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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Yeah ok. But i still would like to see something to encourage more rvr. Like you said "We just don't like to capture useless ports or conquer half of the map." They need to fix that, ports shouldn't be useless. They weren't in real life and shouldn't be in game. But i guess that's another topic, and goes hand in hand with other topics of more content to the game.
  2. That is exactly why I suggested on my 4th post/comment that devs implement something to struggle for.
  3. Thanks for your input. Oh, did you read my 4th post about this?.
  4. One more thing, on top of that something needs to be implemented to reward being nr 1 more then it is now. Maybe not a reward that will unbalance power, but something that makes players really want to struggle for that nr 1 spot. Will make nations not settle for nr 2. They will want that first spot.
  5. This would make new players think twice before joining nation just because they are nr 1 or nr 2. They maybe go to nation nr 3 or 4?. Consider it an underdog bonus. Maybe we will see shift in power more frequently then it has been. (Sweden was top dog for a year or so?). I don't know, discuss.:). Might be terrible idea.
  6. Just a suggestion, how about the two strongest nations loose reinforcement zone?. Or is that a bad thing?. I mean, being so strong surely they can take care of themselves and don't need to be protected like other nations?. What you think. Maybe that would be like punishing them for being strong though, which is not intention.
  7. Offended not mentioning Poland. We are a strong nation of iron men slowly taking over the caribbean. Currently on full scale war with spain and about to crush them, after that the Dutch and French. Once those three nations are dealt with i will announce myself Emperor and you shall all bow yer heads. Oh and don't worry about we lost two ports recently, part of our strategy. We know what we are doing. Hail Emperor Po. Hurray, hurray, hurray!
  8. If people want to sail trash ships they can sail. Not only requin. Some people dont even mods on ships, and hardly and repair and they pvp with it. I only sail with dlc ships that have bonus slots or something extra, use mods for millions. So when i sink, my ship is not easy replaced.
  9. What are the devs saying about it?. Can't find anything concrete from them but might missed it.
  10. Good ideas, but I think cutting the map because lack of players is wrong way to go. Get the players instead.
  11. If not gonna hunt within reinforcement zone ya won't be doin much huntin Captain. Well you could visit patrol gank zones I guess, but that's about it.
  12. In case you lost a ship due to current server issues, please send a detailed report via F11 button
  13. Did. Seems GPU might actually be overheating? I maintain about 45 degree GPU at port and it goes up to 88-89 degree c after a while on the open sea, sounds abit much. GPU-Z Sensor Log.txt
  14. Ahoy, In passed there have been periods (seldom) where game freezes whole comp, after couple of hours gameplay normally, followed by longer periods where everything works fine. Yesterday comp started freezing again every once in awhile, but now it happens after only like 15 minutes. Previous it only frooze when I was in port, never in the open sea or in battle, but now it freezees in the open sea instead. My fans are clean and i monitor the temperature of the comp but don't seem to overheating. Tried sorting back nvidia drivers to previous version but same thing. Anyone experience something similar and has any tip? Computer specs: Intel Core i5 6600k CPU 3.5 GZ 8gb RAM 64 bit operatingsystem Windows 10
  15. Who is drooling over Eve?, I haven't even played it, neither do I intend too.:)
  16. Just making some examples of first things that popped out of my head, .. no need to analyse it too much. Just understand the point i am making.
  17. I kinda have to agree, there are many other items that could be added as dlc, some have already been mentioned many times: Like: - Ship flags (dlc that enables you to choose between alternate flags for your ship, usable x numbers of times) - Ship name (dlc that allow you to name up to 10 ships for example) - Ship paints (dlc that allow you to paint 10 paints for example) - Bait (dlc that gives you +20% chance catching fish/bottles etc for 2 hours, usable 10 times) - Smuggler (dlc that allows you to enter a stealthy mode enabling you to enter enemy ports even if you are not in a trade ship, (last for 2 hours, usable 5 times) List goes on just a little imagination... Things like this that once all used you need to buy again... will not really affect gameplay in terms of "Pay to Win", and also will generate some funding. This ship dlc only 1 time funding for the game, sometimes need to to think abit longer term.
  18. Many. Would you go all crazy about a ship that someone payed 10 Euro for and muster all the Captains you can and go hunt it down because of that?. No, Ganking wouldn't change at all. I don't know about Eve, but it's been around since 2003, having a record of 65 303 players online. Guess they did something right?.
  19. Not really a bad idea, would at least make it abit harder to get, but as you mentioned it might be to late for such a change.
  20. Yeah well it ain't over til it's over.:) I have faith that this game will be completed, and playerbase will become higher. And if doesn't, then it doesn't... til then I will do what I can to enjoy and get the most out of it.
  21. If it was craftable why would anyone buy it. Every mmo has dlc's containing items etc that only obtainable through that particular dlc. Besides, games that do not generate any income die. Unless we got a bunch of developers who work for free.
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