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Everything posted by Mikocen

  1. Skully, you are telling so big bullshit. Firstly, there are no limitations for players because of PB hours. You just dont understand laws about which you are saying. I'll give you an example. US player wants to take part in PB and of course he is able to do it. Btetween 5pm and 10pm server time. Limitation would exist if he wouldnt be able to take part in RvR in order to system which is blocking him, cause he is not from EU. Second thing is Global server. Every player has acces to every in-game mechanic. And now imagine situation, when player from PVE server is telling, that PVE server is illegal, cause this player doesnt have acces to PvP and RvR. Same lie as yours. So please stop this disscusion and enjoy the game, to which you got full accses.
  2. I remember about time compression and in my opinion it is the bigest disadvantage of this game. But you cannot predict how long battle will be, and maybe in this time somebody would be able to join. Tbh whole system should be rebuild if we want make good system for both sides.
  3. I can agree with every point except second one. Invinsible gives you ANY way to safely exit the battle. Instead of looking for facilitations for gankers, Devs should think about new systems/events/rewards which will increase PvP rate in different regions than capitals. So you say, that we cannot help our friend, cause you are ganking him. I see your point, but remeber, with current system you are "magically" closed with him in battle and we are not able to do anything even if it is in front of our capital and it doesnt make any sens too.
  4. As i said. We were on Surprises. Our enemy on privateer with privateer in fleet. He joined to mission, but mission was dedicated for 6th rate ships. We were on 5th rate ships, so we were not able to join this mission and all in all our enemy was inviolable for us : - )
  5. Few minutes ago me and my friend were chasing enemy Privateers (we were on Surps) near Gustavia. Problem is that our opponent joined to 6th rate mission and (as you can gues) we were not able to do that. And to be honest i dont have problem with player (cheers for EL LOCO), i have problem with broken in-game mechanics. How is it possible, that enemy on our territories is immune? I know that Devs wanted to block big ships in low tier missions, but situations like this are truly annoying. Im leaving this post here because i want to underline big issue in "after-wipe" mechanics. Regards.
  6. No ładnie to wygląda. I chociaż nigdy nie lubiłem tej czcionki, to trzeba przyznać, że nadaje klimatu (jakoś tak ciężko się ją czyta). Kolejny powód dla którego Naval powinien odżyć
  7. With new system of regional bonuses (With material which u can bring to other port) there will be no pression on capturing ports. Maybe "dead" is too strong word, but nowadays there is sens in fighting for ports with specific bonus. With this change alone captains can turn on smugler mode, and buy bonus from enemy port which will weaken need of capturing regions. :/
  8. Guys, this is alpha. I know, that devs can hurt new players, old players... Oh God, they can hurt everyone, but current system isn't the best, so they need to try change it if they want find this "best system". I know about ship wipe for more than half year, cause it was said that before release we will lose them. We shouldn't be shocked or angry. Now we are kind of testers. Its why we have to test every idea of devs. And i have good feelings about this changes. Im only afraid, that because of them port battles will be dead (cause there will be no sense in fighting for ports).
  9. How many times Will you repeat that? Nobody cares about ur leave. See ya.
  10. They are sad, because this "humongous screening fleet" wasted time. Their own time which they manage for NA, was wasted by Danes. Sorry, but ur argument is an invalid.
  11. I see only one possibilty. This port was for us very important (live oak). Its why we organized a lot of players to defend it by screening fleets and 25 players 1st rate fleet. And u spited in our faces and its why u should be punished by loosing region and it should back to US. Sorry, but cheating (it was cheating. A lot of players wasted their time because u dont respect them and are selfish) cannot be acceptable. All from me as i think. o7
  12. Stronger in fighting, lower in planning. Its why u cant do portbattle without logging out outside the port. So please, if u want us to not disgrace ourselves, please stop using cheaty tactics.
  13. Learn to screen. If u want fair battles 25v25 start playing World of Warships. Naval is open world mmo, not 25v25 battle simulator.
  14. And don't get me wrong. Danes are really good captains, they have probably the strongest fleet in the game. And its why i cannot uderstand why they have to use tatctics like this. Its quite said when good players are killing game for other players with their behaviors.
  15. Portbattles are a joke, because of players who are using dirty tactics. I dont know how we can organise screening fleet, do whole operation, and deliver fleet to port battle without logging out. Poor danes have to increase their leading skills, cause without exploits, bugs and game problems cannot play. [*] As someone said, end with PB's for me till Devs fix mechanics. I cant fight with bugers and exploiters without using bugs and exploits :/
  16. We have fought against 3 nations for 2 weeks. Oh God, so why we still have so many ports? They really should nerf us
  17. For those who are proud because of capturing Maracaibo: http://i.imgur.com/3MeD3Q8.png As you see, we, Dutch Nation, still have better results than three other nations who attacks us <3 (Only Spaniards are doing something more, cause they are fighting with Brits in Canalete area) Cheers <3 :* :*
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