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Jack Jones

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Everything posted by Jack Jones

  1. Most people on this thread are complaining about the Requin sinking 5th rates. If you read my post I said : {If your in any kind of frigate (5th rate) then:} I did not mention 6th rates. I sail 5th rates. The dev's have already said they will buff 6th rates so lets see how this goes before we continue to complain and suggest reclassifying of ships etc. Remember we are testers after all.
  2. I agree. But you missed what the suggestion was about. It is not about the green zone hunters. Its about new players and losers so they would benefit. Its about battles with no conclusion, its about good players having a viable option for getting rewards without sinking the seal. At the moment they get nothing and the seals still get clubbed!
  3. This is a great suggestion and would really help new players and lower rank players and in fact anyone who is not great at PVP. I love the fact that even if you lose you get a couple of PVP marks for fighting and if you wish to let someone go you can. I hate that I have to sink everything to to get marks, it does not feel correct. To be able to get some marks even if the enemy escape makes perfect sense. #admin please look at this it could really make a difference.
  4. I have no trouble fighting the Requin. The problem I see is that many of my fellow players don't have any anti boarding measures even though boarding is part of the game. Many who have listened to the rubbish on here are also scared to fight them. If your in any kind of frigate (5th rate) then: Go for them, keep your speed up, manual sail to stop them turning you, fire ball at the masts, use Double charge if you have it, fire single shot one at a time at the hull, seeing if you damage it because it glances balls well, when you damage it fire all. Turn off guns that are not needed, use DD etc etc. Let them come close to board you, if your smart and manual sail against them they cant turn you, hit his hull if he tries hugging. with DD you can slow that he thinks he is going to board you, keep hitting his hull. speed ones are relatively weak. His hull is easy to hit with well placed shots. If he gets to close behind you, reverse turning to fire as you do. The ship is really crap down wind now and cant keep up with you if you can go 12knts or so down wind, I have out run then in lgvs, Indiamen and even traders brigs. The ship is crap at turning and stopping, so if you have DD perk, don't be afraid to turn through the wind for firing opportunities. Sail smart, stay up wind and manage your repairs. Its the mod stacking that makes them greater than their sum, but that's true for all ships. I would rather fight a Requin than many other Uber speed ships in the game. Stop listening to this myth that the ship is unsinkable and go sink it.
  5. Yep tha'ts NA. lol. Pirates should have no allies anyway only enemies.
  6. THIS ^^^^^^ Devs THIS! Dont hold your breath......
  7. Yes to this. it will also act as a great intro for those who are unsure of pvp. The PVE server must increase its numbers or die.
  8. You have not really suggested anything other than alienate all the solo/casual players and chop the map down. No thanks to all that.
  9. Simple solution. Get rid of safe zone completely. No safe zone anywhere. Then: Remove PvP marks, gold and exp for any ship sunk in a mission except the AI by initiator. Newbs and people wishing to do missions will be safe. Except travelling in OW which should always carry risk.
  10. This comment shows the full potential of retards this game already has. Well done you have reached max retard level all on your own. You may get a free redeemable forum retard comment once per day now for reaching such retarded perfection. 👏👏👏👏
  11. ISo I'm new. I can play 2 hours, 3 times in seven days. I'm normal. I have a life. I struggle with the tutorials. I whince at the trolling chat in nation. I get sunk by combat mission jumpers as I struggle to level up in my own waters. I get accused of being an alt because I don't have ts. I get excluded from port battles because I'm not in a clan. I can't buy stuff in my own port because clans have put huge prices on everything. I cap the odd trader and get totally random mostly junk and get sunk because ow combat stays open to long. I log in. Sit and watch the toxic chat a bit more. I realise that I will never be able to compete and never have the goodies others have even as a clanner I just can't dedicate my real life to this game. I buy DLC and for a while have a bit more fun, now everyone moans about the DLC and wants it nerfed because I can nearly compete. I log out. I leave bad review on steam on how a few elite players have strangled the devs into making this a clan only game. Potential new players read the reviews.....
  12. Using your point then, Why not just takes the individual prime resource ports. Cart, copper. Etc and forget the rest. Just own 5 or 6 ports. RVR is about domination and conquest / battles. If the devs hand over complete control of ports to clans then can the last person who leaves please turn the lights off.
  13. Why should a clan control anything other than which nation can enter and what the taxes are. That's more than enough power. Why should a clan who owns a port decides who shops there. Smugglers and traders are a part of this game and if I want to sail into an enemy port and put up a contract I should be able to.
  14. Yes. When a country or clan takes a port, the traders move in to exploit it. you get the tax if you cant beat the contract bidders.
  15. This will kill trade dead. All players with alts will do is infiltrate clans more cleverly. We have alts in our clan. This will do nothing it will do nothing for the alt situation It will only harm an already struggling economy.
  16. All the butt hurt control freak clans again trying dominate and squeeze every casual from the game. No casuals, no free independant players, no way for solo players to play THEIR own game. Ultimately.. No players left. ALTS ARE MAINLY RUN BY CLANS. And ffs if you can't bid on stuff you don't deserve it.
  17. Then you agree with me its up to the captain......not the devs or the game. Excellent. 😊
  18. Abusive players should be reported. That's admin job to deal with them. You pay a forger to hide your past. (Now a paid for DLC.) Its a great part of the game, you can make a fresh start. (You can even escape weird abusive players). It would be refund time if it changed after its been sold.
  19. The redeem is set. These were paid for under DLC terms on valve, changing that would cause serious issues even if it was allowed.
  20. Damn........ I was just moving my 3 top 5 -5 mod top spec 1st rates..............all full of mods to.........😉
  21. Slim.....where are you sailing where half the players are in DLC ships. Must be lots of PvP.🙄 I
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