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Slim McSauce

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Everything posted by Slim McSauce

  1. This is a neat idea that could work just as well, or well together for more options. Mostly what kills RVR is the stupidly limiting factors of it. A strickly RVR player is basically already playing Naval Action Legends. Any way to unchain the entirety of RVR from a single battle and put it into multiple is good. And the easiest way is to do it is region OW PVP
  2. Its the same group of whiners who hold back the progress of the game because they don't like change. Every time you listen to them you set the game back 1 dev cycle.
  3. sad that we can't have basic features because fear of a few people abusing. Its like banning holloween in fear of a large groups of children getting stabbed. Most of them will live, come on devs.
  4. lol, don't get offended at this joke but.. TyPiCaL pIrAtE dOeSn'T KnOw ThE pVp AwArDs
  5. /When shitposting in the forums is more enjoyable than playing the game
  6. NA on live only runs in borderless window. Probably has something to do with it
  7. Then you'll have the constant scenario of people only going for sails/mast because you can only repair them once. making it impossible to chase, run, take any risk whatsoever because losing masts is an immediate unrecoverable lose. Instead just simply increase the time between reps to 15 minutes, or seperate sail/mast repair into 2 seperate things.
  8. Just do the damn rewards by damage. Is there anyone who doesn't want it that way? Make it happen devs before we all lose our minds fighting hour long battles getting nothing in return
  9. Wowie. You sure are right. It is MUCH more efficient for a nation to attack another outside of prime time when the other nation hardly has any ships out to contribute to tonnage. That sub 400 br gained from that huge horde absolutely crushing those 3 traders and 2 frigates will SURELY not be negated by the next days massive battle with the 20k BR fleets going after each other. /bigfatS
  10. Um..................I Just..... err. You do realize....that's your own post....from a year ago...... on the European server >.>>>>>>
  11. How many PBs do we see at 3 am EST on global? Why would there be a horde of players, at the time when there is the least players? The nightflip is an inherent problem to single PBs. If the war for a port last 3 full days, there is no singular battle that will immediately flip the port in the middle of the night that can't be recovered from the next day.
  12. The server never drops down to 0. There will ALWAYS a smaller group of people who can field. A small group of light frigates sinking is hardly comparable to multiple fleets getting sunk during the day when the most population is on
  13. Exactly. So why limit PBs to a single hour of the day? Another reason why the system we have is flawed.
  14. You say that like 3 days of straight fleet PVP is boring, or cumbersome to players, when taking ports is a high stakes event Its not about saving time and letting ports flip in 2 days. Its about unrestricting port battles to an hour and making them not a mind numbingly underwhelming, single battle system that is suppose to decide the most important factor in the game. And turning it into a real war like event, not an extra limited OW battle that no one cares about If PBs were fun, people wouldn't want a a quick port flip. And people would show up for those PBs instead of dropping RVR, and doing exclusively OW pvp which in their words is more fun and rewarding, and have even moved servers to get more of it.
  15. I'm not gonna go through the vagueness and tell you why that suggestion doesn't fix fundamental issues, or how having 12 time slots to grind hostilities doesn't correlate, in any way shape orform to a larger, more attractive singular port battle that only 25 people on each side can join. I'm not gonna insult your intelligence. What I will ask you, is if you think you have the solution, put it in your own suggestion. There is not enough room in this thread for 2 vastly different, large expanding suggestions to fixing the way RVR works. Thank you.
  16. If you wish to ignore feedback from @admin, you're actually daft if you think I straight up ignored the admins comments base your arguments on false facts, wtf is a false fact? How can a fact be false? What level of irony are you on? have the arrogance to claim the solution, You've contributed nothing to the progress of the solution, yet you have the imperiousness to claim mine as false without any reasons of your own but assert you are not the expert, but rather I am. Wow....just wow. I'll leave that judgement to everyone else. You should use your own judgement of what not to post before spouting inanities
  17. Instead of going off what I just said you falsified everything I said prior without giving any reasons whatsoever. If you can't be civil, constructive, and give proper feedback, then your comments are not needed. This is a suggestion for IMPROVING a part of the game that is, in your own agreement, dying in its current state. Not a thread for you to Correct the Record on the events of Global. Leave the shitposting to national news
  18. Uhh, I'm sorry but that couldn't be more wrong. After the siege of mort, nearly every French port was taken in revenge, not a single one of the ports were defended so no french fleets were sunk as a result. To the majority on global, those 150+ ships sunk and capped at mort was THE victory of the server. Real results as apposed to dots on the map. RVR is so niche literally only 3 clans on global care about it. Everyone else was PVPing out of free towns while empty ports were being taken at no cost to them So to say that RVR players drive the game, no. You're a minute fraction of the playerbase, by design, compounded by the fact that hardly anyone finds it engaging enough to be a part of that fraction.
