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Slim McSauce

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Everything posted by Slim McSauce

  1. More customization is always good, Paints would be enough (and perhaps a mini clan flag?) for ships.
  2. Pretty much described all of EVE. You're either making others miserable or they make you miserable. I mean that's kinda every competitive multiplayer game.
  3. Naval Action politics at its best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoudYNeVn5E
  4. A common misconception. The vast majority of players aren't casual, MMORPGSs typically don't attract "casual" players. They require time investment and some extended play. The line between a "hardcore" player and a normal player is a fine one. You can't quantify who's hardcore by gold, marks, or ships. They're all easily obtainable. But most players fit into the normal for an MMO category, neither casual or hardcore.
  5. Naval Action wiki, wood affects turn rate and turn acceleration
  6. you're right. That's a problem for another day.
  7. When/if the game gets more populated reinforcement zones will become redundant since there will be constantly people coming in an out of port. Anyone who goes anywhere near a capital will get immediately jumped by 30 players.
  8. Yes/no. Small clans won't die out because they can ally to attack/defend. Pretty bias wording
  9. you don't even play this game what are you doing here
  10. @Willis PVP2 In recent conversations I've been against anything that makes all ships the same, but I don't think its crazy for all frigates (who had the option) to get bow chasers.. In this case its historical, and expanding the ability of ships that are otherwise at a huge disadvantage not having chaser guns.
  11. Ships like the Essex and Reno I believe had a mount for one of the side guns to be moved to the front of the ship during a chase. Now that Unity 5 is here, will we see this feature added?
  12. Yeah keep reinforcement zones, thats completely fair. Just give actual objectives to OW to funnel people into PVP when they want to find it. That's all we ask
  13. If you think all pvp=sealclubbing then you haven't played long enough. Sealclubbing new plays is almost impossible now so any update to help find PVP won't affect new players
  14. there's two but that's one of them PVP focal points is the other
  15. Because we're desperate people in dire circumstance. New players can smell that desperation and they get immediately turned off. They want strong, confident, spontaneous PVP, not pity paty cucked arranged battles.
  16. Read the whole thread. Nothing about nation alliances here
  17. There's no notable correlation between casual friendly updates and more population. The only trend you can observe from population numbers over time is that big updates bring large groups of population back, which slowly bleeds off over time until the next major update. Is it a coincident that the hardcore update brought back the most population? No it was just a big update. Did the overall easier September 11th bring the game population back up from the all time low post wipe? Yes but now we're only a hundred average players away from that all time low again, regardless of the "casual" update. It was a much smaller update that didn't deliver on all promises. Point is, stop pointing at these minor patches as proof that the game needs to get even easier. The numbers only show the game is just as worse as it was before. Proof that easy/hard fixes doesn't revive playerbase, CONTENT does.
  18. You have to be a PVPer to truly understand. But believe me, a vast majority agree PVP is extremely rare nowadays compared to a few months ago when we had things like the siege of mort, or the scurge of cton
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