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Everything posted by Wojtek

  1. Give me these seven people in the distance of my hand... Tötö
  2. Like for example Poland and Germany? Maybe i know a different history than you ;D
  3. Yeah, but there is also a HANSA, german speaking clan.
  4. ((Right side is Prussia )) Everyone is welcome, at the moment in Kingdom of Prussia everyone who speaks German or English will find their place! Prussia über alles ;DD
  5. Horatio will cry after this update ;D Like it, If it were obligatory, it would certainly prevent anonymous trolls; P
  6. You have just accused one of the best NA players for farming PVP marks. Great job mate. PS. If you are already looking to find someone who is farming pvp marks, then I suggest that you should start looking a little closer ;D
  7. Jesus, I did not know that there are such numbers in the current UI ... My God, so much gold o.o
  8. I feel a pity for you. you play like a poop and try to blame them for "cheating" If cheats for this game existed at all o.O The guys from BF are playing well, you apparently play like total shit, it's not a topic for the tribunal.
  9. Wojtek

    Inger flip

    My Inger was a space rocket, yours is an submarine xD
  10. Witold, the case is closed. I was on ts3 yesterday and I explained everything with admiralty, I was apologized and thet's it. I forgot, they too.
  11. I talked with the PFK and we came to a consensus that our departure and the disappearance of the materials just overlap. That's it. Thread to close, unless the guys from PFK want to know who stole the mats, in that case, please send logs to @mario or @Jan Marten
  12. I would like to come in and listen, but unfortunately my ranks on ts3 were removed and next to that, i was kicked from server by Mario, apparently, he did not want to explain anything to me.
  13. Odpiszę Ci po Polsku żebyś się nie trudził. Temat w trybunale już zrobiłem, możesz sobie zobaczyć. Jeżeli admini napiszą że wziąłem jakikolwiek materiał z magazynu klanowego, oddam dwa razy tyle, dla mnie nie ma problemu. Oskarżanie osób które odeszły nie jest fair. A co do matsów. W Prusach materiały do craftowania okrętów są tak bajecznie tanie, że byłoby mi szkoda czasu na podpierdalanie z PFK, naprawdę. Mam pytanie, jak developerzy i admini napiszą już w tym temacie że NIC nie ukradliśmy, to przeprosisz nas oficjalnie, okej?
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