  19. The server is literally dead right now, what's your point? 2 weeks ago 150+ ships were sunk around mort. No RVR was involved in that and it was the single biggest PVP action taken place on Global since the wipe. More than all PB battles combined in the period of 2 only weeks
  20. - Still requires considerable organization. Your average joe is just asking to get ganked if he tries to do his part and raise contention somewhere spontaneously. If nothing is organized, nothing happens. As it should be, if you aren't organizing with your nation and joining a fleet you're gonna get ganked. - Most who do it show up in 25x lineships, either Victory fleets or 2-3rd rates, or get their frigates stomped when the enemy shows up in 25x lineships. Back to "content just for 25 players". That's a matter of tactics, there's no guarantee that the mixed SOL will lose, and there is no guarantee that a decisive outcome will come out of the battle. If the nations are big enough there will probably be more than 1 OW fleet per side, so you can't rely on a single 25 fleet who can get repeatedly dragged attacked with no support. - "Just enough PvE to eventually get a port into contention" is a dreary PvE-grinding affair, with many regions sporting so few AI fleets that people spend several hours sailing back and forth, back and forth, just to catch a pittance of fleets that show up and struggling to pull it off before the day's end - even if no enemies bother to show up. if you're talking about the hostility grinding, I agree, there are better ways to do it. But what we have right now isn't fundamentally broken in any way. Perhaps a blockade + AI attacking balanced by the passive hostility drain we have currently would be the right way. Same thing with tonnage war but there is some balancing numbers that'll have to go in to that, which isn't that difficult to sort. - PvE vs PvP fits when it's a mix of PvE and PvP. In lineships, those can be one and the same, but not for frigates, so it really sucks to show up in one or the other and get screwed over depending on which you went for. Defenders, on the other hand, can be purely PvP-focused. If you're talking about hostilities, you pretty much explained the situation now. Defenders to get that advantage. But again its chopped up to tactics. If you expect that move from the defender you can bring your PVP frigates, you can bring a support fleet to take care of them, or if your group is organized a bunch of PVE ships with good coordination has the advantage over the fast light ships when the objective is to sink. Take it with a grain of salt though, the PvE-grinding nature of the hostility system has been so boring that I haven't participated in it for quite some time now. And I haven't heard any positive remarks about having to do it either - if people aren't keen on doing it to set up PBs, I don't see how they would be if that was the actual "fight" in itself. You aren't fighting AI in the tonnage war. What people universally love is OW PVP. This system is basically basically OW PVP for a port except there is more emphasis on actually winning and winning efficiently since more is on the line then just your ships What's it been like on the global server? Sounds as though most sizeable OW engagements have taken place around the immediate area of scheduled PBs rather than during the hostility build-up. All but 1 clan on global actively partakes in RVR. There have been some given ports, and lots of empty PBs. Most people have dropped RVR for the reasons I mention, its just too limiting, and has no real affect besides dots on the map. Hostilities are rarely fought over because its so quick to raise hostility if you have a fleet of 25 working on it. Its funny really. The most action that happens for RVR on global is picking off ships after the PB is over. No one wants to go fight the PB instance because its so one dimensional, its no different than a 25v25 OW pvp engagement, except you lose a lot of the depth from a regular OW fight and you're restricted by the rules inside the PB OW PVP is where the action is on global. The fact that nearly the entire server has collectively dropped RVR as a part of the game speaks to how unsavory it is in its current state. There is absolutely no other way to do RVR that retains all the benefits of my system. I challenge the community and the devs to come up with a better solution for RVR that allows, 1. Full nation involvement 2. Unrestricted time windows 3. Multiple battles 4. Multiple approaches on par with the freedom and strategy of OW PVP 5.100% scalablility to server population and can be implemented within the next 3 patch cycles. Because the current mechanics are fundamentally flawed, and without those 5 points, players will never get a true sense of large scale national conquest. And RVR will be dropped for funner, larger, unrestricted OW pvp like it is now.
  21. I like the looks of it, but it won't be enough. RVR has a fundamental flaw of extreme limitation. The whole system needs a rework before RVR can be a mainstay of the game. I encourage anyone who isn't happy with current RVR mechanics take a look at this suggestion and leave your feedback
  22. You troll yourself. You get mad at things you disagree with and post 16 paragraphs of verbal diarrhea that only escalate the situation.
  23. The only major PVE factor is hostilities, there is no concern you've brought that breaks down the system enough to where PVE is used more than PVP. If a defender decides a no show and the attackers grind out the AI to reach the 60%, then how is that worse than attackers showing up to an empty PB? Which by the way happens all the time now because lots of people have decided the RVR isn't fun or important enough to engage in, and have chose to exclusively do OW PVP. My system being a combination of both. Again, no major flaws have been shown that are near as busted as current RVR mechanics. All these small ones are easily fixable with simple provided solutions, with the bonus of being overall a much more exciting, large scale, inclusive, nation driven way to do RVR that scales well, and is timeless in its approach and variety of battles you will encounter with the different starting locations, winds, player and ship compositions that everyone will be able to experience multiple times over
  24. AI will count towards the percentage as well, and attacker ticket bleed will prevent attackers doing what you said. And if a defender decides to field 25 1st rates 25 frigates will not be efficient enough to win over the required %. So large ships will remain just as valuable, If not more so since ships must be sunk in order to get tonnage, so one nation doesn't get the power snowball of a bunch of captured first rates over a won port
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