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Everything posted by Molder169

  1. The game lacks content in general. Your 4 choices are pvp, pvp or pvp with the option to trade. Clearly by the numbers of last nights patch the content delivered in way of training was legitimately eaten up. Content is content regardless of it's category.
  2. Well to be fair it already is, but nations are not going anywhere. Easiest way to solve this is give clans the ability to hand over ports to others or even perhaps trade which goes through after resets. Would fix the 'dead clan loses nation ports' issue when a lot of players leave a nation.
  3. Does this mean Epic Event buffed or less? more?
  4. YES YES YES YES! I am very excited to test this! hopefully now ship compositions will be spread out a little more! we shall see.
  5. Naturally everyone is crying. I will say it every patch note. THIS IS AN ALPHA GAME! Be happy you are getting updates at all. We have gotten a patch every week and the @admin has been nice enough to give up updates in dev forums on future updates. Also please stop with the word "release". The game will go Beta not be released as a final product. I would also like to remind everyone that you bought this game to test it, not get a final product.
  6. I will never understand why players do not understand that everyone purchased the ability to Beta test. That is all. Nothing more nothing less. As far as I am concerned all of my play hours will be wiped upon release. Keep expectations low and an open mind and hopefully someday we will be rewarded with a game that looks and feels amazing. Patience. @admin thank you for patch notes at least. however as beta testers/players. We should not be delivered secrets or things we have to "find out." It is not conducive to a well rounded test.
  7. Short and simple: If not enough players line up for battle, please let the Que restart immediately instead of waiting 4 minutes and 30 seconds longer. Love it by the way. Tools for players are always a good idea in my opinion.
  8. @admin I am sure it has been said above. But combat news should NOT display sinks from Fleet Practice. But also thank you very much for fleet practice!
  9. Pay to play? Negative ghost rider. That will ruin the game. All of the best games are supported through in game cosmetics purchases. Maybe the @admin is working on that in lou of the bellona and Minion paints? Seriously though no pay to play and DO NOT IMPLEMENT PAY TO WIN.
  10. I am pretty sure I did this to you yesterday in your wasa (even though you got me in another battle). I have been watching and Basically at 1:17:00-1:16:30 the wind WILL change. From what I gathered it is not guaranteed whether it shifts clockwise or counter-clockwise. I pretty much gamble every time a battle starts when I am in a big ship. I will say however that the wind used to turn 90 degrees + when it would start to shift. Now I noticed how much it shifts has been reduced and randomized a bit.
  11. While I have not been playing long, I find it is a good idea to remind myself and others on occasion, that this game is still in ALPHA! Think on this. The developers have thousands of hours of work to do, while still having to pay their individual bills along with the bills that come with hosting servers and maintenance, all the while getting (random guess) less than 50 copy's purchased a month. I am happy that @adminactually posted patch notes this time. Never saw the hotfix patch notes from the release last week. In short: Keep up with the patience Don't stop critiquing (because this is important for the devs to get a read on players) "And don't stop... believing!"
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