, again to both of us. closer inspection reveals that the shards screen reveals no ping. Internet, software, and hardware are all checking out. Did I get a ban or something? No one else is having this issue at the moment. Has anyone encountered this issue? https://gyazo.com/d2406e087c743df2f5d911504c2cd7b1 https://gyazo.com/f8624c4a8c44a963f71c45094027d036 https://gyazo.com/8662f16a1d64a62fd717b1140a5a2d8b
  16. Actually the Train that originally rolled over the U.S. coastline was prussian, then french sometime last year. A few clans even tried to join the US to try and help them, but they would rather bicker and argue and hold senate meetings and talk instead of playing the game. During that time before WO came in and wiped the U.S., i practically begged for us to attack spain, but their 'leadership' wouldn't budge on the U.S./Spanish alliance for anything, even though they never came to a single port battle.
  17. I have a question for the devs. I have returned to the game for the better part of December and lately I have been feeling the lack of ship wrath. It is so hard to get rss to craft ships and the amount of doubloons required is insane. I have heard many players say the same thing. It is nearly impossible to craft ships and supply myself with plenty of decent boats of all rates. My question to the devs is will this balance out with the new upcoming trade patch? Or will cost for blueprints be adjusted? My question to the players: what are your thoughts? Personally I would rather have the ability to always go into battle with the mindset of not caring if I lose my ship, and most of the time i don't. However lately it's begun to get complicated replacing them.
  18. @admin just making sure that with the removal of gold coins. Will bottles be updated with an item to replace the coins we get in said bottle?
  19. It happens across the board. The fix is hit refresh button in the shop and wait for the game to "refresh" this takes anywhere from 30-60 seconds. This has been an issue since installation in December.
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