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Fred Sanford

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Everything posted by Fred Sanford

  1. 35/35, but I used the 'hint' button a few times. The third question, about how the battle of the ironclads 'made all other navies obsolete', isn't completely correct. Both the French (Gloire (1859)) and the British (Warrior (1860)) had ironclads prior to the ACW. Battle of Hampton Roads was just the first time they were used in combat (excluding the use of non-self-propelled ironclad floating batteries in the Crimean War).
  2. What does "partial" versus "total" victory mean? I've only seen "Victory", "Draw" or "Defeat". Are you saying that less money/rep/recruits result? It would be useful if this were spelled out on the results screen somewhere, but I'm not convinced that not taking locations that aren't part of the 'official' victory conditions matter.
  3. Don't you get the ability to get a second wagon for each corps once you have Logistics above a certain level?
  4. Lee was already suffering from heart disease at Gettysburg that would go on to kill him just 5 years after the war's end.
  5. You know how you can pick which brigades start in deployment zones in minor battles and some major battles? I'd like to have the same mechanic used to specify the brigades that make up each reinforcement. Also make it standard for all major battles as well, so that your divisions don't get so intermingled.
  6. This is my impression also. I use my character as the Corps commander for all minor battles as well in order to maximize his experience gain.
  7. I use the majors and captains for artillery batteries and skirmishers, and let them get experience and promotions there. Then move them into brigade command when they get colonel. I'm also a stickler for seniority/experience, so I try to bring my character up to Lt Gen as fast as I can, and have Lt Gens/MG's for my other Corps commanders. This means I follow a "best-with-the-best" command rule: My most senior MG commands my division of best veterans, 2nd most experienced MG the 2nd most veteran division, and on down until all MG's are assigned or used. Then the same with my BG's, the best brigade gets the best brigadier general available, 2nd best brigade gets the 2nd best BG, etc. So I reshuffle commanders regularly (I'm a Camp freak when it comes to optimizing). I've seen some YouTubes (players shall remain nameless) that make my OCD crazy because they have a Major General commanding an artillery battery.
  8. Be careful about letting your rep get too low. Check the consequences in rep loss for each battle before you start, and make sure you don't use the rep to get more stuff unless you still have enough to provide a "cushion" against a possible loss. Or just don't lose.
  9. If you've lost a few men from a battery, but less than 25/1 gun, a single click on the troop slider will do it. It's good to get in the habit of checking all of your batteries after a battle by seeing what happens with a single click.
  10. I love Command Ops, in fact I suggested an chain-of-command and orders delay feature for UG:CW in a thread a few weeks back. I also just started a WITP:AE solo game. My main gripe with WITP:AE is the extreme micromanagement needed (along with the ancient interface). Love the scope though. My ultimate 'dream game' would be a mix of WITP:AE for scope and combined ground/naval/air ops, with a Command Ops chain of command/orders delay pausable continuous time engine, on a Command Modern Air/Naval Ops Google-earth type globe map and mission/scenario editor (but higher resolution). Of course, the editor and game engine could handle strategic/operational simulations from the pike-and-shot era up to near modern era. I would pay a stupid amount of money for that game, since it'd be the last one I ever bought.
  11. Imagine if the AI used 'detach skirmishers' to hunt the players artillery as aggressively as the players.
  12. If you have 700 recruits in your pool with a morale of 10, and disband a 300 man unit with a morale of 50, you have a total recruit pool of 1,000 with a morale of 22 (the weighted average). Moralefinal = [(Moralepool x Numberspool) + (Moraledisband x Numberdisband)] / Numberfinal = [(10 x 700) + (50 x 300)]/1,000 = 22 The other stats are calculated the same. IF, prior to disbanding the higher-quality unit, the recruit pool is empty (even if you make some "placeholder" units to use up the poor-quality recruits temporarily), THEN you disband the high-quality unit, THEN all of the recruits in the pool will be from the disbanded unit, and thus will have their stats.
  13. I understand that the AI army needs to be able to regenerate itself for gameplay reasons. But I think there should be an additional Rep reward for inflicting casualties so the player is encouraged to fight. Say 1 Rep point for every 500 casualties over your own. And lift the 1,000 max additional recruits cap for captured units.
  14. I'd like to see the under performing rifled cannon get their accuracy buffed. 20 lb Parrots and Whitworths are both on a par with howitzers and smoothbores for accuracy. The other rifled cannon are 30-50 accuracy, why not these two? Also Whitworth's ROF should be increased as it was the only breech loader in the game.
  15. I'd like something like that. And make your character unable to take the Army commander slot until he gets Lt Gen. Also I'd like to see the rank structure more rigidly adhered to, where a Brigadier Gen Div commander couldn't have a Major General in charge of brigade, e.g. Also I'd like to repeat a suggestion to allow the player to "sell" leaders for cash and/or rep. My last Union campaign I had MG's leading brigades because all of my corps were Lt Gens, and Divs were all Maj Gens. I think if an army in one theater was so top-heavy they'd transfer some of them to other theaters, and this mechanic would simulate that.
  16. That's not true. The grand battles have minimum numbers corps needed (it varies on the battle and the side) to even be able to start.
  17. If you have 10 types of rifles with 400 of each in the armory, you have nothing. If you have 1 type of rifle with 4,000 in the armory, you have enough to equip two 2,000 man brigades. So I think having too many weapon types will make it harder to keep units up to strength, unless the game provides so many of each that it makes the camp irrelevant, and there won't even be a point in having any of the lesser quality weapons included in that case.
  18. I'd like a "horse artillery" option when equipping artillery for up to 10lb Ordnances, which were the largest used by the cavalry horse artillery historically.
  19. I think he's imagining the response to having a Fort Sumter scenario. I don't see the point of a Fort Sumter scenario. It was pretty much a bombardment by the CSA, not an actual battle. So not much to do for either side. Perhaps OP didn't know that.
  20. My big wish list thing for Div commanders would be a 'linking' or 'follow' mechanism. Say you move the brigade the Div commander is in down the road, the rest of the division follows in column. When his brigade deploys into line, the others deploy in line with it. You could fight a large battle much easier at the division level this way.
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